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Ozeki Kotoshogiku

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I went to the proclamation of the new Ozeki Kotoshogiku this morning. I planned my travel to see this rare event, which might happen only 2 or 3 times in my life for one of my top favourites.

Kotoshogiku was more nervous and tensed than happy for the most part of the ceremony. We had to wait for the officials for maybe 45 minutes. Perhaps he still didn't believe that he made the big step.

I'm really happy Kotoshogiku achieved this aim, I'm glad that I was so optimistic to stay 3 days longer, and I appreciate that Sadogatske oyakata invited me to this event!

















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Wow. I'm glad you decided to stay. (Holiday feeling...)

BTW, who were the officials? The left one looks almost too handsome for sumo world...

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Time to recap what an Ozeki's perks are - 2,347,000 yen ($30,727) monthly sararee + gets to fly Business/First Class when flying happens, he can represent the Kyokai at certain functions, and is eligible to become a hyogi-in (trustee, and only if he has Japanese citizenship) so he will become the only active rikishi hyogi-in now. Of course, the makekoshi and the 10 wins after two of them to return, but that's common knowledge..

Edited by Kintamayama

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Time to recap what an Ozeki's perks are - 2,347,000 yen ($30,727) monthly sararee + gets to fly Business/First Class when flying happens,

One perquisite which has been mentioned is a personal parking spot.

How can an ozeki use that? Since all rikishi are forbidden from driving anyway, he can neither drive there nor use any lower-ranking rikishi servants as chauffeurs, so who do drive rikishis?

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It must have been amazing to have been present at such a special event. Thanks for sharing it with us!

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One perquisite which has been mentioned is a personal parking spot.

How can an ozeki use that? Since all rikishi are forbidden from driving anyway, he can neither drive there nor use any lower-ranking rikishi servants as chauffeurs, so who do drive rikishis?

Other people from the heya, I imagine. Managers, yobidashi, gyoji, tokuyama. Oh, and maybe the nice woman on his side may drive him? Given that Sadogatake-beya is pretty far away from Ryogoku and they have one or two ozeki for quite some time now, there must be a lot of experience in that matter.

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One perquisite which has been mentioned is a personal parking spot.

How can an ozeki use that? Since all rikishi are forbidden from driving anyway, he can neither drive there nor use any lower-ranking rikishi servants as chauffeurs, so who do drive rikishis?

Other people from the heya, I imagine. Managers, yobidashi, gyoji, tokuyama. Oh, and maybe the nice woman on his side may drive him? Given that Sadogatake-beya is pretty far away from Ryogoku and they have one or two ozeki for quite some time now, there must be a lot of experience in that matter.

The nice woman is the Okamisan :-D. Sadogatake Beya has a lot of stuff, so there is no problem to have drivers for the sekitori.

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Thanks for the pictures! You're right, he sure looks nervous. Good to finally see a few smiles, he is usually smiling all the time. He looks very different when he is serious but I hope he does take it seriously and aims for a memorable career at ozeki.




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Thank you for these! I have to say that, while the professional photos might be of technically better quality, you captured much more interesting, personal moments.

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I think the fewest will agree with me but I believe that Kotoshogiku will have better results as Ozeki than Harumafuji or Baruto. He has improved so much over the last year and is mentally really strong now.

I still believe that the retiring of Kotomitsuki was the best what could happen to him.Kotoshogiku always was the the odd man out. I still remember one of my first visits to the heya when the okamisan asked me who I support at the heya. Of course she thought it would be Kotooshu because he's european. I said no and she assumed it's Kotomitsuki. I told her, no it's Kotoshogiku. She was a bit stunned. .. Kotooshu and Kotomitsuki never really cared for him during training, they hardly spoke to him. Now everything changed, he gets the attention he needs. A new life starts for him now, one more step to go!

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I think the fewest will agree with me but I believe that Kotoshogiku will have better results as Ozeki than Harumafuji or Baruto. He has improved so much over the last year and is mentally really strong now.

There was a TV program about how Kotoshogiku went to develop his mental skills. He even visited a special coach to work out his weaknesses. It was Fuji TV I guess but I am not sure.

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I think the fewest will agree with me but I believe that Kotoshogiku will have better results as Ozeki than Harumafuji or Baruto. He has improved so much over the last year and is mentally really strong now.

There was a TV program about how Kotoshogiku went to develop his mental skills. He even visited a special coach to work out his weaknesses. It was Fuji TV I guess but I am not sure.

Yes I saw it in Japan, seems the program worked for him. :-)

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Prior to Nagoya basho there were also a couple of articles about him using some type of calligraphy exercise in order to build concentration and focus.

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Prior to Nagoya basho there were also a couple of articles about him using some type of calligraphy exercise in order to build concentration and focus.

Are you sure that it wasn't just to remedy his horrible hand writing?

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I have it on good authority that it is definitely the shades. Or the wall. Or the shades and the wall.

Edited by Kintamayama

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