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Takanoyama Retires

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A bit surprising, was the kyujo/injury so bad?

I will miss his unorthodox a d lightning-fast style. :-(

Happy I got the chance to see him live and close at the Izumo Jungyo last year.

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Also sad to see him retire.

I watched him at the Fukuoka Basho a few years ago.

As Takanoyama enter the dohyo, a guy sitting in front of us yelled out "Gaijin Power" everybody around laughed.

I may of read some place that he the only rikishi the crowd wont boo if he does a henka.

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He will return to the Czech Republic. Reason for retirement: "I mount the dohyo to win. I can no longer win.." Future? "I hope to find a job where I can utilize my knowledge of the Japanese language," he said. No date set for his danpatsushiki.

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I also am sad to see him go, but truth of the matter is that his kyujo would have sent him deep into makushita, where he would be very unlikely to ever bounce back up.

I wish him all the best in whatever he chooses to do from now on. And he can retire in the certain knowledge that at the very least, he managed to be memorable for sumo fans everywhere :).

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Big Kanpai to Takanoyama for all the spectacular entertainment and especially for helping to break down some of the stereotypical expectations from the ignoramuses (or is it ignorami or ignorazzis ) that continually repeat tired and unoriginal old cliches about Sumo.

I'm looking forward to a new compilation of all his best bouts of which there are many spectacular examples (hint hint - and gotsuandesu in advance to Araibira and Kintamayama and the other technologically gifted on the High Council in the Church of Sumotology.)

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I'm glad I could see him in his last sekitori basho, unfortunately both on days he lost, Natsu day 2 and 5.
I put the video(s) from day 5 on youtube, you won't see much of the bout itself (for that use Araibira's video) but the cheering is nice.

entering before the bout

The photos I took on day 2 with that video camera are not that good, but I'll make a facebook album of it nonetheless. (Araibira's video from day 2)

Edited by Akinomaki
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Big Kanpai to Takanoyama for all the spectacular entertainment and especially for helping to break down some of the stereotypical expectations from the ignoramuses (or is it ignorami or ignorazzis ) that continually repeat tired and unoriginal old cliches about Sumo.

I'm looking forward to a new compilation of all his best bouts of which there are many spectacular examples (hint hint - and gotsuandesu in advance to Araibira and Kintamayama and the other technologically gifted on the High Council in the Church of Sumotology.)


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I will miss him a lot. Great figure, great role model.

Intai not that surprising though, once Makuuchi, he couldn't even win in Makushita.

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Intai not that surprising though, once Makuuchi, he couldn't even win in Makushita.

Well it was only one bout this basho...

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He will return to the Czech Republic. Reason for retirement: "I mount the dohyo to win. I can no longer win.." Future? "I hope to find a job where I can utilize my knowledge of the Japanese language," he said. No date set for his danpatsushiki.

I am also interested in a job where I could use my knowledge of Japanese and of other languages. :-P

The best memory I have of him was a bout with Myogiryu, which could easily have given him the nickname of "The Plasticman".

I will be in Prague soon and take the opportunity to look for Bojar in the phonebooks. :-D

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He lasted a good deal longer as a sekitori than I expected him to, and his sheer persistence at this sport is to be admired, if nothing else. Ten years in the lower ranks before he made it to juryo!

I'll miss seeing him fight.

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I'll surely miss Czeching him out. I'll wish this bouncing Czech all the best.

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It's sad, too sad. I'll miss him (and Baruto)

He was in Makuuchi when I was showing sumo in lunchtime to my co-workers. One of them, a girl, get her attention caught when she saw "the skinny guy winning in the first division".

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A few pictures, starting with Takanoyama's intai press conference, joined by his shisho (former Maegashira Takanotsuru).












Basho-iri from the Natsu basho.



Asageiko before this basho.










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This was terrible news to start the day with. I liked Tak even more than I did Kotooshu. I hope he does well in the future and that his wife and child will not dislike their future home.

Anyway, now it will be near impossible for me to ever get Tak's autograph. Sigh...

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:-( Sorry to hear about Takanoyama's retirement. I enjoyed following him.

I wish him all the best.

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I'm glad I could see him in his last sekitori basho, Natsu day 2 and 5.

The photos I took on day 2 with that video camera are not that good, but I'll make a facebook album of it nonetheless.

Of course I had to put the dohyo-iri video(s) of day 5 on youtube as well, since they are one of my favorites.

Waiting and Takanoyama entering

the rest of the whole dohyo-iri with Takanoyama visible from time to time.

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I first saw him when he was competing in the Junior World Championship (Shiroikumi, who was his coach, introduced me to him), about 15 years ago. I *think* he took the bronze at that time, either in the open, or in his weight category. He did very well for his weight.....

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Sad, but inevitable. I will miss his kakenages, tottaris, utcharis and other -nages.

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