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Sumo Games Register

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I have to admit, I haven't tried to edit this just yet, it's still the list from the last time I did this. I wanted to add in the links to all the games so we could keep a running list for sticking or something. I'll work on that but here's a list of all the games I've found through Sumo Forum...

EDIT: Updated list further down...

If anyone can provide additions, deletions or updates please post so everyone can know exactly what games are available to play! (On the banzuke...)

Edited by Zeokage

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there is "21" (or is this the "guess the result"?) and "Makushita game"

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You missed the 4th Hungarian game Kongo and one game you play-Ying and Yang.

Cybersumo should be on the inactive list unless you know something I dont.

Good work anyway. (On the banzuke...)

Edited by Fujisan

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Guess the Result isn't the same as 21. I'll make sure to add that as well as Makushita Game. Same with Kongo and Ying-Yang.

The list there is a little retarded. It hasn't been updated since around June I think. So there will be a few things missing. I'm giving myself a day off exam revision tomorrow so I'll be going through all the links I have to see what I'm missing by my own recollection.

Thanks for the replies so far.

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Guess the Result isn't the same as 21. I'll make sure to add that as well as Makushita Game. Same with Kongo and Ying-Yang.

The list there is a little retarded. It hasn't been updated since around June I think. So there will be a few things missing. I'm giving myself a day off exam revision tomorrow so I'll be going through all the links I have to see what I'm missing by my own recollection.

Thanks for the replies so far.

I believe that "Mole in the Hole" has been renamed Draft Sumo. It was inactive last basho, but I believe it is supposed to reappear in January.


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I've tried to update this...

Pre-Basho Games

  1. Cibersumo
  2. Fantasy Sumo*
  3. GISP*
  4. Hoshitori*
  5. Juryo Game*
  6. Kongo
  7. Kumi
  8. Rotosumo*
  9. SalaryCap Sumo*
  10. Sekitori Oracle*
  11. UDH*
  12. Yin-Yang Sumo Balance
  13. Yoso

Daily Games

  1. Banzai
  2. Bench Sumo*
  3. Chain Gang*
  4. Draft Sumo
  5. ISP*
  6. S4*
  7. Sumo Game*
  8. Toto*
  9. Trio

Japanese Games

  • Daily
    1. Aim For Yokozuna (Yoso Taikai 1/3)
    2. Hashiweb Yoso+
    3. Yoso Taikai

  • Pre-Basho
    1. Aim For Yokozuna (G2)
    2. Aim For Yokozuna (PEG)
    3. Aim For Yokozuna (Ranking-sen)
    4. Norizo Cup*+ (Translation available on SF)
    5. Ozumo Bingo Game (Also in English)
    6. Paper Oyakata*+ (Also in English)
    7. Taka G1 Game+
    8. Taka's Quiz+

Banzuke Guessing Games

  1. Guess The Banzuke*

Forum Only Games (or at least those you apply to through an SF thread)

  1. 21
  2. Banzuke Surfing
  3. Banzuke Surfing - Second Wave
  4. Guess the Kotomitsuki
  5. Makushita Game
  6. Pick The Yusho Winners

German Games

  1. Guess the Result (Pre)
  2. Maegashira Game (Daily)
  3. Tip-Spiel* (Daily)


  1. Wasarabiyama's Hypothetical Bookmaker (BM)
  2. Wasarabiyama's Hypothetical Bookmaker Extra Banzuke Game

Seemingly Inactive

  1. Odd Sumo*
  2. Kazu's Grand Sumo Tournament Prediction Questionnaire
  3. Ozumo Race (Site doesn't work anymore)
  4. Pre-basho game at Komachi's World
  5. CyberSumo
  6. The Basho
  7. Norizo Yoban
  8. Neo Yoban
  9. 1-year after Yoban
  10. Japanese GISP

* = Super Banzuke games

+ = Yoso King games


  • I haven't been able to find Norizo's banzuke guessing games for a while. I think he changed sites. I can't find the Yoso King results either.
  • Aim For Yokozuna (G2) seems to have changed rules from the old Difficult game. It's now a Juryo version of the Taka's G1 Game.
  • I could be wrong about a few of the FOGs.

Ok, here's everything I could find. Next I want to link to all the games. Would the front page of each game be sufficient?

Also, if anyone could explain the bookmaker (and the extra banzuke, with their connection) I'd be grateful. I want to put a mini explanation of each Japanese game and possibly how to enter so everyone can take part (and overtake me instantly).

Edited by Zeokage

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I don't know if the game will run on january but in november, there was the test of Ozumo Bingo Game (*pre-basho* game, japanese, here's the link >>> )

thank you Doitsuyama for precision. (I am not worthy...)

Edited by Sakana

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Thanks both of you... that can't be all of them can it?

That makes 43 active games and 8 inactives that I know about...

Does the Aim For Yokozuna series have some sort of "super yusho" at the end?

Edited by Zeokage

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Maybe you should mention that 'Paper oyakata' is available in English aswell as Japanese so as not to deter those who dont speak or read Japanese from playing this great game.

Edited by Fujisan

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if anyone could explain the bookmaker (and the extra banzuke, with their connection) I'd be grateful.

大相撲仮想ブックメーカー(Ozumo Imaginary Bookmaker) is the game which guesses Makuuchi-yusho and Sansho.

Each gamer begins a game for the fund of 200両[Ryou](the monetary unit of the Edo period) on capital.

The gamer who finished 6basho during one year and increased capital most is a champion.

In January basho, the result of the previous year is reset and all gamers begin it from 200両 again every year.

You can also be participated from the middle of one year, and 200両 is paid in case you start.

The odds of each prize are shown for every basho about all rikishi of Makuuchi.

According to the odds, you can get a dividend.

You also need to guess Jyuryo-Yusho.

However, the odds for Jyuryo-Yusho do not exist.

The half of the 両 bet the wrong guess of each prize is returned to the gamer who guessed Jyuryo-Yusho right.

Although the gamer who went bankrupt in the middle of the year is able to enjoy a guess also after that, it cannot bet to the following year fundamentally.

Only the one financing method is a championship in a bonus game.

This bonus game is a game which guesses banzuke of 6rikishi specified before each Basho.

100 - 300両 is paid according to the situation of Yusho.

Explanation of vote form

大相撲仮想ブックメーカー(Ozumo Imaginary Bookmaker)

【倍率表】(odds table)

力士名(Rikishi) 地位(Banzuke) 部屋(Heya) 優勝(Yusho) 殊勲賞(Shukun) 敢闘賞(kantou) 技能賞(Ginou)

[example]琴光喜 西関脇 佐渡嶽 30倍(30

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I guess I can add the Banzuke Surfing (2nd Wave), Bingo Game and Maegashira game to this.

Any others still missing? 45 active games overall...

EDIT: Make that 46... seems there's a new Juryo version of the Paper Oyakata game in the Aim for Yokozuna series.

Edited by Zeokage

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If anyone can provide additions, deletions or updates please post so everyone can know exactly what games are available to play! (Holiday feeling...)

Sorry for the late reply. Here's my list (based on your earlier work, and used as a basis for further deadline script development):

Pre-basho Games

  1. Cibersumo
  2. Fantasy Sumo
  3. GISP
  4. Hoshitori
  5. Juryo Game
  6. Kongo
  7. Kumi
  8. Ozumo Bingo Game (since it has been translated)
  9. Paper Oyakata (ditto)
  10. Pick the Yusho Winners
  11. Rotosumo
  12. Salarycap Sumo
  13. Sekitori Oracle
  14. UDH
  15. Yoso

Daily Games

  1. Banzai
  2. Bench Sumo
  3. Chain Gang
  4. ISP
  5. SekiQuad
  6. Sumo Game
  7. Sekitori Toto

Sumo Forum Games

  1. 21
  2. Banzuke Surfing (and 2nd Wave)
  3. Guess the Kotomitsuki
  4. Makushita Game

Other Games (French and German forum games plus GTB)

  1. Guess the Banzuke
  2. Guess the Result (German forum game)
  3. Maegashira Game (ditto)
  4. Tip-Spiel (ditto)
  5. Trio (French forum game)
  6. Yin-Yang Sumo Balance (ditto)

Japanese Games

  • Daily
    1. Aim for Yokozuna 1/3
    2. Hashiweb Yoso
    3. Yoso Taikai

  • Pre-basho Game
    1. Aim for Yokozuna G2
    2. Aim for Yokozuna PEG
    3. Aim for Yokozuna Ranking
    4. Norizo Cup
    5. Taka's G1
    6. Taka's Quiz
    7. Wasarabiyama's Hypothetical Bookmaker (and Extra Banzuke Game)


  1. Draft Sumo
  2. Ichimon
  3. Higashi vs Nishi

Pick the Yusho Winners has a web site, so it isn't a forum game per se. I suggest putting the French and German forum games under a single heading. Isn't Wasarabiyama's Extra Banzuke Game somehow linked to the Hypothetical Bookmaker? I wish I could decipher the website to check. And AFAIK, Draft Sumo is missing some vital automations, so it should probably be considered beta.

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The Extra Banzuke game is basically a selective GTB (you guess the next rank for 6 rikishi or something) and if you get it right you get bonuses for the Bookmaker game.

You might want to note which "Other Games" are daily in that list. (Clapping wildly...)

As for PTYW, I don't know how public that game is even though there is a site for it... so I kept it in Forum Games until someone told me otherwise.

I wonder if a Kyujo/Kosho link could be something to add to each game in my list if it's available...

Edited by Zeokage

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PTYW is advertised on the Sumo Mailing List and has a website with regular results updates so it should be considered more than just a Forum game...

...and it is simple to play, everyone should give it a try!

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