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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/06/18 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Osunaarashi tweeted out some happy news a short time ago: https://twitter.com/Oosunaarashi/status/1009623135174385664
  2. 3 points
    Today was Takakaze's 39th birthday o ooo with Amakaze and Yago posing as 39 o o
  3. 1 point
    Tochinoshin finished keiko at the heya and plans to arrive in Nagoya on the 24th o Today from the NSK: Oitekaze-beya o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o with plenty of sekitori to do PR: Daishoho, Tobizaru, Tsurugisho o o ooo Daishomaru, Daiamami, Daieisho and Endo o o o o
  4. 1 point
    Daddy Jejima - of course - wants Bae Dat to win! But, until Bae Dat (and Fi Lik) are old enough to converse, they are aided by random picking (they get to press the buttons!). Looking at the round 2 l,ine-ups, I would say that Bae Dat has more chance than for round 1 (although Australia on 3rd slot may be the Achilles heel...)
  5. 1 point
    I just came across this video on YouTube. It's the NHK broadcast of the 37th National Middle School Championships. The broadcast starts with a match-up between two current sekitori, and features several other recognizable pros from high makushita to makuuchi. Can you spot them all? The channel seems to have just started, and has some other similar videos featuring pros in their earlier years. I would love to see even more of this stuff!
  6. 1 point
    Without mawashi it’s not sumo, it’s just wrestling. Any technique on the belt would be out the window.
  7. 1 point
    I stopped reading after: Almost impressive how much nonsense the writer managed to pack into that one sentence.
  8. 1 point
    Hakuhou trained his 9 year old boy at the heya lodgings today. Fundamental moves, then into the dohyo to face Ishiura and Yamaguchi, 3 bouts, results not given.. "Push harder," etc., said dad.
  9. 1 point
    Chiyonokuni's older brother ex-Chiyonoshin has - in Chiyonokuni's hometown Iga (also his own, but not his shusshin) - recently opened a new restaurant: "Dining Makuni" https://twitter.com/chiyonoshin_999/media. The name Makuni is another reading Ma- of the -shin of Chiyonoshin with the -kuni of Chiyonokuni. The signboard has tegata in the design - of Chiyonokuni o - looks similar to the Kokone-beya design panel of a calligraphy of Kokonoe-oyakata with tegata of the rikishi oo Last year he had closed his former yakiniku restaurant in Nagoya after 5 years and returned home. He prepares and serves the traditional Kokonoe salty chanko, but his head chef is a former classmate from middle school. o He and the guests can watch sumo on a 70inch TV o
  10. 0 points
    Group D - Refioji Nekonishiki Round 2 - Day 3 Ah well..... I wanted to write some summary about today's matches, with some calculations and ifs, but now it has no sense, I believe. Bae Dat began excellent, then there was a "not bad" continuation with Australia, and a "not so good" Slot #5 in the afternoon. Nothing looked to be lost yet.... and then the big bummer of the evening! Sorry, Little Peter, but since Argentina is your representative team, your chain has already broken, independently of whatever England will play. The match is not over at all, now it's the other Peter's turn to collect as many goals as possible. His representative team is Croatia, but, not too surprisingly, it is in Slot #8 only, and anything can happen in the chain earlier. As usually, there is still not too much to say about the second match. Tanetakahiro collected a draw in Slot #10. Jakusotsu has both the winning and losing team of the evening match, but not in that order which would be useful now. All his hopes are in Iceland now.