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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/25 in all areas
4 pointsThe first basho related task for the new yokozuna, the dohyo-iri at the Sumiyoshi-taisha before the Haru basho (Kyushu also has a Sumiyoshi one, but just simple jinja shrine, not the grand taisha, Nagoya the Atsuta shrine) - with the now proper attendants, Hiradoumi and Meisei with shrine visit and tsuna-shime for the sacred tree ooo o oo o oo o o o o
4 pointsHello everyone! Some of you guys might know me already from other sumo spaces online, but I wanted to do a proper introduction here. I'm Russ, and I first remember discovering sumo partway through 2022. I had seen the VICE video featuring the late Byamba, and it piqued my interest. I would spend my bus rides to school browsing posts about sumo, and I caught a few matches here and there. Finally, in 2023 I watched my first full basho, and the rest is history! I'm also an artist, and sumo instantly became one of the main subjects of my art. It's one of my favourite things to draw now! I've been lurking on here for some time and only just figured out how to make an account(lol) but I'm excited to start participating here. I'll see you all on the forum!
3 pointsThe site was updated along with many improvements. Check it out!
3 pointsComplete list of sign-ups, entrants in red without any information in the thread yet (happy googling!): Hashimoto Yamato (15) 橋本 大和 Dewanoumi Yamanobe Chikara (15) 山野邊 力 Dewanoumi Fukuzaki Maaru (18) 福崎 真逢輝 Fujishima MsTd Goshima Masaharu (22) 五島 雅治 Fujishima MsTd Soma Shunta (15) 相馬 駿太 Futagoyama Umeyama Sotaro (18) 梅山 颯大郎 Futagoyama Osanai Kaimu (18) 小山内 快夢 Hanaregoma Fukada Shinpei (15) 深田 新平 Ikazuchi Hashimoto Tatsuyuki (16) 橋本 辰幸 Ikazuchi Kadomura Issa (19) 門村 一茶 Isegahama Sato Ryoun (15) 佐藤 凌雲 Isegahama Yasuda Shoma (15) 安田 翔馬 Isegahama Terui Ryusei (18) 照井 隆世 Minato Hasegawa Keiji (20) 長谷川 恵司 Nishiiwa Jin Teppei (18) 神 哲平 Nishiiwa Matsunaga Sera (15) 松永 愛羅 Nishiiwa Futagawa Kosen (15) 二川 孔宣 Nishikido Sumiyoshi Yuma (15) 住吉 侑真 Nishonoseki Uchima Haruma (15) 内間 悠天 Nishonoseki Sawazaki Ko (14*) 澤﨑 鴻 Onoe Ginya Koki (15) 銀谷 皇輝 Oshiogawa Ishii Oshi (18) 石井 凰獅 Oshiogawa Kumai Ao (18) 熊井 碧 Oshiogawa Yokose Haruto (17*) 横瀬 陽翔 Oshiogawa Imada Kosei (24) 今田 光星 Otowayama Yamagishi Aoi (18) 山岸 蒼生 Otowayama Terao Shota (15) 寺尾 翔太 Sadogatake Matsuda Ten (19) 松田 天 Sakaigawa Takasu Aoi (15) 髙巢 葵 Tagonoura Yamauchi Toshihiro (15) 山内 敏博 Tagonoura Hirai Seiya (15) 平井 成耶 Takasago Kyoda Rikimaru (22*) 京田 力丸 Takasago Kido Taiga (18) 城戸 大河 Tamanoi Teranishi Ren (15) 寺西 蓮 Tamanoi (* = next birthday upcoming in March)
2 pointsFinally, some news! I'd been wondering if nobody was planning on training for this basho.
1 point(I registered for the full article, San-in Chuo Shimpo allows for 5 article views per month for free) While he's attending school in Shimane, 18-year-old Minami himself is from Tsuyama-shi, Okayama prefecture. 180 cm / 111 kg, and part of the sumo club only in his final school year just now. Nevertheless, he got to participate in the prefectural high school championship, the national Inter-High and the National Sports Festival, for the reason mentioned by Akinomaki. (As they say in real estate, "Location, location, location"...) Somebody involved with Hidenoyama-beya spotted Minami at the Inter-High and followed up with him again after the NSF, ultimately convincing him to give up his original post-graduation plan of attending nursing school. "I happened to see some sumo videos and it just looked so cool, so I went in", Minami explained the relatively late discovery of his passion for the sport. A youngster with a sincere character which, Hidenoyama says, will help Minami progress and grow as a professional, he's expected to make his debut in the Natsu honbasho. According to the Oki Fishery HS sumo club, Minami will be the first member to go into ozumo since Okinofuji, who joined in 2006 and retired last year.
1 pointYamanobe, the great-great grandson - 168cm, 77kg o o At Dewanoumi-beya, a photo of Tsunenoyama hangs at the keiko ground, his ancestor watches over him. with heya mate Hashimoto o o Fukuzaki uses his real name as shikona for the start, I guess Goshima as well, but Fukuzaki hopes to receive a rikishi-style shikona later from the oyakata o o o Goshima trained at the heya o he is the hope for Aichi pref. to get a sekitori again, after Kaisho dropped 2 years ago. Same Kasugai shusshin as Izutsu (Akiseyama), same Chukyo sumo club kohai. The NSK also shows Imada, with the standard Ima now o
1 pointA rare middle school kesho mawashi - actually the same as that of the high school, but new juryo Otsuji joined after graduation from Hotoku gakuen middle school. I haven't seen one from the school yet. Otsuji received it today at the school in Nishonomiya, Hyogo, accompanied by the oyakata, with shimekomi and akeni. In the middle the school emblem, on the green school colour. The emblem is a sakura flower, with the kanji 実 in the middle: the school name originally was Hotoku jitsugyo (industrial-), the kanji means sincerity and stands for putting into practice (jissen), and on the request of Otsuji the kanji phrase 以徳報徳 itoku-hotoku was added, from the words of Ninomiya Sontoku, on whose teachings the school philosophy is based https://www.hotoku.ac.jp/about/education https://www.hotoku.or.jp/sontoku/ and which had a great impact on Otsuji at school. The shimekomi is also in Otsuji's favourite green, but not the darker green of the school colour. http://hochi.news/articles/20250301-OHT1T51243.html?page=1 o o
1 pointIf he has to bow out of the Haru basho due to injuries from an over-tightened resolve, we'll all know who to blame.
1 pointNishikigi (East Maegashira 10) worked up a sweat today at degeiko at Sadogatake beya as well. He faced Ozeki Kotozakura, Sekiwake Daieishou and Maegashira Tobizaru, and felt he had done a good job, saying, "I was able to work with a variety of people, changing my approach depending on the opponent." After finishing with 8 wins and 7 losses in the last tournament, Nishikigi is hoping to get a boost in his bid to return to the sanyaku ranks this tournament. "I'm not feeling bad. There are a lot of young rikishis in my heya, so it's important to go for degeiko like this," he said.
1 pointKadoban Ozeki Kotozakura will be competing in Haru for the first time as a kadoban rikishi. Today, he had 21 matches against new Sekiwake Ouhou and Maegashira 1 Wakamotoharu, who came for degeiko.at the Sadogatake lodgings in Matsubara City, Osaka, and won 17 of them. "Even when I lost, I was on the offensive, and I fought well. There's one week left. I think I can do well." In the last tournament, when he was on a Yokozuna run, he had 5 wins and 10 losses, but he emphasized, "It's over now. I have no choice but to look at that experience as a necessary piece of the puzzle and take it in a positive way." Ouhou, who had 12 bouts, did not do as well as he had hoped. "My body was moving well, but I still lost because of my poor footwork at the tachiai. I need to improve from here," he said, tightening his resolve.
1 pointMaegashira 1 Wakamotoharu who was demoted from Sekiwake to Maegashira for Haru went for degeiko at Sadogatake beya in Matsubara, Osaka today. He faced Ozeki Kotozakura and new sekiwake Ouhou, who also came for degeiko, and commented, "I won't know until the tournament starts, but I think I'm in good shape." Last basho where he aimed for three consecutive double-digit wins, he ended up with a 6-9 makekoshi, with a seven-bout losing streak in the first half. On this day, he also defeated both sekiwake Ouhou and Daieishou, and added, "Degeiko is important for getting stronger. I'll shall gambarizet again."
1 point
1 pointAll 34 passed the initial exam and wait for the results of the medicals to be announced on day 1 as having passed - no foreigners, so all start at the basho focus on the 2 Fujishima msTD, especially the first from high school, Fukuzaki oo o Goshima oo o o local reports about Fukuzaki from yesterday vid
1 pointAlso, amazing re-blackening, attributed to either intervention by the gods of Sumo or Grecian Formula.
1 pointHis hair reappeared some time between intai and his first appearance as a shimpan, so about 4-5 years ago.
1 point
1 pointFWIW, archive.org has all the recent results currently missing from the DB archive. (I had to force the archiving of the Kyushu results at one point to keep it so.) Aki Kyushu Hatsu Haru (just in case the DB still isn't updated by the time the live site goes to the Natsu results...)
1 pointAbsolutely delighted with 21st place after a long absence, I'll be sure to get 211th next time round judging by how this game treats people.
1 pointThe point is that foreign fans don't have many good options to watch sumo and only sumo, and the rightsholders seem very keen on not giving them any options. If there's an option to pay for that includes only sumo and it's in English, that will make people not want to try to get around the rightsholders. The best way to prevent most piracy is to simply make an accessible and affordable option.
1 pointOh, that was a bigger jump than I'd expected in the overall ranking (was 11th after Hatsu). Finally getting to show off that yusho total.
1 pointand still no KK (AND I'm sure it will never happen in this game !)
1 pointI don’t intend to kink shame, but my perception of those who eagerly rushed to endorse these kinds of activities may have changed.
1 pointThe first Inosuke from Kanagawa pref., the 43rd had the tate gyoji promotion party on the 20th in the famous jungyo location Fujisawa (next the 30th on Apr. 12th fujisawabasyo.com) he uses the symbol of Kanagawa pref. on his gyoji attire https://www.nga.gr.jp/pref_info/symbol/kanagawa.html - a design of the kanji 神 kami from Kanagawa performing the dohyo matsuri routine (not yet for him, unless Shonosuke is ill) o o with the jungyo promoter, who is head of the ozumo Kanagawa koenkai, promoting ozumo in general o
0 pointsI think it's possible to have only one ozeki and no yokozuna. For example if Hoshoryu retires (although unlikely) and Kotozakura gets demoted after this coming spring basho?