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Everything posted by Hokkaiko

  1. Hokkaiko

    Olympic games , french TV

    https://vimeo.com/534080090 Advertisement of the French TV for the Tokyo Olympics - very nice video
  2. Hokkaiko

    Dog names and the rikishi

    She wasn't a dog but I gave her a Rikishi name - my rat was called * Toki *, she also had such a beautiful beard and loved to fight.
  3. Hokkaiko

    Who are these rikishi? (all photos from August 2019)

    The upper spectacle wearer looks more like Sakaekaze (Ogurumabeya) than one of Sadogatake beya.
  4. Hokkaiko

    Who are these rikishi? (all photos from August 2019)

    2nd pic , (left side) the Rikishi on the right is Musashiumi from Fujishimabeya.
  5. Hokkaiko

    Do you eat eggs for breakfast?

    Shinobi Steve : It is from an old German cookbook, around 1900, printed in Königsberg/Ostpreussen (now Kaliningrad)
  6. Hokkaiko

    Do you eat eggs for breakfast?

    We still have an old cookbook that says: If you don't have anything else in the house, take 40 eggs ...... That was still the good old time in all houses chickens were normal.
  7. Hokkaiko

    Corona and sumo

    As I understood Takayasu's mother, the Harubasho in Osaka takes place without spectators, only the wrestlers are there.
  8. Hokkaiko

    Araiso activities

    I made this video on day 9 at Natsubasho '19. Sorry it got so dark. https://youtu.be/SdZBXKeGXW
  9. Dewahayate got a lot of flowers today, I think he had his last bout today.
  10. Hokkaiko

    Trump coming to the basho

    Too bad the Trump comes so late in the day and possibly misses the fight of Obamaumi. Obama may not have had a trophy but at least for a long time a wrestler with a Shikona that is pronounced very similar to his name. (and also an Omamacity) Hope he wouldn't insist on an immediate change of name in Toranpuumi afterwards. :-o
  11. Hokkaiko

    Rikishi Status Aki 2018 - Day 15 Late Withdraws

    Fujiazuma? He is in Makushita. Jk 26 ist Fujikawa
  12. Hokkaiko

    Funny videos and photos of rikishi at play

    After rhyen draw my Attention to Amakaze's Special finger posture I made this Video ^^
  13. Hokkaiko

    Funny videos and photos of rikishi at play

    1. Kotoshogiku - Homarefuji - Takarafuji 2. Toyonoshima - Toyohibiki - Toyonoshima 3. Gagamaru - Kaisei - Gagamaru 4. Yoshikaze - Boody - Amakaze 5. Myogiryu - Goeido 6. Ikioi - Chiyomaru - Chiyootori 7. Endo - Okinoumi - Takekaze 8. Terunofuji - Aminishiki - Takarafuji - Homarefuji 10. Kakuryu - Asahisho - Takayasu 11. Hakuho
  14. Hokkaiko

    Videos - Natsu 2017- Days 1-15

    Today I had a little talk with oao (one and only) at the Kokugikan. I thank him for the videos and all the work to make them. He was very happy to met someone who knows him and his videos. We spoke about the database and he told me that he visit the database every day. But he don't know that you can see there a lot of his videos, behind the links, because here in japan we can't see the blue rectangle. He is a very nice young Japanes.
  15. Hokkaiko

    Asasekiryu intai

    Today he came up the stairs in Kokugikan next to me an was not out of breath like Nishikido and Musashimaru. (Ok, he had the operation) All people around spend him applause. He looks very good.
  16. Hokkaiko

    Official now-Kyokutenhou has retired

    Here my pics of the Danpastu https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10154207781058703.1073741852.741073702&type=1&l=4646c9a5a5 and from the After Party https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10154207842953703.1073741853.741073702&type=1&l=772beaea8d
  17. Hokkaiko

    What happened to Masunoyama?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg6TmbIrN0Q day 1 Natsu'16
  18. Hokkaiko

    Asayamabana Status

    Here you can see my video of his day 1 fight https://youtu.be/lnsy9bWjbbk
  19. Hokkaiko

    Natsu 2016 Videos- Days 1-15

    I made 49 Videos today, from Jonokuchi to Hakuho, but I have not the time to load them all on my youtube side now. No Huu from Kotoyuki and no complained concerning about unproper tachi ai. Tomozuna oyakata for Izutsu at the Dohyo.
  20. Hokkaiko

    Natsu '15 Rikishi Status - D14 Late Withdrawal

    Notozakura have his danpatsu on Senshuraku. :-(
  21. http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/2014/07/31/sumo-wrestlers-find-plane-seats-a-bit-snug/
  22. Hokkaiko

    Draws in sumo

    you can find something about it in the German Sumoforum.
  23. Hokkaiko

    Baruto Intai

    in the first pic, outside the Kokugikan, isn't this short guy Kimura Kankuro from Kitanoumibeya? Pic 8:http://s26.postimg.org/sqgdns7k9/Baruto08.jpg Baruto and moto Shirononami.
  24. Hokkaiko


    Jinku are Sumo folk songs, performed by Makushita and lower ranks (normally). A song is always including that contains the specialties of the town they are traveling throught. This genre was performed since 1716.