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Everything posted by Takamizawa

  1. Takamizawa

    Intai candidates 2010

    I can't help but wonder when Kimenryu will retire (Tears forming...)
  2. Takamizawa

    Sumo comedy routine

    I dunno if it was the timing or what, but the Tochiazuma one had me cracking up (Laughing...)
  3. Takamizawa

    Yokozunae preparations- Hatsu 2010

    Haha ya we were all laughing at how unenthused he looked throughout.
  4. Takamizawa

    Takanohana Oyakata to run for riji spot next year

    I have to admit... the suit is pretty badass. Sometimes the suit choices the oyakata make are rather... iffy, but the three piece pinstripe is just toooo cool (Holiday feeling...)
  5. Takamizawa

    Hatsu 2010 Banzuke

    The Miyabiyama picture is GOLD! (Whatever above, it is funny...) Well done!
  6. Takamizawa

    Double Digits

    I always heard it was Nagoya that had a slippery dohyo :-P
  7. Takamizawa

    New Juryo Gagamaru

    Not judging by what I've seen of him or what the database says about his kimarite. Hopefully he sticks around as a sekitori.
  8. Takamizawa

    Aki Basho 2009-Are you happy?

    I think the notion that without a Japanese yokozuna somehow sumo will disappear into oblivion is really flawed. Japanese people aren't so simple minded and ignorant that they will give up on sumo because foreigners are doing so well. Obviously a real Japanese star would increase popularity, but a lack of one won't kill the sport. Anyways, these are two of the reasons I am most happy, but I guess different strokes for different folks (Clapping wildly...) . It would've been nice to see an ozeki threaten the yusho, but I'll settle for a great performance from Baruto instead. The only real downside was Bush missing out on his prize due to that henka today.. ;-) . Still, I felt it was a great basho, and cheers to Asa for the guts pose! (I just wish he could've given the finger to Uchidate and all the haters while he was at it) (I am not worthy...)
  9. Takamizawa

    Ms. Uchidate- "We are not pleased!"

    My god, Uchidate is never happy :-). I'm really hard pressed to think of someone in the sumo world I dislike more than her...
  10. Takamizawa

    Chiyotaikai - time to retire

    OK, I accept that no rikishi can wrestle on into infinity, though I don't think that that point was ever in doubt. But your self-indulgent use of ellipses fails to answer the question: why does Chiyotaikai have to retire now if he doesn't want to? He doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to, but he really should retire at this point. It's so sad seeing how powerless he is to win these days, and no matter what people say he will be better preserving his dignity and legacy if he retires now. Unlike Kaio, he simply cannot win with his sumo in a legit manner anymore. Do you think all those magical 8-7 tournaments after a kadoban one were completely on the up and up or something? (Applauding...) While everyone trades favors, it's another thing entirely to completely rely on them to maintain your rank. He's had a great run, but it's time to call it quits.
  11. Takamizawa

    Aran vs. Takamisakari - Day 9

    Hansoku seems to appear more and more frequently nowadays. It happened 13 times in Makuuchi since 1955, 8 times after 2003. Last time it occured was Haru Basho 2009. Anyone wants to speculate about the increasing of hansoku? Prolly has something to do with the more frequent use of pulling techniques. More pulling = more chance of pulling someone's hair... like 1st grade all over again T_T.
  12. Takamizawa

    Day 1 results and day 2 pairings

    And congratulations to Kyokutenho for winning on his birthday! :-)
  13. Takamizawa

    Sumo Books written in English

    Sumo Showdown: The Hawaiian Challenge by Philip Sandoz A thin book that profiles the big named Hawaiian rikishi, as well as Takanohana and Wakanohana. Lots of nice color pictures, but not much in terms of depth. Also, I figured I'd comment that I actually really loved Gaijin Yokozuna, including the writing style and technique. It read like a novel rather than a biography, which was rather refreshing. (Eh?) About the Joy of Sumo, I really liked the section on giving nicknames to rikishi to help remember them, cause I definitely did this when I first go into sumo, and I still refer to many rikishi by my invented nicknames. B-)
  14. Takamizawa

    documentary about Kyokushuzan

    Yo don't feel sorry mate, I'll keep searching around for a host site with it that will play in Japan. If anyone else finds one please please let us know; my eternal gratitude will ensue! (I am not worthy...)
  15. Takamizawa

    Asashoryu's 25th kinboshi

    Six-pack of beer on Miyabiyama! Woo! (Enjoyable TV program...)
  16. Takamizawa

    Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

    He wouldn't have to lie if the Japanese media didn't make such a big deal out of every trip back to Mongolia... Personally I don't see why the media cares so much :-(
  17. Takamizawa

    Hakuhou news and Aki 2009 preparations

    Mongolian food is about 80x more delicious than Japanese food (Sign of approval...) Any Mongolian restaurant recommendations in Tokyo? I've actually never been to Tokyo :-) sorry. Now if you were in Kyushu or Kansai...
  18. Takamizawa

    Hakuhou news and Aki 2009 preparations

    Mongolian food is about 80x more delicious than Japanese food (Sign of approval...)
  19. Takamizawa

    Most Popular Athlete

    That's really interesting! Do you have the source of this by any chance? I think it would be highly useful for a presentation I'm making for my advisor. Thanks! (Sign of approval...)
  20. Takamizawa

    Day 13 results and day 14 pairings

    This should read: "Aminishiki disappointed today by robbing us of what should have been an exciting bout." :-O Honestly a huge dick move given Mitsuki was in the yusho race and Ami already had his KK. What a letdown (Shaking head...) ; luckily the two yokozuna matches were quality at least.
  21. Takamizawa

    Doreen comments on TV (Day 8)

    I usually prefer the Japanese announcers, but I actually opted to switch to the English commentary when I saw that Doreen was on. Very enjoyable! (I am not worthy...)
  22. Takamizawa

    Asashoryu v. Goeido

    Guhh people will always find something to complain about Asa for (I am not worthy...)
  23. Takamizawa

    Can't forgive Taikai

    Why not? It's cheating, plain and simple; and it de-values the 2nd highest rank in the sport. The only one worth his salt (pun intended) is Harumafuji. The rank appears to be nothing more than a retirement home for the rest of them and it disgusts me that they are so obvious in it. It's also a pity to see rikishi I like (Baruto) already playing the game and laying the groundwork for if he ever gets in and needs a cheat win too. And I also have a problem with these pathetic euphamisms that get trotted out like 'back scratching' or 'lethargic sumo'. It is LETTING your opponent win, it is cheating. Why not? I guess maybe I'm just not as easily bothered by it as some people? This tends to be my kind of reaction to most things of a dubious nature, more apathetic than outraged. Still, it's not as if I enjoy yaochozumo, but for me it isn't anything to be particularly upset about. It doesn't ruin sumo for me or anything, so I'm willing to just let it slide/ignore it for the most part. Don't get me wrong though, I can understand where the disgust comes from; I even find myself groaning whenever Kaio has a match these days. If sumo was perfect, there wouldn't be any yaocho, but as it is now (with the current ozeki rules) the logical path for most ozeki to follow (from their point of view) is favor-trading if they cannot threaten for the yusho. It would be nice if it weren't so obvious though..