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About jakking

  • Rank
  • Birthday 29/10/1949

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  • Location
    Vancouver BC


  • Favourite Rikishi
    Harumafuji, Kotooshu, Kisenasato
  1. jakking

    NO live broadcast of Nagoya basho

    So, has any decision been made about NHK televising the September basho?
  2. jakking

    New committee established to deal with gamblers

    If the association -- tight or light -- with yakuza is not affecting the sport as a sport, who cares? Yakuza are a police problem, not something that a sports assoc should have to turn themselves inside out for. We know that yakuza are involved in all sorts of industries. Are they closed down? Is all construction at a standstill? Are movies still being made? Are banks still open? This is just madness! If the yakuza are causing bouts to be thrown, step on them. Otherwise, let's get on with ozumo!
  3. jakking

    KaioU injured

    It was completely within the context of the discussion about Kaio's friends "helping him out" and how Kotooshu was exempt from this as he is still challenging for the yusho. If not fixing the bouts (and as we are chatting in English, I think the Anglo-Saxon "fix" is more appropriate), then how did you think Kaio's friends could help him?
  4. jakking

    KaioU injured

    You yourself said: "Then why wouldn't Kaio tape up the shoulder, go out there and let two of his friends slip on banana peels, and then go kyujo?" If that doesn't mean fix the contests then please explain what it DOES mean? OK "mortal sin" was too strong but why would fixing bouts be less awful than socializing with shady characters? From any sporting point of view, fixes are the gravest possible sin.
  5. jakking

    KaioU injured

    I know I am not Japanese but I don't get how faking contests -- for that is what we are talking about -- is apparently OK to help out Kaio, but betting on a game of cards in the heya is a mortal sin.
  6. jakking

    Rikishi Talk Day 8 Nagoya Basho 2010

    Let me add my thanks, too, for this wonderful service.
  7. jakking

    Scandal fallout

    How would the tempriji's presence have made any difference whatsoever? Are you suggesting he should be walking the aisles checking on drinking in the crowd? If so can you say the last one that did so.
  8. FWIW, I have consistently been unable to get the stream from Goo in either IE or Firefox.
  9. jakking

    Asashouryuu-after intai preparations

    Just to be quite clear what we're talking about -- this is the 'connected' owner of the bar, right? Orion Right. Who, it is reported/suggested elsewhere on the forum, deliberately provoked Asa.
  10. jakking

    New committee established to deal with gamblers

    And he's going to complete the set on the 21st with a trip to Osaka to do the same thing with their police force. Sounds like he's doing useful stuff rather than sitting about waiting for something to happen in Nagoya.
  11. jakking

    Scandal fallout

    They missed the one sitting next to us from 8:30 this morning who was obnoxious before 10:00. He caused a loss for Shibahara as he screamed out to him you must win because you are from this prefecture... Shibahara looked over and then missed it on the tachiai. Gave that man some serious piercing look as he walked away from the dohyo! Why blame the drunk when it was Shibahara who lost concentration and blew the match? Surely a true rikishi would ignore all outside influences.
  12. jakking

    Rikishi Talk - Day 1 2010 Nagoya Basho

    Let me add my sincere thanks too. This is about as close as I can get to the basho this time.
  13. jakking

    Heya Financing Model

    I must assume from the silence on this issue -- so unlike the noisiness of all the other topics -- that no-one knows the answer to my question.
  14. jakking

    Hazing vs. Punishment

    This was an illegal assault causing death; why are we even debating what it should be called?
  15. jakking

    Kotooshu to undergo a surgery on his knee

    Are we any clearer about whether he had surgery or not? (And thanks for the translation!)