I am the Yokozuna

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  1. I am the Yokozuna

    Banzuke for Haru 2025

    is there any stats somewhere or a link showing fastest rising rikishis to the yokozuna rank? thanks
  2. I am the Yokozuna

    Invitation to Play GTB - March 2025 - 359 entries - RESULTS!!

    Thanks for the explanation @Jakusotsu
  3. I am the Yokozuna

    Invitation to Play GTB - March 2025 - 359 entries - RESULTS!!

    Can I ask why the M18 is on the East side and not on the west for balance of the banzuke and having 21 rikishis on each side?
  4. I am the Yokozuna

    Paris Sumo Exhibition Info and Dates

    Most of those most expensive seats would be used for corporate hospitality or governmental one - i.e. Japanese embassy in Paris invites various important people like the French Prime minister. They would be first to run out.
  5. I am the Yokozuna

    Asanoyama condition

    well played, sir
  6. I am the Yokozuna

    Terunofuji intends to retire

    I was wondering, as I cannot recall, are there any instances, or rumors, of him behaving badly or causing any issues off the dohyo?
  7. I am the Yokozuna

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    It was mentioned on the broadcast yesterday that a 2/3 majority would be necessary
  8. I am the Yokozuna

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    So good sumo and always attacking and those three losses are something that have happened were the reasons as far as I heard to deliberate it.
  9. I am the Yokozuna

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    So, they would discuss it at the Yokozuna Deliberation Committee in the following days, so there is a chance. I think in Hoshyoryu's favor it could be the fact that he did a lot of yorikiri sumo, and for me at least, a yokozuna is someone who does a belt sumo. Three wins on a final day without looking troubled is also a very good factor in his favor. Despite the three losses it was a pretty solid basho for the Nephew.
  10. I am the Yokozuna

    Lower division celebs results

    I could ask her too - has anyone any impressions from Demi - St. Hakuho? Any chance of him breaking into paid ranks soon?
  11. I am the Yokozuna

    Good news for Euro sumo fams

    So what is the point of the thread? A placeholder? You would not provide us any inside information that we could use to exercise any trades on it. We would find the info from Kinta’s or Akinomaki’s great summaries anyhow. At least the guy with thousands threads for each article he stumbles on at least provides some info. The Daily Mail would be proud if you joined them.
  12. I am the Yokozuna

    Good news for Euro sumo fams

    They would start probably their presale for patrons or whatever they call now their members. But what value does this thread bring?
  13. I am the Yokozuna

    Uniqlo- official sponsor of the Kyokai

    Do not care much about the jackets, but thanks for posting how some of the rikishis from the recent past look like right now.
  14. I am the Yokozuna

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Anyone with some impressions with St. Hakuho? He is at 2-2 so far this tournament but has anyone watched him to elaborate how he is doing?
  15. I am the Yokozuna

    Terunofuji intends to retire

    wow his son is a carbon copy of his father in his father when he used to be younger.