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About Bataarkhu

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  1. Bataarkhu

    Day 15 results, yusho and sansho

    Congratulations, Brother, this Yusho was the best and will always remembered by Mongolian people. (Shaking head...)
  2. Bataarkhu

    Asashouryuu preparations- Hatsu 2009

    Asashoryu is a fighter, dignity is not his main goal, winning is it. ... Exactly. When he lost the last seeds of dignity when he ran and hid crying like a small baby, the only thing he has to compensate with, is winning. And when he doesn't do even that now - he just looks like a fool... Who looks like a fool now??? l (Shaking head...)
  3. Bataarkhu

    Asashouryuu preparations- Hatsu 2009

    Oh Asa, how could you crumble like that without any dignity left???? (Sigh...) Little advice to Sashohitowa: Don`t believe everyhing that is written in the newspapers. (Shaking head...)