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Everything posted by Chiyomaru

  1. Chiyomaru

    Forum by gender

    :-( Yep !! I did so, better late than never !!! :-D
  2. Chiyomaru

    Eurosport Commentators

    (Arguing...) Do this commentators KNOW ANYTHING about sumo ???? I am sure that most of us sumo forum members could be much better commentators !!!! (Neener, neener...)
  3. Chiyomaru

    Eurosport Commentators

    (Applauding...) The dutch commentators also don't know where they are talking about, one says all the time that Kotomitsuki is an Mongolian. And every basho he is making the same silly old jokes. (Sign of disapproval)
  4. Chiyomaru

    Which Rikishi irritates you the most?

    (Shaking head...) Asashoryu..... I can't STAND him..... (Going kyujo...) (Heart) Chiyotaikai (Protesting...) is my man..... (Welcome...)
  5. Chiyomaru

    Cuuuuuute pics

    ;-) How cUUUUUUte !!!!!!! (Heart)
  6. Chiyomaru

    Your life as a sumo-fan....

    (Applauding...) When I told the people around me that I was a sumo-fan I got all sorts of different reactions. My husband was really NOT happy about it in the beginning, although he was the one who introduced me to this fantastic sport. He was very jealous and wanted me not to watch it any more, how pathetic !! (Sign of disapproval) !!! But now he is used to it and he is only bullying me by supporting the rikishi I don't support and when Chiyotaikai has lost, it really makes his day!!! (Jumping on the other guy...) My mum is completely horrified because I like sumo, the fact that it is all about overweight people is disgusting her. My dad and junior brother make great fun of me. And what about my friends ?? One of my highschool friends is very OK with it, she is even surfing the web for me to find nice pictures !!! One of my very best friends really disappointed me. In the beginning she liked it that I was a sumo-fan, she was the one who gave me my very first Chiyo picture. She thought that it was just a passing fling, but since she has found out that I still like sumo, she wants to stop our friendship, because she doesn't understand and accepts my sumo fascination. (Blinking...) She says that we don't have anything in common again. And last but DEFENATELY not least : I also found a new friend who likes sumo just as much as I do !!!! (Blinking...) (Clapping wildly...) I met her through this forum !!! I am very curious how your family and friends are thinking about it !!!!
  7. Chiyomaru

    Some more pictures

  8. Chiyomaru

    What Colour would yours be?

    It will be either black or purple, but purple is my favourite color !!! :-S
  9. Chiyomaru

    Your life as a sumo-fan....

    Sumo also means everything to me, (Applauding...) it gives me self-acceptance. I really don't care what the people around me think about the fact that I feel attracted to fat men. (Heart) (In love...) It's a pity that you don't find men like this in Europe, I never came across them yet. (Sign of disapproval) This summer B-) I am walking around in my sumo t-shirts right through this silly village that I am living and I don't care a thing of what they are going to say behind my back !!! :-S
  10. Chiyomaru

    Are you addicted to sumoforum?

    :-P Unfortunately I cannot spend more than 5 hours a week at this forum, because I don't have internet at home..... (Depressed...)
  11. Chiyomaru

    Favourite of all time

    Added. B-) Good, because I know that Chiyomaru will probably be online on Wednesday :-) :-) Thanx a lot !!!!!! I just gave :-) Chiyo (Heart) his first vote !!! :-P
  12. Chiyomaru

    Favourite of all time

    (Heart) CHIYOTAIKAI !!!! :-P
  13. Chiyomaru

    What are you Fan or Sumo?

    (Punk rocker...) I am a BIG fan and (Clapping wildly...) I also look like a sumo: a big body and long black hair !!! (Laughing...)
  14. Chiyomaru

    Taikai back on track?

    (Eh?) Please, don't disappoint me, Chiyo....
  15. Chiyomaru

    Your life as a sumo-fan....

    :-| My colleagues don't have a problem with the fact that I am a sumo-fan, when there is a basho on Eurosport, it seems like a lot of them are also watching it, at least for some minutes. When they see me the next day, they say that they were thinking of me the previous night when they were watching Eurosport and they saw those big men from Japan :-P But my classmates think I am crazy, but I really don't care !!!! (Eh?)
  16. Chiyomaru

    Your life as a sumo-fan....

  17. Chiyomaru

    Happy birthday Ilovesumo-

    (Clapping wildly...) HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! (Applauding...)
  18. Chiyomaru

    Your life as a sumo-fan....

    You KNOW this ain't . . . . . although i don't know if you give him reasons to be jealous............ (Applauding...) now much DO you like Chiyotaikai ??????? (Blinking...) This much : (Heart) (Clapping wildly...) (Heart) He is my favorite rikishi...
  19. Chiyomaru

    Your life as a sumo-fan....

    (Applauding...) Thank you for your reaction !!!! (Blinking...) I also glow and sparkle when I talk about sumo and it is a party in my house when I am watching it. (Bouncing group) I felt so lonely when I just became a fan, now I am happy that I can share things with other fans. Please, don't let them close this forum, or I will really CRY !!!!! (Clapping wildly...)
  20. Chiyomaru

    Chiyotaikai - Kaio

    (Applauding...) Go for it, Chiyo !!!! (Clapping wildly...)
  21. Chiyomaru


    Thanks for posting the picture, Kotoseiya-zeki! This little fellow is a present from Chiyomaru-zeki. She gave it to me when she visited me last Thursday to watch sumo tapes together. She made this herself (wow!) (Laughing...) (Eating...) Isn't he just cuuuuuuute? :-P ;-) :-D I am so glad you like it !! :-D
  22. Chiyomaru


    (Laughing...) Thank you !!!!! (Sign of approval)
  23. Chiyomaru

    Who will disappoint the most?

    For me Chiyotaikai is number one (Heart) (Laughing...) (Heart) no matter what his prestations are in the dohyo....
  24. Chiyomaru

    Rikishi's nicknames

    Kintaro calls Miyabiyama "Fetid Carcass" :-) and Kotomitsuki "Man with the Glass Jaw" or "Of Optical Happiness" If you wanna add "personal" nicknames too, then I have called: Kasuganishiki: the Jay-Leno-Chinned One Miyabiyama: Chartreuse Mawashi'd Wobblemonster Ushiomaru: The Ultimate Porker Dejima: Pinkest of all Rikishi Tosanoumi: the Human Bowling Pin Tamanoshima: Birdface, or Chinless One Tokitsuumi: Pretty Boy Takekaze: Cannon Ball Run Kotoryu: Soccer Ball Belly oh yeah, and Musoyama: Future Ex-Ozeki (Applauding...) I think there were more, but I can't remember anything else right now... Ushiomaru the Ultimate Porker ????? But he has such a cute face. He is just a big soft cudly teddybear..... (Weeping...) :-D (Hugging and blushing...)
  25. Chiyomaru

    How long have you been a fan of sumo?

    Yes. After that match, I became even more a Kotonowaka fan than I already was. I've got a picture of it in my personal collection. I'll send it to Kotoseiya-zeki, so he can post it for me. Well, certainly not me :-D . About 8,5 years or so, it was somewhere in 1995. (Weeping...) My husband introduced me to sumo in the fall of 1996, but I became a very big fan in the spring of last year. Now it means everything to me, well, almost everything...... :-D