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Everything posted by Chiyomaru

  1. Chiyomaru

    Sumo game/toy from the 1970s

    (Neener, neener...) Thanks for this pic! That is one sumo doll appreciating boy! :-S I am feeling a lot better now seeing this (Laughing...)
  2. Chiyomaru

    Happy Birthday Onnagumo

    (Sign of disapproval...) Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag! (Holiday feeling...) Maak er een gezellige dag van! (Birthday!)
  3. Chiyomaru

    Sumo game/toy from the 1970s

    "I know the feeling, although with me, sumo toys were "above being destroyed." Look what my son did to the sumo toy I made for him...
  4. Chiyomaru

    Sumo game/toy from the 1970s

    That's a very nice toy! ;-) I wish my kids were treating their toys so good that they still look wonderful after so many years! ;-)
  5. Chiyomaru

    Hi Everyone

    (Clapping wildly...) Hello and (Sign of approval...)
  6. Chiyomaru

    Happy birthday, Doitsuyama!

    Happy birthday to you! (Applauding...)
  7. Chiyomaru


    (Weeping...) Hello and welcome! (Applauding...)
  8. Chiyomaru

    Adoptee/lower division-favourites pics

    You surely have a nice adoptee, Onnagumo! ;-)
  9. Chiyomaru

    Adoptee/lower division-favourites pics

    Thanks for the Sawada pic! ;-)
  10. Chiyomaru

    Kyushu Basho - Pics Day 09

    Wonderful pics!! B-) I especially like the 2nd Kotomitsuki - Takekaze pic, very artisic! (Whistling...)
  11. Chiyomaru

    Some pics of Day 08

    Great pics! :-) Homasho looks a little surprized :-O
  12. Chiyomaru

    Asashouryuu? My ears? My years?

    You're not the only one, I heard it too! But I have no idea if I am older than you or not (Neener, neener...)
  13. Chiyomaru

    Video of Musoyama vs. Chiyo?

    Yes, I would like to see it too! I've heard from Onnagumo that it's a fantasic bout, but she could not find it as well :-)
  14. Chiyomaru

    Happy Birthday Fay and Chiyo!

    (Birthday!) Fay! Have a nice party! And all the very best birthday wishes from Andy, Chiyo and me :-)
  15. Chiyomaru

    Happy Birthday Fay and Chiyo!

    :-) Happy birthday to my sweet daughter Chiyo! :-D 3 years already today, time flies... All the best birthday wishes from us!
  16. Chiyomaru

    And now- Baruto is in a pickle

    This is him, the small guy on the left ;-)
  17. Chiyomaru

    And now- Baruto is in a pickle

    Just curious: who is the author of this article? I never heard of that blog before. His name is Jacob Adelman and he is from Los Angeles and he is a journalist who spend some time in a heya and wrote a blog about his experiences over there.
  18. Chiyomaru

    And now- Baruto is in a pickle

    I found the article from In the hall of the Mountain Kings: But when I reached the top of the steps, I was surprised to see a pointy pair of women's zippered boots outside the room. When I slid open the door, there was Iki sitting on the floor sorting photographs next to a girl in a short skirt and thigh-high stockings. I did a double take. I had never seen a woman in the stable's upper levels, and had only seen a small handful even in the common room. It never even occurred to me that a woman could exist in the wrestlers' bedroom: it was such a boys' room. But there she was. She was hot too, and in her early twenties if that. I tottered at the door, unsure if I was seeing a mirage. Then, finally, I said, "Konnichi wa," and walked in. "Harry Potter!" Iki greeted me. Then to the girl, he said, "You speak English, talk to him." But instead, she told a story
  19. Chiyomaru


    (Hugging...) Hello and ;-)
  20. Chiyomaru

    Diashow Aki Basho

    :-) Thank you!!! (Applauding...)
  21. Chiyomaru

    Diashow Aki Basho

    :-) Very nice!
  22. Chiyomaru

    Tamanoi Blog

    The words were coming straight from his heart, I am touched by it.
  23. Chiyomaru

    Happy birthday, Fujisan!

    Happy birthday to you! (Holiday feeling...)
  24. Chiyomaru


    :-( Hello and (Sign of approval...)
  25. Chiyomaru

    See you ...

    (Tears forming...)