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Everything posted by sekihiryu

  1. On behalf of Kotoviki have info on a pair of prime first row chair seats available on Sunday. 9500yen each. Need to let me know ASAP if anyone wants them. thanks.
  2. sekihiryu

    Le Carnage al Orange de Chaingangage

    My goal is to get to Day 15, I don't care if I win or not, I just want to get Day 15! heck I think I might have equalled my all time record of day 10 today. Usually I sink on day one or two. If I get to day 15 then I have won, If manage to win overall too, then that would be the cherry on top.
  3. sekihiryu

    Sumo Game Deadlines

    No, the deadline was changed from 2 pm to 3pm about 4-5 years when I questioned the logic of the 2 pm deadline when the Makuuchi doesn't start until 4pm or 3:30 pm on Shonicihi. The guy who runs it agreed and bumped it to 3pm.
  4. sekihiryu

    Is sumo being turned into "Japanese Idol"?

    I think it prudent to clear up the "flag issue", the flags (signed by many of the Rikishi from the country the flag is from) are there to support the Rikishi from that country - no more no less, there are no other motives, there is even a Japanese flag in the collection that comes out for some of the Japanese rikishi. In fact I think the lady in question supports the Japanese rikishi more. The flags are an easy way of showing support to those guys often lonely and far from home. Some of the oyakata (probably the same guys had been calling for Asashoryus head for years) are not pleased, someone said, well how about the other oyakata who thank her personally for supporting their younger charges?, who are pleased to have someone interested in their welfare and progress. How about the mothers and family members of the young new recruits who befriend the lady in question who know they have a caring third party they can contact, who is looking out for their children, who are living away from home in sumo stable at age 16? they are more than pleased. I have sat and watched sumo with this lady in question at the end dozens of Japanese people came past smiling, giving compliments. A woman with three young children with her, was more than happy to have us behind her because when we arrived, the until then bored restless children began having fun and got caught up in the cheering. They left with happy faces. She is passionate, devoted and a very caring person. Yes, she is loud and this thread has highlighted that it has ruffled a few feathers, but the "ruffled feathered" are in the minority. You would get along well with Eric Blair the ruffled contributor from SFM magazine, "he" got upset about a topic like this a while back. You have made your point and you want her to tone it down? perhaps she will take on board your anonymous suggestions but, she is who she is, enthusiasm and passion are hard to bottle in quantities she possesses..... Actually the thing that irks me the most is the "e-sniping" - people hiding in the anonymity of the Internet, not contributing except to pop out suddenly like a sniper and take a shot and then disappear....or even worse making fake accounts to to do the e-sniping. My name is Dean, what's yours? Since we are dropping kanji how about this one --->卑怯 * *cowardice
  5. sekihiryu

    Game Talk - Haru 2010

    holy smokes! 92 people with perfect days. 9.25 average. 9.78 in Makkuuchi. wow. Boy I am glad that Susanoo had a bad day today and let me have the win. Its sucks to lose when you score 10 points! Gotta think about order a lot more with SG now, put the surefire win lower ranked guys up higher in the list to get the edge in the tiebreakers.
  6. sekihiryu


    I don't know how he is now, but for those who are concerned I can only offer my account. I was in the first row of masu seats watching it unfold He landed heavily on the back of his head. His opponent won by uchigake (insdie leg trip) In that illustration, Ryuden is the guy on the right, Takanoiwa landed on him with all his weight, what compounded it was Ryuden was desperately trying to pull off a shitatenage - so was resisting with all his might, perhaps his right knee gave way?, that could explain it, but either way all of sudden Ryuden collapsed backwards landing on the back of his head. Not a good place to be . He was knocked out stone cold lying motionless, a couple of blue-jacketed oyakata quickly went to his aid. After about 20 secs of lying motionless they tried to sit him up, but he was completely out of it. He couldn't stand at all and was helped away by the blue-jackets under each him. A very bad concussion. Hope he is OK.
  7. sekihiryu

    The new Kotomitsuki

    I went to see a bit of sadisticgatake keiko the other day ( shogiku was really working one poor kid so much my friend who I took along look horrified - I told him you should have seen it a few years back when shinai, 2 x 4's, shovels were still in vogue) Mitsuki and Oshu both did"Sweet FA" is the session. Only shogiku was doing anything of the big three.
  8. sekihiryu

    Banzuke Surfing Haru 2010 (2nd Wave)

    ms23e tochihiryu
  9. sekihiryu

    Banzuke Surfing Haru 2010 (6th Wave)

    Jd84 enshunada
  10. sekihiryu

    Banzuke Surfing Haru 2010 (5th Wave)

    Sd25e terashita
  11. sekihiryu

    Banzuke Surfing Haru 2010 (4th Wave)

    Ms33e Azumaryu
  12. sekihiryu

    Banzuke Surfing Haru 2010 (3rd Wave)

    Sd25e terashita
  13. sekihiryu

    Asashoryu INTAI - Feb 4 2010

    another video from intai day this one (12mins) from another channel (in Japanese) a news show called zero. Akebono pops up on a panel to put in his two cents worth. Again keep these videos on the 'down low' on the forum, so forum members can enjoy. Recording started part way through.
  14. sekihiryu

    Asashoryu INTAI - Feb 4 2010

    20 min video of Asa on the headline news in English Keep this one on the quiet and among the forum - lest it gets quickly pulled. I put it on a video site called Vimeo (takes longer vids than youtube). Lasts nights headline news in English (dubbed).
  15. sekihiryu

    Asashoryu INTAI - Feb 4 2010

    Not to me and not to a lot of people. Anyone can be a thug and a bully. That's boring. Watching someone show complete self control and embody the ideal of a yokozuna both on and off the dohyo is a helluva lot more interesting. actually the more I contemplate the more I think boring is the wrong word, it is hard to call his surgically precise sumo boring as such, No, I think what puts many off Hakuho is his seeming lack of "charisma". While loaded with hinkaku and talent he has a Gerald Ford-ness about him.
  16. sekihiryu

    Asashoryu INTAI - Feb 4 2010

    making news everywhere I was just watching BBC and who should be interviewed about it live...none other than a nervous looking James Hardy...yes James I was watching. :-P
  17. sekihiryu

    Asashoryu INTAI - Feb 4 2010

    I am. He was set to survive the latest affair. Definitely. In the intai press conference Takasago mentions it was Asashoryu's decision and mindset. He seemed sincere, and as far as I can tell he was never great at hiding his real emotions. watching the NHK news now, some chap just said (well translated to English) the Kyokai directors "relentlessly pushed him to retire" ..... OK, so he made the decision himself but it was with a shotgun to his head.
  18. sekihiryu

    Retirements-Hatsu 2010

    Add Asashoryu to that list. Biggest retirement in a long time.
  19. sekihiryu

    Asashoryu INTAI - Feb 4 2010

    He is reporting that he was his decision to retire, but who is buying that? not me.
  20. sekihiryu

    Yokozuna Asashoryu Scandal - The Final Chapter

    Asashoryu INTAI!!!! on the news live now! are my eyes deceiving me!!!!! ;-) :-O Mod edit: The INTAI thread.
  21. sekihiryu

    Yokozuna Asashoryu Scandal - The Final Chapter

    Oh boy. I have stuck up for and stuck by Asashoryu many times, but this time all I have to say is: Asa you complete muppet. You get what you deserve on this one. I think perhaps the greatest shame about his rollercoaster career is that is has been poorly played out under the tutelage of a, how can how pen this politely - "hopeless" oyakata. It would be fitting that the captain of the S.S Shoryu-tanic goes down with his ship. I wonder how differently things would have been if someone with a spine like Shikoroyama Oyakatahad gotten Asa back in the day..
  22. sekihiryu

    Yokozuna Asashoryu Scandal - The Final Chapter

    Well one can't expect too much from the Australian media which is generally pretty mediocre
  23. sekihiryu

    Hello from South-East Asia

    welcome aboard. Singapore? the location of sumo forumers widens even more! One point I should mention is that is there a generally accepted rule that the names of real sumo wrestlers are not used as nicknames on the forum. It can get especially confusing in forum threads when it not clear who is being referred to - the real or cyber person. You should pick another name and let Exil the forum admin know, he will sort you out. Other than that, enjoy your stay and watch out for Fujisan, he likes "throwing salt into frays" (In a state of confusion...)
  24. sekihiryu

    Suppose Baruto....

    that was a sweet moment for the big man. He played his won game; utilizing his immense power rather than trying to play Hakuho's game. Not too may could pull a throw like that off.
  25. sekihiryu

    Chiyotaikai intai

    And finally he rides off into the sunset...........sayonora, to a rare breed the "Ozekius longevitus"