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About Finn

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  1. Finn

    Smoking rikishi

    Have a happy new year, all of you! It seems to me, that the war against the smoking is something as the wars about the warming of climat, for the peace in 60ty's, against the eating and so on. I'm sure you're not forget that all the participants of two WW did smoke and all the professional wrestlers before I WW (except estonian Lurich) did that, too. And one of the best decathlonists, Edik H
  2. Finn

    Sadogatake beya New Year festivities pics you open the second link at left-top (otsestriim) and you'll see who's Yokozuna in the woods and who're the Ozekies (Shaking head...) Sorry, that's the estonian nature, no culture, no nobility..But: that's the country where Baruto is from.
  3. Finn

    Makuuchi You open this link and you'll see who is the Yokozuna and who're the Ozekies and so on! That's a real-time-camera near Tartu (the second town of Estonia, what's the country of Baruto) We are having the nature and big boys (Sign of disapproval...)
  4. Finn

    Hatsu 2011 Banzuke

    You can see that and more in the not-text-only version on Sumo Reference. Your two columns are added in this example. Thank you very much (Shaking head...)
  5. Finn

    Hatsu 2011 Banzuke

    Thanks, Doitsuyama! Great job! A little request: could You add more two columns: the year when a sumotori did join with professional sumo, and what's his "personal best" in banzuke. Thanks!
  6. Finn

    Banzuke discussion for Hatsu 2011

    Hallo evrybody! My posting is'nt any real posting, it's a "proverka sluhha" only, I'm looking, will my reply be visible or not. About me: I'm from Onoe beya also as EizoShita and Jaak (Yusho winner...)