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About Shiro

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  • Birthday 11/12/1990

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  1. Shiro

    Kyushu 2014 - General Talk

    Speaking of stats, does anyone or has anyone compared how many wins and Yusho's Chyonofuji and Taiho had when they were Haks age? Or at least a "by this point in their career" comparison?
  2. Shiro

    Kyushu 2014 - General Talk

    Tochinoshin is really looking great. I mean, 13-2 and 15-0 in Juryo is no small task. He's just looking really solid. I was a big fan of his back when I first started watching Sumo, second to Harumafuji of course.
  3. Shiro

    Kyushu 2014 - General Talk

    I'm glad Harumafuji pulled it out against Ichinojo. Great straight ahead tachi-ai. Harumafuji was really quick and Ichinojo just didn't have an answer. Tochinoshin looks really great. Love how well he's doing coming back. Looks like a brand new wrestler.
  4. Shiro

    Kyushu 2014 Banzuke

    I remember watching the Tournament where Amuru was injured. I remember thinking "This guy is looking good!" and then the ruptured knee. Glad to see him finally making his top division debut. I read that Harumafuji is undecided on returning this Basho after the eye injury. I hope he does what's best. Would really like to see him in the mix of what looks like a very exciting tournament.
  5. Shiro

    Video Stream - Availability

    That's the big thing. No matter how big of a fan you are 120 ($720 a year) dollars a month for six months is just not doable for 99 percent of sumo fans across the globe. That's really outrageous. Kids eat or I watch sumo...not a tough decision.
  6. Shiro

    Video Stream - Availability

    For me sumo will affectively end. I simply cannot afford to pay 10 bucks a day for 15 days 6 times a year. I can't even afford cable let alone this. It's not a question of wether I am a real or true fan. I am, believe me. It's simply financially impossible.
  7. Shiro

    Kyushu Basho 2013 discussion thread

    So does anyone know if Tochinoshin is going to be returning anytime soon? With this absence he'll be down in Makushita next tournament.
  8. Shiro

    Kyushu Basho 2013 discussion thread

    I realize sumo is a dignified sport and that it defines much of Japanese culture but we are still dealing with humans. I just don't feel it's something to get our mawashi's in a bunch over. If it was something that happened blatantly all the time, then yeah maybe something should be said. But I don't notice it that much. Just some intensity here and there.
  9. Shiro

    Kyushu Basho 2013 discussion thread

    Does it really matter if there are few shoves here and there? I mean it's a intense sport. It's bound to happen.
  10. Shiro

    Kyushu Basho 2013 discussion thread

    Nice to see both Yokozuna's tied at the end of the first week.
  11. Shiro

    Any word on Tochinoshin?

    Any word on his status?
  12. It'll be interesting to see how him and Endo fair this Basho
  13. Shiro

    Mawashi Question

    Wasn't sure where to post this. I've been looking at Japanese paintings and prints from the 18th Century and older of Sumo Wrestlers and they appear to be wearing a slightly different version of the modern day Mawashi. I was just wondering if there are any existing examples of old mawashis (photographs etc..) I'm a historian and I like to learn about the material cultures and their various changes. Any info or help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Shiro

    Sumo World via iTunes

    Will more issues be available soon?
  15. The Nippon baseball site is really vague. There are no depth charts, I don't know who starters are etc. Is there a site that goes into more depth? A place to watch daily highlights?