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Ok, that was just painful. I clicked on the "funnies" and started the slideshow of Benny's cartoons... I think for a REAL good laugh, one should read Egyptian pictoglyphs inside any pyramid, or for a REAL knee-slapper, try out the Bayeau Tapistry. Or maybe Peruvian cliff drawings... Sorry, Benny, but that stuff is neither funny nor art-worthy. It isn't even cartoonish. It's amateurish. Totally unrecognizable faces with the same eyes and body shapes mixed with a childish script. (The horse, however, was well done and instantly recognizable.) (Did I mention that I stopped at the 11th slide, at which point I was already yelling at my monitor?) Totally unrecognizable faces with the same eyes and body shapes mixed with a childish script. But why are you guys, 8429 swine fever included, and quite a number at sumotalk are so interested in setting new ground rules for cartooning. And why can't you guys just produce your good cartoons here so we can all learn from? I have asked so many times but I get a stereotyped "I don't do cartoons, why should I want to know about cartoons?" I challenge you on this. No balls? Sorry, Benny, but that stuff is neither funny nor art-worthy. It isn't even cartoonish. It's amateurish. Totally unrecognizable faces with the same eyes and body shapes mixed with a childish script.Sweet Treblemaker? I am reproducing a post from another site: Newbie * Posts: 6 Re: Buckton Or Blair
SORRY! It's for easier reading, sort of the normal question and answer fomat. I'll do it in italics next.
Probably still more famous for the hissy-fit he threw on this forum when people insinuated that he's stretching the term "likeness" beyond commonly accepted limits with his caricatures... It would appear from this thread that people not previously exposed to his artwork still generally get that same impression. (Bearded disguise...) Growing up in a pig farming village ( although my family are not pig farmers), I have witnessed many times the "swine fever" is in the village. Poor farmers are wipe off everything they have. The pigs were darting off in all directions and slamming into walls or anything that obstructs. They would then drop dead! Lump this "hissy-fit" "hypersensitive Tasmanian Devil" and "swine fever" in the same group. Besides two other earlier reasons, I believe" Sumofanmagazine Fame Benny Loh" as quoted by someone here also pisses you off and makes you careless . You nearly contract Swine Fever. I won't be surprised if tomorrow some members here refer me as "Sumoforum Fame Benny Loh" and you had contracted it! Asashosakari with 8429 posts going to be 10000 and the title of "dai yokozuna" Such a pity when I see Asashsakari 8429 digging up past threads for presumably "hilarious" stuff when everything is in this thread!. I suspect 8429 must be a madman. I can find "mediocre" and "your pleading / your request to me not to delete my cartoons here! " If it is mediocre why place value and wanting to have it retain here? You are insane and this is a confirmation Asashsakari top 8429 posts reaching 10000 on the way to dai yokozuna
You were on two things, my work and my bad English (even until now) . I should know because I didn't walk off immediately, I gave it a month (of silence) before I walked off. Yes I was and I am pissed off with you. Your attempts in this thread to discredit shows your worst. I am wary of characters of this sort. It's sort of "low class" attempt to paint someone bad and trying to glorify oneself (with 8429 top posts it will be convincing for others, right?) About your English, it is as bad. Let me use a local phrase here as an example: If we are "talking roundabout"on these two things over the years when will it end? The universally accepted English phrase is "chasing one's own tail" Hiss-fits and (what) tasmanian devil, I think 8/10 of the world probably have not seen that animal. Your English teacher marking your paper probably will give you about 16% for using such non-universal phrases I was thinkng you would get 18%. Seriously there is no difference for me to quote 8429 all the time and your attempts to taunt me( on these two) before and now. You are pissed off otherwise you weren't on the two all the time previously. Still a good topic for your statistic. But the real issue is on the first one about discrediting someone and telling lies. This you must address, Asashosakari with top 8429 posts. sir, and not bringing up other things to confuse.
(Order, order!) Hey hey, there is some group of readers in the forum who actually find the statistics and the commentaries (not only of Asashosakari, but also of other forum members) quite interesting and useful. So speak only for yourself. Yes sir, boss, I didn't get your permission to relate a story I had with Asashosakari the man with 8429 posts, earlier on. Before going into it, different places have different jokes, sayings and comments which may not be understood by all. A common comment one in my village is "Outsiders ...go take a walk...go take a pull at the ciggy...go take a stroll". I was commenting on my past arguments with Asashosakari 8429 posts. He was pissed of with my work so he spoke for himself and blasted me. I was displeased with his work so I spoke for myself and hammered him I checked in my earlier posts there were no third party that I mentioned about and I couldn't have mentioned you. Yes sir boss , I spoke only for myself Meanwhile, Outsider go smoke some cigars
Benny, I'm an graphic artist and symphonic musician, and I've published both music and works of art, some of them in jest, some serious. No, I am not into graphics so I can wish you well in this area You should have no problem producing a cartoon on Harumafuji, I look forward to seeing it and your ideas, please... I invite you to come to Canada. Give me a call when you get here, and I'll be happy to show you some artwork/caricature that REALLY compliments and captures the features of the subject, having a bit of fun, yet keeping the features and characteristics of the person intact. Show me one with a specfic image and topic, then you will be surprised at what we can learn about at your piece No amount of arguing or commenting on your part can change the fact that the Harumafuji design is just NOT him at all. Cartoonist draw it differently . Harumafuji has big eyes, big nose, big mouth, and to emphasize on any alone of this may not bring out but distort it beyond recognition. If a cartoonist draws a rikishi emphasizing a pimple face and a written name somewhere, he is not wrong. A cartoonist may draw a horse and named it Harumafuji-the idea goes through. These are only two examples. Generally cartoonist do it differently. I have done Harumafuji in my last sumofanmag, slightly different though from this one you are talking about. This one is on Harumafuji : 1)assuming a new name 2)promoted to Ozeki 3)thick eyebrow 4)not really hunch, head slightly shrunk into the shoulder 5)Harumafuji signboard (certainly it can be in use for a cartoonist!) Over to you , since you are in this field draw a cartoon on Harumafuji giving your ideas on what you want others to know of through this piece of work. As a cartoonist we are not wrong in getting the idea across but I do criticize fellow cartoonist on shoddy rushed artwork. Another thing about buying online zoom in on the largest (of the image)WYSIWYG here you can see the quality of the work (This is for the one with the cow avatar , this is how you learn about producing good images) If you have to rely on an ENGLISH sign "this way to sumo" and a vertical "Harumafuji" call-out in order to identify a rikishi (who, in all respects, would be one of the MOST recognizable people in Japan,) then it just doesn't make the grade. It is what it is. And what it is, it ain't. This was in reply to non-existent "bathroom" sign you mentioned. It should be easy for you to have one cartoon here then since it is the MOST recognizable people in Japan. Love to hear from you on this By the way I learn about cartoons from ANY cartoons that I see. If you care to check locally with the cartoonists there, they will tell you the they do the same. Due respects to any cartoonist reading here.
This is a secret (blush, blush like my girlfriend asking me). Like I say I am a very accomodating sort of guy even in this interrogation here.Tell me honestly , do you hit a quy when he is not participating here? Since you asked, were there other post about me that I don't know of? I am not a football fan but when Rooney's coach says he is crazy all this sudenly comes to my mind about you and your pettiness
Probably still more famous for the hissy-fit he threw on this forum when people insinuated that he's stretching the term "likeness" beyond commonly accepted limits with his caricatures... It would appear from this thread that people not previously exposed to his artwork still generally get that same impression. (Showing respect...) Asasshosakari must remember I was not banned but walk out of this forum myself. It is not right to say that I was at war with the forum. Asashosakari will have to confirm if I am at war with the forum. If it is positive then Asashosakari with 8429 post is assuming he is the owner of this web. To recap Asashosakari and a few others joined the fray when I had an argument with a poster Ja------. So I had a tiff with this small group who in the first place were attacking me in 2005 In Asashosakari's case he is on the" likeness beyond commonly accepted limits with his caricatures" In my case " likeness beyond commonly accepted limits with his statistics" I rebutted that being a top poster is spending too much time in irrelevant , non practical statistics. His statistics are unlike useful statistics elsewhere. I further added that no one is bothered with this long lengthy, time-consuming statistics. To which he replied that he couldn't be bothered if none reads. How crazy I thought, this fella is! Asashosakari after a span of four (sorry quoted 5 year bitchnot the 7year itch)years decides on resurfacing this now. Hopefully he can be of help by showing me cartoons of others or explain to me how I went wrong and those "likeness" stuff. Make me understand will you! I will be very accomodating I can teach him how to write good statistics for example like a) Sumo forum against bennyloh or (b)Asashshosakari with 8429 postings and a small gang against bennyloh. Provide details like member size, gender , age etc as expected of a good statistics. In the past when I walk off from this forum I did it because it is a small group out of the majority of members using pseudonym (majority 90 over% are civilised)and I hate to be known picking an argument with unknowns. It does not make sense to me. It still is. I am walking out of sumoforum after this soon The last time I told the moderators I have much respect for Sumoforum and if I walk off this time I would do the same to the moderators and wish them well.
How kind of him to throw a fresh one for those of us who missed it the first time. Nothing much really, I hadn't had time to reply. Will soon. It's a 5-year old stale. You are eagerly waiting for this? You will be disappointed as there won't be any excitement from a a "5year bitch"
He vaguely looks like a flasher (Showing respect...) This is just an awful design... I can only hope that Harumafuji yori-taoshi's this guy who made it. The black and white photo of yourself in the profile is horrid if it is done by ownself then you don't even have the basic skill to get a good image out let alone make comments on others. If it is clipart from someone else work then you lack good upbringing and it is good time Harumafuji does an inner-mawashi mongolian grip on you. Now if you are copying from others than you have skin as thick as the cow's c in your avatar.
He vaguely looks like a flasher (Showing respect...) This is just an awful design... I can only hope that Harumafuji yori-taoshi's this guy who made it. The black and white photo of yourself in the profile is horrid if it is done by ownself then you don't even have the basic skill to get a good image out let alone make comments on others. If it is clipart from someone else work then you lack good upbringing and it is good time Harumafuji does an inner-mawashi mongolian grip on you. Now if you are copying from others than you have skin as thick as the cow's c in your avatar.
He vaguely looks like a flasher (Showing respect...) This is just an awful design... I can only hope that Harumafuji yori-taoshi's this guy who made it. The black and white photo of yourself in the profile is horrid if it is done by ownself then you don't even have the basic skill to get an image out. If it is clipart from someone else work then you lack good upbringing and it is good time Harumafuji does an inner-mawashi mngolian grip on you.
He vaguely looks like a flasher (Showing respect...) Really (eyelids batting, eyelids batting)? Rikishi plus mawashi plus"overcoar" equals a flasher. How about rikishi without overcoat but mawashi, (regular sort of rikishi you see) equals a motherfu----? Ha Ha.