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About Kogam

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  1. Hello everyone, My wife Madeline and I have enjoyed the SumoForum on a regular basis since 2012. I lived in Fukuoka with my Aunt and Uncle till I came to California as a youngster. Grew up watching sumo with my uncle. My dream is to visit during the Kyushu basho as its been almost 30 years since I've been home. Thank you, Mark Koga
  2. Kogam

    Basho Talk Haru 2015

    I just rewatched the Terunofuji-Ichinojo bout. It seems to me that Ichinojo really did get a deeper left hand grip on Terunofuji mawashi after the mizu-iri. On the English simulcast, Ken noticed that, but Murray said Ken was mistaken. I wonder if there will be any official reviewing of that match.
  3. Kogam

    Video Stream - Availability

    Wondering what injury Chiyomaru has and if he risks further injury continuing? Worried about him.
  4. Kogam

    Kyushu Basho 2012 Discussion Thread

    Hakuho's sumo looks very strong. However, lose one match and people ? his ability, loss of speed., etc. A great Yokozuna handles that turmoil without blinking an eye. How many other Yokozuna's were told its time to go? Hakuho's right up there with the great ones. I admire his poise, determination and professionalism.
  5. Kogam

    Kyushu Basho 2012 Discussion Thread

    I was hoping to find out if Takayasu was feeling genki? Anyone by chance speak with him-optimistic for a better start to the basho- moved up again I know. Maybe his got enough in the tank to get his Kk ?
  6. Kogam

    Rikishi Status - Kyushu 2012: Final

    Hoshikabuto the best to you! A consummate professional. Too bad it has to end.
  7. Kogam

    Tochifudou intai

    Tochifudou doing what he loved for almost 20 years- that's all we can ask-good luck to you!
  8. Kogam

    Videos Natsu 2012

    Kintamayama., Thank you again for all your hard work!!!
  9. I enjoy watching sumo. Pure and simple. Do the contributors at ST enjoy Sumo or is it just a excuse to make negative comments about the sport. Compared to the ST staff, I'm just a complete novice voicing my humble opinion, but every basho with the conspiracy theories? Peace out.
  10. Kogam

    Videos Natsu 2012

    Just want to say my wife and I sure do appreciate all the hard work that goes into these digests you're posting Kintamayama. It's great to get the quick rundown after work. Your comments are always informative and frequently funny, too. Thanks so much
  11. Kogam

    Videos Natsu 2012

    My hats off to Kotooshu, his one tough customer. Day in and day out bending down to meet his opponents must be brutal on his body. Early on but its great to see Kotoshogiku in the groove! Go Fukuoka boy!!!
  12. Kogam


    I remember when Aran pulled a Henkaran on Bushuyama the last and probably only time he had a chance for fighting spirit award way back when..... Just wrong.
  13. Kogam

    Takasago Ichimon rengo keiko-public

    Always grateful for updates-its been a long time since I've been back home to Fukuoka-thanks again for all the info!
  14. Kogam

    Musashimaru and dog

    I laugh my butt off anytime I see that photo-dog looks like it old run thru a brick wall-has a little hook lease on! Owner's got that beast trained.
  15. Kogam

    Looking for Tegata

    Reach out to Nishinoshima on this site.