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Akinomaki last won the day on March 1

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40,701 Excellent

About Akinomaki

  • Rank
    A dose of sumo a day
  • Birthday 03/03/1962

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  • Interests
    Japan: Sumo first - language, food, history, daily life, TV
    PC+net, esp. for learning and reading Japanese


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  • Favourite Rikishi
    many, my personal ranking changes often

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  1. Akinomaki

    Sumo Kyokai revenue

    Announced at the Hyogi-inkai, a surplus for the 2nd year in a row - no surprise with the sumo boom now and the whole year a sell-out. A plus of 1445 million yen. Net assets up 1100 million yen, to 27.9 billion. The loss of 10 billion yen during corona is now 60-70% recovered. http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2025032400893&g=spo Kyodo and NHK report a plus of 1158 million yen, all say it's ordinary revenue minus expenses, apparently different expenses used o Ordinary revenue 1446.6 million yen, 1300 million more than last year. Operating costs about 1314.8 million yen, increase of 270 million. o
  2. Akinomaki

    New recruits Natsu 2025

    For Tokitsukaze-beya, Meitoku gijuku high fresh graduated Munkh-Erdene Buyantogtokh (19, 190cm, 150kg) http://news.ntv.co.jp/category/society/rc36a32fe235ba4bee9441960c106a243b qf at the last interhigh, one win more would have meant tsukedashi Kochi pref. local ex-Tosayutaka was at the school on the 24th. He had liked what he saw from him at keiko and since last September Buyan is trainee at the heya, training there, but also continuing at high school in Kochi - somehow they managed to get the mandatory 6 months training period at the heya, after the Natsu shindeshi kensa he will have his debut in Nagoya (visa delay)
  3. Akinomaki

    Haru 2025 day After pics overview

    YDC today - first time a press conference with the new head Oshima o o o o and PR chief Sadogatake o Unanimous opinion: Hope for the future has arisen - also with just 12 wins(+1), a splendid result Hoshoryu: Great disappointment, but with injury there was nothing to be done. They want him to produce a splendid results next time - no critical comment about a too quick promotion
  4. Akinomaki

    Haru 2025 day 15 pics overview

    o o O1e Onosato (12-3) yorikiri O1w Kotozakura (8-7) o o o o o o o o o o o o o M14w Churanoumi (11-4) oshidashi S1e Daieisho (9-6) o o o o o o o o M15e Aonishiki (11-4) kirikaeshi S1w Oho (6-9) o o o o o o o o o o K1e Kirishima (8-7) yorikiri M18e Tokihayate (10-5) o o M4e Takayasu (12-3) uwatedashinage K1w Abi (6-9) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ketteisen o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o previous ketteisen failure - Abi, Wakatakakage o o o o again an unused banner o o Takayasu locals o o o o o o o Onosato locals o o o o M1e Wakatakakage (9-6) oshitaoshi M6e Hiradoumi (9-6) o o M1w Wakamotoharu (9-6) yorikiri M6w Takerufuji (9-6) o M2e Gonoyama (7-8) oshidashi M3w Takanosho (3-12) o M5e Ura (7-8) oshidashi M3e Tobizaru (6-9) o o M7w Tamawashi (10-5) oshidashi M13w Shishi (9-6) o o o M15w Sadanoumi (8-7) yorikiri M8e Atamifuji (6-9) o o M14e Ryuden (6-9) yorikiri M8w Oshoma (9-6) o M16w Kotoshoho (8-7) yorikiri M9w Endo (7-8) o o o o M11e Midorifuji (9-6) katasukashi M17e Mitakeumi (6-9) o o o J7e Tomokaze (7-8) hatakikomi J5e Nabatame (3-8-4) o J14w Kusano (14-1) oshidashi J5w Fujiseiun (9-6) o o o o juryo yusho o o o Ms4w Mita (5-2) okuridashi J14e Otsuji (5-10) o o o Hananoumi o o sansho o o o o o o lower div yusho o o o o yusho ceremonies o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Hungarien cup from ex-Masuto - Masuto active o o o o Parade with Shirokuma o o o o o o o o o o double fish o o o o o o o o o
  5. Morning after press conference - in full from Kyodo (TV Asahi is late, maybe later) news clips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F6LvZFsWkY local news from yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT7XrvXh1JQ vid the papers o o oooo o with Osaka world expo mascot MyakMyak (Myaku-Myaku) towel o o o ooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o
  6. Akinomaki

    Kensho Haru 2025

    With the one main kyujo (no.2), the basho in the end had 2152, still most ever regional of course, 523 more than last year in the end http://www.sanspo.com/article/20250323-DDK7MB4JVNN4RFP4V3HYMHDPNM/ Most kensho on one day were as usual on day 15, 191 http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2025032300361&g=spo
  7. Akinomaki

    Kensho Haru 2025

    Day 15 https://www.sumo.or.jp/pdf/honbasho/kansen/torikumi/2503_15.pdf 274: Onosato 174: Takayasu 141: Hoshoryu 121: Kotozakura 90: Oshoma 78: Kirishima 76: Abi 76: Hiradoumi 76: Midorifuji 65: Ura 65: Endo Day 14 - Onosato o o Churanoumi o
  8. Akinomaki

    Spirited rikishi Haru 2025

    Day 15 Makuuchi 1. Onosato 2. Takayasu 2. Ura Juryo 1. Mita 2. Roga 2. Kusano
  9. Akinomaki

    Haru 2025 discussion (results)

    First ever sansho for a rikishi from Okinawa o Generally a good basho for them - Miyagi goes to juryo, Kayo to makuuchi with the results https://ryukyushimpo.jp/news/sports/entry-4080355.html - a good basho for Nakamura-beya: Miyagi the next sekitori after Kayo Bad basho for Aomori - Takarafuji and Nishikifuji drop down, Takerufuji has to keep the makuuchi streak alive
  10. Akinomaki

    Haru 2025 day 14 pics overview

    M6e Hiradoumi (9-5) yorikiri O1w Kotozakura (8-6) o o o o O1e Onosato (11-3) oshidashi S1e Daieisho (9-5) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o S1w Oho (6-8) oshidashi M4w Ichiyamamoto (6-8) o o o o M5e Ura (6-8) oshidashi K1w Abi (6-8) o o K1e Kirishima (7-7) okuridashi M5w Kinbozan (5-9) o M1w Wakamotoharu (8-6) yorikiri M8e Atamifuji (6-8) o o o o M9e Hakuoho (8-6) oshidashi M3e Tobizaru (6-8) o o M14w Churanoumi (10-4) yorikiri M4e Takayasu (11-3) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o M15e Aonishiki (10-4) yorikiri M6w Takerufuji (9-5) o o o o o o o o M18e Tokihayate (10-4) tsukiotoshi M7w Tamawashi (9-5) o o o o o o o o M13w Shishi (9-5) oshitaoshi M9w Endo (7-7) o M11w Meisei (8-6) yorikiri M17e Mitakeumi (6-8) o o M11e Midorifuji (8-6) sukuinage M15w Sadanoumi (7-7) o o M12w Onokatsu (9-5) yorikiri M14e Ryuden (5-9) o J2e Kayo (9-5) yorikiri J8w Hakuyozan (8-6) o o o J13e Hatsuyama (8-6) okuridashi J7e Tomokaze (6-8) o Ms1e Miyagi (4-3) okuridashi J8e Hokutofuji (3-11) o o o o o o o o Ms60e Yonezawaryu (3-4) yorikiri Ms55e Ieshima (2-5) o
  11. Akinomaki

    New recruits Natsu 2025

    He now is a bit more moderate: "Sekitori within a year" Oshi-zumo specialist Urayama on the 22nd attended the graduation ceremony at the Kindai campus in Higashi-Osaka and was interviewed by the Toyama&around Hokuriku regional Hokkoku shimbun o About Asanoyama's sandanme 7-0 yusho: "Cool!" Asanoyama has close connections to the family Urayama junior joined Kindai after the death of Ito. He wants to start with his real name Urayama as shikona
  12. Akinomaki

    Ex-rikishi in the food business

    A news feature on ex-Tokitsukasa's Hitomishiri Udon o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
  13. Akinomaki

    Kensho Haru 2025

    Kotozakura would get to 2 with a day 15 win, Oshoma after a miserable start nearly could get to 100 with another win, but he has sponsorless Ryuden on day 15. Hiradoumi out of nowhere to the middle of the rankings, Ichiyamamoto out at last. Day 14 https://www.sumo.or.jp/pdf/honbasho/kansen/torikumi/2503_14.pdf 214: Onosato 154: Takayasu 141: Hoshoryu 121: Kotozakura 90: Oshoma 76: Hiradoumi 76: Abi 67: Kirishima 65: Endo 62: Midorifuji For day 15 Nagatanien only 4 on the last bout - apparently with already max=60, so they restrain their pack, like Tama Home: also only 4 instead of the standard 5. 3 each on the previous 3, 5 on Takayasu-Abi - the 2nd biggest pack, 3 on Takerufuji, 5 on Atamifuji, 4 on Endo.The 3rd biggest pack of the day is on the quite unimportant 2nd bout of the day, 8-6 Midorifuji vs. 6-8 Mitakeumi (he technically could get demoted with a loss). Tozaikai on Shonannoumi-Kinbozan, Kushikatsu on Daieisho-Churanoumi. day 13 - Oho - the biggest pack, but uncounted - not enough to join the rankings, also a win tomorrow is likely not enough for that o o Takayasu o
  14. Akinomaki

    Spirited rikishi Haru 2025

    Day 14 Makuuchi 1. Hiradoumi 2. Churanoumi 3. Aonishiki Juryo 1. Nabatame 2. Roga 3. Miyagi
  15. Akinomaki

    Haru 2025 discussion (results)

    I expected Onosato to win the remaining two, the last against Kotozakura. But maybe Aonishiki has to face him. NHK expects the ozeki bout to take place though.