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Everything posted by Akinomaki

  1. Akinomaki

    Haru 2025 discussion (results)

    Endo has won 2 in a row by sashi-chigae decision - I noticed that Abema is pretty useless for mono-ii coverage - they have no cameras to show the crucial angels (and the head shimpan when he explains the decision). On day 2 NHK-G was messed up by the diet broadcast and didn't show it either, no Natto NHK digest any-more, no Japanese NHK digest anywhere - looked like there should have been a tori-naoshi there as well. Day 3 Takadagawa joined the confused head shimpan hall of fame: the gyoji had pointed to Shonannoumi, his explanation was: "The gyoji gumbai pointed to Endo, but (the mono-ii was that) he might have been out earlier ... sorry (laughs from the audience), the gyoji gumbai pointed to Shonannoumi, but his foot turned earlier and Endo's body was still in." Seems like there was a confused shimpan who called for the mono-ii, thinking that Endo should have lost it but didn't, while in fact he lost it and in the end didn't - the conference apparently agreed to cover up the wrong mono-ii call and opted for a revival of the turned foot rule enforcement.
  2. Akinomaki

    Haru 2025 discussion (results)

    Ticket sales started and ended today - only the best masu seats and tamariseki were already sold out https://sumo.pia.jp/ticket03.jsp the rest was sold in the first minutes/hours of sales - the sales overview is not updated yet, but there are no remaining tickets to be found on the sales pages No special tickets sold or campaigns this time, tickets for the day as usual listed as undecided, usually somewhere already "there are none" is noted No poster yet, no extra PR needed any-more
  3. Akinomaki

    New recruits Haru 2025

    Fukuzaki lost to Samejima in the interhigh sf, with a heavily bandaged right knee. After he got his therapy, Yamahibiki presented Fukuzaki to the therapist and asked him to treat his knee, as a 3rd place at the interhigh from Kagoshima, who wants to join the heya in the future, but the knee has to get better - he was at the heya to train recently.
  4. Akinomaki

    Spirited rikishi Haru 2025

    Day 4 Makuuchi 1. Ura 2. Endo 3. Shirokuma Juryo 1. Kayo 2. Roga 3. Kusano
  5. Akinomaki

    Spirited rikishi Haru 2025

    The results from the daily NSK poll among spectators and paying app customers about which rikishi showed the most fighting spirit Day 1 Makuuchi 1. Hakuoho 2. Gonoyama 2. Ura Juryo 1. Oshoumi 2. Roga 2. Hidenoumi
  6. Akinomaki

    Kensho Haru 2025

    Now this should be the top 2 till the end Day 4 https://www.sumo.or.jp/pdf/honbasho/kansen/torikumi/2503_04.pdf 82: Hoshoryu 59: Onosato 57: Abi 43: Endo 32: Wakamotoharu 28: Kirishima 27: Ura 26: Takayasu 26: Kotozakura 16: Atamifuji Tomorrow Nagatanien switches back to Hoshoryu from Onosato, as if they knew. Tozaikai on Tokihayate-Kotoshoho. Day 3 - biggest and smallest pack: last & first bout o o
  7. Akinomaki

    Kensho Haru 2025

    The usual announcement on Friday again, also this time a most ever basho: most ever for a regional basho. 2298 kensho have been applied for, most so far were 1938 Haru 2019, last year Osaka had only 1717. o The last bout has 285 kensho fix over the 15 days o - all in reach for Hoshoryu now. 11 new sponsors o The top 5 in personal kensho Onosato 164 Hoshoryu(up from 8) 157 Oshoma(as usual) 126 Ura (local boy) 125 Kirishima(still!) 117 Kotozakura(down from 1) 113 Oho is from Tokyo and apparently not that popular here Shirokuma has a special sponsor: Shirokuma power company https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000136.000055631.html They changed their name to this a year ago. The mascot polar bear is Power-kun. new banners o o o o o o o o o
  8. Akinomaki

    Haru 2025 day 3 pics overview

    o o Y1e Hoshoryu (2-1) kubinage M1w Wakamotoharu (2-1) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O1e Onosato (3-0) oshidashi M2e Gonoyama (1-2) o o o o o o o o o o o o o K1w Abi (3-0) oshidashi O1w Kotozakura (1-2) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o S1e Daieisho (2-1) tsukitaoshi M1e Wakatakakage (0-3) o o o o o o o S1w Oho (1-2) oshidashi M3e Tobizaru (0-3) o o o o o o o o o K1e Kirishima (2-1) yorikiri M2w Chiyoshoma (1-2) o M5e Ura (2-1) tottari M3w Takanosho (0-3) o o o o o M4e Takayasu (3-0) hatakikomi M4w Ichiyamamoto (1-2) o o o M5w Kinbozan (1-2) oshidashi M7e Shodai (1-2) o o M6e Hiradoumi (2-1) yorikiri M6w Takerufuji (2-1) o o M7w Tamawashi (2-1) oshidashi M9e Hakuoho (2-1) o o M8e Atamifuji (2-1) yorikiri M8w Oshoma (0-3) o M9w Endo (3-0) hatakikomi M10w Shonannoumi (0-3) o o o o M12e Takarafuji (2-1) yorikiri M14e Ryuden (2-1) o M15e Aonishiki (1-2) shitatenage M15w Sadanoumi (0-3) o o o o o o o M17e Mitakeumi (2-1) uwatenage M17w Shirokuma (0-3) o o o o M18e Tokihayate (2-1) oshidashi J1e Tamashoho (2-1) o o o o o o o o o J4w Oshoumi (2-1) yorikiri J4e Shiden (0-3) o o J5w Fujiseiun (3-0) oshitaoshi J5e Nabatame (1-2) o o o o J7w Kotoeiho (3-0) oshidashi J7e Tomokaze (0-3) o J14w Kusano (3-0) yorikiri J14e Otsuji (1-2) o Sd27e Suyama (1-1) katasukashi Sd25w Takabayama (0-2) o o o Ms24w Wakatakamoto (1-1) hatakikomi Ms23w Fujitoshi (0-2) o o o o o o o o o Ms60TD Fukuzaki (2-0) oshidashi Sd3w Suzaki (1-1) o o o Jd64w Yoshiazuma (2-0) hatakikomi Jd63w Mabuchi (1-1) o (Jd43w Tochinoshima (1-1) hatakikomi) Jd43e Fubu (0-2) o o maezumo o o o o o o o o o o 3/11 disaster day o is the 40th birthday of Miyagino o o o o
  9. Akinomaki

    Shikimori Yonokichi/Kandayu is back

    NikkanSP premium has a 2 parts story of Kandayu o before getting ill, Yonokichi Natsu 2017 o rehab o writing sumo-ji for rehab oo o o his writings - 5 years after entry an ita-banzuke, recent o o in proper attire at the hospital o return to work 2018 o 2015 Hatsu o o o o oo this basho o with Kimura Motoki - the 2nd part (next week) is about their friendship o oo
  10. After 5 basho kyujo with a narrow escape from death, makuuchi gyoji Shikimori Yonokichi is back, from a fight against the Guillain–Barré_syndrome, looking slim. This basho he only does office work in the kokugikan and will be on the dohyo again at the Kyushu basho. The outbreak of the illness was at the Miyazaki jungyo last December. The evening before he couldn't raise his shoulders, but still thought it to be fatigue. In the morning of the 8th, he could hardly move his limbs anymore. At the location, an immediate stay in hospital was recommended, but at the jungyo he had not much things with him and chose to urgently return to Tokyo. At the airport he could no longer walk and had to use a wheelchair. For 5 days he got intravenous therapy at a hospital in Tokyo and waited for recovery, then started rehabilitation. Till March he couldn't get up by himself, and being bedridden for so long took its toll - at one time he had lost more than 10kg. He had almost given up on a return, but had a rehabilitation doctor who devoted himself to raise his smashed spirit. Starting April, he could walk again, but was not in the mood to watch the basho - including Nagoya. He left hospital June 14th, the fear of relapse had gone, and started earnest preparations for a comeback. During kyujo, details about his illness had not been published, but now he doesn't mind. Yonokichi will be back on the dohyo at Harumafuji's danpatsu-shiki on Sep. 30th. http://www.nikkansports.com/battle/column/sumo/news/201809190000380.html Edit: at the top post of a thread, embedding does not work even after edit
  11. Akinomaki

    (Takano)Hanada activities

    Fat Taka challenged Gal Sone at the Ariyoshi gourmand battle - and failed miserably - VOD https://tver.jp/episodes/ep5jl3tqta https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9fvh8g
  12. Mr. Hanada (ex-Taka) has his first TV show appearance after retirement in a 2h special of NiTele's Shabekuri 007 - aired on the 29th, 21h JST o o o o he teaches to the 7 (or some of them) his sumo fitness exercises o
  13. Akinomaki

    New recruits Haru 2025

    The 2 in focus in group A reached the ichiban-shusse, Asarikimaru 2-0 o o o and the g-g-g-son 2-1 o o o win with his speciality katazukashi - he says he properly views the bouts of Midorifuji. He's eager to do 7 bouts and wants to get kachikoshi, actually 5 or 6 wins. the ancestor: Dewanoumi-oyakata o Tsunenohana kanreki dohyo-iri with Futabayama (Tokitsukaze) as tachimochi and Chiyonoyama as tsuyu-harai, 22nd Shonosuke will Yamanobe find a kesho-mawashi of Tsunenohana for the shusse hirou?
  14. Akinomaki

    New recruits Haru 2025

    Maybe only at a basho like this, where 2-0 is the qualification - easier to gambarize
  15. Akinomaki

    London koen- October 2025

    The scalper could lead in the group of his "guests"
  16. Akinomaki

    New recruits Haru 2025

    Group B has the whole media focus on Imada o o o o o oo o o o
  17. Akinomaki

    New recruits Haru 2025

    For Group A the media focus on future Tsunenohana II Yamanobe Yamanobe started with sumo at the Komatsuryu dojo, but was in the Ryogoku middle school team at allegedly the zenchu - the school is not listed in the results, likely the papers mixed it up with the national prefectures or another national tournament. oo o o o oo Yamanobe commented: "From now on the start, I want to reach the rank of great-great-granddad." And he wants to do a sumo like Wakamotoharu. Else only Asarikimaru is of media interest (Hochi got the opponent wrong) oo
  18. Akinomaki

    Spirited rikishi Haru 2025

    Day 3 Makuuchi 1. Ura 2. Daieisho 3. Tamawashi 3. Endo Juryo 1. Fujiseiun 2. Wakanosho 2. Kusano
  19. Akinomaki

    Kensho Haru 2025

    Hoshoryu still only in 3rd place, good basho for Abi. Also for Takayasu and Endo, both can cash in on their 3 wins. Day 3 https://www.sumo.or.jp/pdf/honbasho/kansen/torikumi/2503_03.pdf 59: Onosato 57: Abi 55: Hoshoryu 26: Takayasu 26: Endo 18: Wakamotoharu 16: Ura 16: Atamifuji 16: Kirishima 15: Kotozakura Tomorrow Nagatanien drops Hoshoryu and switches to Onosato. Endo has a huge bout, vs. Oshoma, with more than on the Onosato bout. Tozaikai likes Kinbozan, this day on the bout with Ichiyamamoto, Kushikatsu on Onokatsu-Takarafuji, the 6th bout -> they are a Isegahama-beya sponsor and switch between Midorifuji and Takarafuji. Day 2 o o o o o o o o new banner - a rare new sponsor for Nishikigi o
  20. This will my new catch-all thread for former rikishi activities. Ex-Oruri, Saito Takuya for 3 years now works in Chiyoda ward at the PC as administrative scrivener (wearing the official badge), concerned with government administration office documents. o
  21. Akinomaki

    Haru 2025 day 2 pics overview

    o Y1e Hoshoryu (1-1) yorikiri M1e Wakatakakage (0-2) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O1w Kotozakura (1-1) yorikiri M2e Gonoyama (1-1) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O1e Onosato (2-0) oshidashi K1e Kirishima (1-1) o o o o o o o o o M1w Wakamotoharu (2-0) sukuinage S1w Oho (0-2) o o o o o S1e Daieisho (1-1) tsukidashi M2w Chiyoshoma (1-1) o o K1w Abi (2-0) tsukiotoshi M3e Tobizaru (0-2) o o o o o o o o M4w Ichiyamamoto (1-1) yorikiri M3w Takanosho (0-2) o M4e Takayasu (2-0) hatakikomi M5e Ura (1-1) o o o o o o o o M6w Takerufuji (2-0) oshidashi M5w Kinbozan (0-2) o o o o M7w Tamawashi (1-1) oshidashi M8w Oshoma (0-2) o o o o M9w Endo (2-0) katasukashi M8e Atamifuji (1-1) o o o o M9e Hakuoho (2-0) yorikiri M10e Nishikigi (0-2) o M16e Asakoryu (2-0) okuridashi M15e Aonishiki (0-2) o o o o o o M16w Kotoshoho (2-0) sukuinage M17w Shirokuma (0-2) o o o o M17e Mitakeumi (1-1) yorikiri M18e Tokihayate (1-1) o o J6e Mitoryu (1-1) oshidashi J7e Tomokaze (0-2) o J11w Wakanosho (1-1) okuridashi J12w Kiryuko (0-2) o J14e Otsuji (1-1) tsukiotoshi Ms1w Ishizaki (1-1) o o Ms30w Enho (1-0) oshidashi Ms30e Oyamada (0-1) o o o o o o Ms60TD Goshima (1-0) oshidashi Sd1e Chiyooga (0-1) o o o o o Jk13w Tenrosei (1-0) yorikiri Jk14e Sunasaka (0-1) o o o Ms49w Ikazuchido (1-0) kakenage Ms49e Shunrai (0-1) o o Ms51e Daikosho (1-0) abisetaoshi Ms51w Yamato (0-1) o o Sd12w Yago (1-0) yorikiri Sd12e Chiyonoo (0-1) o Jd35e Wakaikazuchi (1-0) oshidashi Jd35w Wakahizen (0-1) o Ms23e Hananoumi yumitori o maezumo group A with great-great grandson Yamanobe oo o o o oo Asarikimaru oo
  22. Akinomaki

    Kyujo Updates - 2025 Haru

    BTW the medical certificate for Kitanowaka expects still 1 month of commuting to a hospital for treatment necessary for the right leg bone fracture from the Hatsu basho o - sounds like he may enter later to try to save his sekitori rank, one win might be enough
  23. Akinomaki

    Yusho Portraits

    The Yusho portrait of ozeki Hoshoryu for Hatsu 2025 - the last in simple kesho mawashi, from now on with rope. o I haven't seen this kesho mawashi with dragon yet - and we won't see it on him again. The first one from Takasu was not dignified enough for a yusho portrait, just a dog, the new one is. o The one for the first yusho also was with a dragon o
  24. Akinomaki

    Kensho Haru 2025

    Quite a difference in numbers to day 1 - only 27 today for the last bout. Same number for Kotozakura though, but that's due to the 2nd to last bout, Onosato had 6 less in the earlier one. Day 2 https://www.sumo.or.jp/pdf/honbasho/kansen/torikumi/2503_02.pdf 45: Abi 42: Onosato 27: Hoshoryu 21: Takayasu 18: Wakamotoharu 18: Endo 15: Kotozakura 10: Ura 10: Hakuoho 10: Tamawashi Tomorrow Nagatanien also drops Takerufuji, the 2 regulars both get their packs, so again 7 in total for them. Tozaikai is on Shodai-Kinbozan, Kushikatsu on Nishikigi-Midorifuji, the 8th bout. day 1 o o
  25. Akinomaki

    Spirited rikishi Haru 2025

    Day 2 Makuuchi 1. Hoshoryu 2. Wakamotoharu 3. Onosato Juryo 1. Otsuji 2. Nabatame 3. Wakaikari