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Everything posted by Kintamayama

  1. Kintamayama

    final call - ISP and Chaingang

    I am just the administrator- Kofuji the wizard is the one to thank-his work is behind ISP, Chaingang, and of course BenchSumo and Sekitoto.It is his database that brings us endless joy..
  2. Kintamayama

    Another Kyujo..

    Hi! This time it's Takanowaka, who has announced his kyujo. It's his knee from the roundhouse dished out by Mickey on Senshuuraku last, knocking him out and literaly sending him to his knees. He can walk, he says, but bending the knee is painful. What isn't clear to me is if he got a kosho. He should have, since he got it "in the line of duty".. OTOH, it was regarded as a "light' injury" at the time, so perhaps it was not applied for.. Hmm..I fear that's the case, meaning he's in for a real tumble in May..
  3. Kintamayama

    Musashimaru Kyujo

    It's been on all Japanese sports papers..
  4. Kintamayama

    Sumo Singing Contest?

    And to back up my theory-here is a never before published's around 4.5 megs, but I think it's worth the download.. And this one is for Tokimori..4.2 megs, but..
  5. Kintamayama

    Sumo Singing Contest?

    THE number one active singer is Takanowaka,who I have on video singing very well,and who is also a not so bad piano player, I have heard..
  6. Futagoyama Oyakata got pissed off at the Sekitori who were slacking in keiko-made them do 60 pushups in front of the young deshi..even Tamanoshima, who was at degeiko, who muttered "Man, this guy is strict.." Oyakata apparently was pissed off by the fact that for the first time in 12 years, Futagoyama has no Sanyaku rikishi, (since Fujishima -beya days-1991 -71 consecutive Bashos.)In other keiko news, Shouryuu dominated Taikai 6-2. KaioU said he is feeling more comfortable every day, as he broke out with a big smile.
  7. Kintamayama

    Daizen's future

    Well, it does happen-latest case was in July 2002 when Minatofuji retired. He dropped to Makushita west 11, was ranked of course, and THEN announced his retirement without returning. And the famous Tomonohana who dropped to Makushita west 3 in November 2001 and then retired without returning. Susanoumi, who is said to have retired this basho ,is still officially active- he's ranked at Makushita east 56, after spending last Basho in jail, I mean Sandanme. No official notice of his retirement on the Kyookai pages as of yet. And he isn't expecting any kabu, or is he?
  8. Kintamayama

    Invitation to ISP

    Hi! This is to announce the existence of the extremely popular and veteran game, the ISP, the Internet Sumo Pool. You can find the rules/login/sign up at: YOU HAVE TO REGISTER!!When you do, don't forget to use the tie-breaker thingy on the entrance page. People have lost yushos because they didn't pick a tie-breaker!! ALL players must register for the Basho so they can enter their daily guesses. Unregisterd players will not be ranked, even if they used to play!! In a nutshell- a single bout will be chosen from the following day's bouts- you have to guess who's the winner. You will find all the relevant statistics (past meetings, etc..)when you enter your daily guess. Guess right -it's a win -guess wrong-it's a loss. The player with the best score after 15 days gets the Yusho. There is a formula page, where you can chose any or all of the 9 different formulas for when you will be absent from certain days (or just forget to send a pick..) The heavier rikishi to win, the older, the hairier, etc.. DEFAULTS-may be used five times during a basho, and on not more than three consecutive days. During the basho, you can see the various picks for that day, and see who the favorite one is. As for the game Banzuke, it has been published, thanks to Zenjimoto, and is posted on the site. Check out the game-it's great!! And the winner's prize --well, again, this is a futile call for someone out there to furnish one!! Last time there was no prize and that is/was/will be a pity. And remember, you are only what you is.. Good luck!! -- Kintamayama and Kofuji Guessbusters Inc.
  9. Kintamayama

    Invitation to Chain Gang

    Hi Gamers!! (deepest apologies again to non-gamers..) This one is the CHAIN GANG. After the successful inaugural/trial first bashos, we are going for another one. What is the "Chain Gang"? It's a Sumo-related game, based on a day by day entry. This means you have to follow the ongoing tournament. The good news is that all you have to do is guess one (1) winner of your choice from all the bouts on a given day, Juryo and Makuuchi. Only one, any one. You got it right? You advance to day 2 and pick again. It could be the same rikishi, or anyone else. You got it wrong? Well, that was the shortest game you ever played, because yer OUT!! No three strikes,no yellow card, no "one more chance".. It's the end of the road. Last human being standing wins. This means the game could theoretically end on day 6. So what? The prize? A key-chain, of course... IMPORTANT!!IMPORTANT!! YOU HAVE TO REGISTER TO PLAY, even if you played last time. You will need to pick TWO default guys before the basho starts for the days you don't/can't play, who cannot be changed. There is a 5-time use limit per basho for using a default, and you can use him for three straight days only, though we don't think you'll get very far using a default in this particular game. The reason for two defaults is this: KYUJO - When your default pick goes Kyujo, your second default pick kicks in.. IMPORTANT!! You cannot win OR lose by fusen. If your picked rikishi is involved in a fusen match, the default kicks in automatically. This is so no player will have any advantage/disadvantage due to time zone differences, as we have happening in other games. In the highly unlikely event that your default is also involved in the fusen match, you're toast..The best thing to do is keep an eye out for possible kyujos, and stay away from that rikishi!! IMPORTANT!! When your default kicks in for a kyujo rikishi, he doesn't count as one of the 5-per-basho you are allowed. The tie-breaker- the player who used the lowest ranked rikishi on average wins. There will be no mail sent out during the Basho - you'll have to visit us to see who's still standing. Good luck!! Thanks!! Kintamayama and Kofuji
  10. Kintamayama

    Some more pictures

    And here's one I took in 1998-a rare Hanada brothers one, when they were not on speaking terms.
  11. Kintamayama

    Alternate universe guys' sumo game

    Just to remind you that Hoshifransu found these guys-they have a game as well..
  12. Kintamayama

    Haru Basho 2003 Banzuke

    M5 last time were Kaihou(east) and Iwakiyama (west). Both had 7-8 MKs, both dropped a half of a rank. Kotoryuu, who will be M5 East, had a 8-7 at M8 west. Where did both M5 stay the same as last basho? Or did I misunderstand as usual?
  13. Kintamayama

    GTB results

    Hi Gamers! We had a record number of participants- 97. I couldn't imagine this even in my wildest nightmares..I'm updating the results by hand..(what hand? I USED to have a hand..) Thank you all for playing. Main problems: Yokozuna east/west, and the Juryo promotions as well. Low scoring all around, as we had no less than three rikishi demoted only by half a rank with a 7-8.. The bonus was not guessed by many for a change.. Our new winner-Andoreasu!! Congratulations!! See you again next time, and on with the Bash-ow!! Results (including rankings): winner's guess: --
  14. Kintamayama

    Site updated

    My site (foreigners, old-timers, Makushita in English, ex- Makuuchi)is updated as of now to reflect the new Banzuke. Thank you! All foreigners in all divisions: Never visited oldest rikishi site: Makushita in English: Ex-Makuuchi :
  15. Kintamayama

    GTB reminder

    Hi! Final reminder!!! Deadline- Sunday the 23rd, at various times..17:00 GMT, for example..or 12:00 midday US EST..PLEASE NOTE TIME OF DEADLINE FOR IT IS EARLIER THAN YOU MAY THINK!!! We have 87(!!!) participants so far. Thank you very much for playing- I know how long it takes to do it, and if you've never tried it, or haven't played for a while, this is, again, the time!
  16. Kintamayama

    GTB reminder

    Hi! Just two weeks left for your GTB entries. 35 entries so far. The deadline is February 23rd, a Sunday in most parts of the world. The bonus points (3) will be for guessing Miyabiyama's exact rank. If you already sent in an entry , please check to see if you are listed on the site. If not, please send it again, or let me know. Good luck!! The URL: For direct access to the still-nifty entry form, go to:
  17. Kintamayama

    GTB form mistakes and apology!

    Hi Players!! Almost 4 weeks into the new entry form, and not one, but two mistakes were pointed out to me by the cunning Zenjimoto. Miyabiyama was actually 1-3-11, and not 2-2-11 as stated in the form, and Takanotsuru was 9-6 and not 10-5. So if anyone was misled by my senility, I apologize. Good news is, you still have about 4 and a half days to fix it.
  18. Kintamayama

    Is it OK to skip work due to snow?

    Yes.Definitely.Always. Snow is a teleport to childhood. Children don't go to work. But what do I know? I've never worked in my life..
  19. Hi! A small new crossword dealing with old shikonas is now posted. You can also try the old one if you haven't done that already. Thank you!
  20. Kintamayama

    Sumo news in February

    It was a week before Aki 98, and yes, it was intense, though Taka ,Waka, Akinoshima(injured) and Takatouriki were taking it easy doing mostly small barbell lifting and such, while the lower ranked were very busy and intense. Nami wasn't even there..
  21. Kintamayama

    {trivia} New crossword + the old one

    Yes, we are a very friendly crossword indeed..we like everyone to feel they got it right, regardless..
  22. Kintamayama

    Nishikido's hair

    Well, the fact they don't have an in-house tokoyama is no hair off Nishikido's head, as they say in Detroit. Anyhow, I gather the Oyakata at least has no need for one. And yes,I am bald. So? Blue rice
  23. Kintamayama

    Nishikido's hair

    Dumdedum dedum..double posting..dum dedum..
  24. Kintamayama

    Who's this Yokozuna?

    Ichinoya is 42 now. He is also the guy on my avatar. He WILL be the next Yokozuna.. AND-two excellent points to Doitsuyama for the red scaffolding.. WOWWW!!
  25. Kintamayama

    Who's this Yokozuna?

    That is Ichinoya when he was Yokozuna. I remember it well. And don't forget-I was the first one to see it coming. Red Scaffolding