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Everything posted by Kintamayama

  1. Kintamayama

    Hatsu Basho 2003 re-live ...

    Just for the record.. KK is Kachikoshi -8-7 MK is makekoshi, or 7-8. I humbly put it that I was the first ever to use these initials..
  2. Kintamayama

    Tochiazuma out of Haru

    Seems Tochiazuma has announced that he will skip Haru due to his shoulder injuries. Will be back in May, hopefully.
  3. Kintamayama

    Kinkaiyama & Toki

    My Hebrew one is just as bizarre.. You'll need Hebrew encoding to see this..
  4. Kintamayama

    Hatsu Basho 2003

    Abe-san points out all foreigners, regardless of shusshin. BUT, he differenciates: in the fourth column, if it's an f (not an F) he is a foreigner whose shusshin is Japanese, like Kinkaiyama. You will see there about 6-7 rikishi, two of whom I have mentioned earlier.. And the guy Yubi was referring to is Azumaou from Sandanme.
  5. Kintamayama

    Hatsu Basho 2003

    Ok.. Gohere andhere andhere.
  6. Kintamayama

    Hatsu Basho 2003

    I know the answer. Yubi, should I shut up? He was actually a very good friend of my father back in the late 50s..
  7. Kintamayama

    Hatsu Basho 2003

    Nonsense.Kinkaiyama is listed as Nagasaki shusshin (origin). He is Korean, but that has no bearing, since the serious sites list the gaijin by shusshin, or the Kyokai's version. Hence, he is not listed as a foreigner. Of course we knew this..elementary. Read any publication and news stories-there are 52 foreigners, just like my site says. Kinkaiyama is not one of them. Now, I'll let you in on another secret.. There are two more full-fledged foreigners listed as Japanese: Jonidan 84 Wakatenyuu who is Korean/Chinese, and Jonidan 70 Brazilian Araki.
  8. Kintamayama

    Difficult (?) sumo trivia

    Ok. White taxi. Under the belt there, for it is essential to know a bit of Japanese. When you watch the feed, try to listen to the announcer when he talks about this rikishi. After the yobidashi calls them out in his sing-song fashion, and the gyooji echoes in his own style, there is an announcer who says the name and the origin of the rikishi in a normal, announcer's voice. "Aomoriken , Shirotaku-shi shusshin" Shirotakushi can be misheard as a "white taxi-shiro=white, takushee=taxi. Wakanosato is from there. Me, it drives me off the wall and I ROTFLMAO everytime I hear it- almost as funny as the final day- Show-joe-joe thing, which is a completely different story.. OK, lame-o, but funny if and when you get it..
  9. Kintamayama

    Is Sumo way of life still dangerous 4 the health ?

    Nonsense.Working out is very bad for you.
  10. Kintamayama

    Difficult (?) sumo trivia

    2 out of 3 right.. Aaah, but which ones??
  11. Kintamayama

    Difficult (?) sumo trivia

    Hint: Shusshin..
  12. Kintamayama

    Stump the Experts !

    1. Yamato (Restaurant) 2. Hakkaku(Hokutoumi), or maybe Takasago (Asashio) 3. Kirishima (Michinoku)
  13. "Translated" from Yomiuri sports Asashouryuu is getting ready for his first public Dohyou-iri at Meiji Jinguu tomorrow. He was practicing again and again the "unryuu' style, coached by Akebono and Hakkaku Oyakata.(Great picture follows.. a real collector's item) He studied every little move in depth. His tsuyuharai will be Takamisakari(hope he doesn't have to point out to him where he should stand correctly as he did in that Sanyaku soroibumi a year ago.. If you haven't seen this gem yet, you should..) and Touki will be tachimochi. (Hmm..Elvis and Robocop..) He became very serious once he donned the new, white tsuna. "I would like to be a young and strong rikishi, but one who has a heart. I would like to not make mistakes tomorrow - a perfect dohyou-iri", he said. (Well, something along those lines..) I cetainly wish him well!! BANZAI!!
  14. Kintamayama

    Next Ozeki speculation

    Huh? you like KaioU? I was sure you were a devout Asashouryuu/Akinoshima follower!! I must have been misled somewhere along the line..
  15. Kintamayama


    I answered their quiz and received a personal answer. they liked my shikona. I answered by saying that shortly they will be swamped by thousands of shikona-carrying Sumo buffs from an alternate Universe who will come to dominate their fantasy game.. And, BTW, I don't think their site is outstanding..Nice graphics(which don't work with Netscape), but content-wise, our 'measly" sites are superior by far, although some are run by "jijiis" as well..
  16. Kintamayama

    Takanohana talk

    Thank you for an excellent post!! More of these, PLEASE!!!
  17. Kintamayama

    Promotions to Juuryou

    Hi! The new Juuryou guys are: Dewanofuji (new) Dewanoumi-beya (Makushita West 1 6-1) Kakizoe (new) Musashigawa-beya (Makushita East 3 5-2) Hidenokuni (new)- Magaki-beya (Makushita West 4 4-3) Kotonomine (last time-May 2002) - Sadogatake-beya (Makushita East 1 4-3)
  18. Kintamayama

    Promotions to Juuryou

    They probably will be Tomikaze, Chiyotenzan and Toyozakura, or Wakatenrou with that 6-9 from Juuryou 10, though I doubt it.. Don't forget that due to Takanohana's kyujo, we have a hole to fill, hence three go down and four come up..
  19. Kintamayama

    Foreigner round-up

    Hi interested! This is the foreign rikishi round-up for Kyushu- Basho. In Makuuchi, 1 foreigner (Asashouryuu, who was also at his highest rank ever) got the Yusho, Musashimaru went Kyujo, Kyokushuuzan and Kyokutenhou went 7-8. In Juryo, there are 2 foreigners at the moment, Asasekiryuu (Mongolia) and Kasugaou (South Korea). They fought each other on day 15 for the yusho. Kasugao got it, with an 11-4 record. Asasekiryuu ended up 10-5. They both were at their highest ranks as well. In Makushita, of the 9 (!!) foreigners ,only four Sentoryuu, Kokkai, Kuniazuma and Ryuuou, who was at his highest)got KK while the other five (Hoshitango, Wakaazuma, Kyokutenzan, Hoshizakura and Ama) got MK. Only Hoshizakura (who was at his highest rank) will be demoted. In Sandanme, of the 21 there, 10 got their KK. 11 evidently did not, one going kyujo and coming back to win one. Three of them, Hakuba (Mongolia), Musashiryuu (Mongolia) and Rohou (Russia), will definitely be promoted to Makushita, all of them for the first time, all of them at their highest rank. 17 year old Kakuryuu (Mongolia, Sandanme west 40)who was makekoshi - less after 5 bashos, hit the wall and went 1-6. Of the 12 who held their highest-ever ranks in this division, 5 got their KKs. In Jonidan, there are 9 foreign rikishi. 7 went KK, only 2 went MK. Of the 5 who were at their highest-ever ranks, four, including hitherto unbeaten Tokitenkuu (Mongolia, 14-0 career,15-0 counting playoffs, who knows what else counting Mae-zumo..)and Nakanokuni, the 12-2 career Chinaman, managed a KK. In Jonokuchi, there were 3 rikishi- one (Ako, coming off a serious injury))was 6-1, but the other two shin-deshi (Mongolian Dewahikari and the 15 year old Texan Kagamifuji) got 3-4 MKs. We still have one guy, Bontenshou, off the Banzuke. The foreigners as a whole were 208-163-15 overall, which is good. Of the 25 foreign rikishi in all divisions who were at their highest-ever rank this Basho, 13 managed to get their KK. To make a very tedious story short, of the 49 foreigners in all of Sumo, 25 were KK and 21 MK, 2 were mostly kyujo,and one is off the Banzuke. Three (Asashouryuu, Kasugao and Tokitenkuu) won their divisional Yusho, and the rest are still at the party. For more (career records, number of Bashos, age, shoe size, etc..updated to include Aki): Thank you for walking my way.
  20. Kintamayama

    And the Sekitori-Toto Yusho goes to...

    Um, your site says it was actually a three- way tie between Heruwejima, Doronohana, and some idiot. Dimitri was 12-3, while the other three were 13-2.
  21. Kintamayama

    Invitation to GTB

    Hi! A Sumo maniac's work is never done..This is an invitation to all gamers and non-gamers to play the famous between Basho's "Guess the Banzuke"(GTB) game. The nifty entry form is online as you read. NEW!!! Rules in 6 languages!! English, German, French, Italian, Finnish, Spanish and Swedish. I'd like to thank Zenjimoto, Hoshifransu,Hoshifransu, Kaikitsune, Leonishiki and Sumo Forum Rijicho Kotoseiya,(in order of above languages..) for their translations, time and goodwill. For rules,standings and stuff, go to: For the nifty entry form; This time the bonus rikishi will be Miyabiyama. DEADLINE- Sunday, February 23rd, 2003 at 12:00 midday EST USA, or, in Europe, 17:00 GMT. And please-check the form for mistakes. They are definitely just need to find them.. Download my Sumo glossary for "Babylon" at:
  22. Kintamayama

    Foreigner round-up

    Hi Yoav! If you check out my site you'll see all the ages as well, and note that there is no difference in ages between foreigners abd locals, except for some cases, like Tokitenkuu and Kotooushuu(who is 19, not that old).. The guys in sandanme who have been is sumo for two three years are around 18-19 years old. so age probably isn't the main factor. Maybe they are more motivated, I don't know..
  23. Kintamayama

    Your Shikona in Hebrew

    You're isn't, but who cares???As long as we like it.. When did you leave?
  24. Kintamayama

    Your Shikona in Hebrew

    Hi! Have you ever wondered how your shikona looks like in Hebrew? You haven't? Well, here it is anyway.. Let me know if I forgot someone.. You have to choose "UNICODE" in your character code settings. In your browser (IE) go to "view", "encoding" and choose "unicode". If you don't have unicode, you won't see Jack.. קאיקיצונה-Kaikitsune קוטוסאיה-Kotoseiya הושיפרנסו- Hoshifransu מאנקינקו- Manekineko דויצויאמה-Doitsuyama פוג'יסאן-Fujisan יוביקוויטויאמה- Yubiquitoyama זנטוריו-Zentoryu זנג'ימוטו-Zenjimoto אושידאשי-Oshidashi פוקונויאמה-Fukunoyama קיוקנזאן-Kyukenzan טוני-Tony יואבושימארו-Yoavoshimaru צ'יוזאקורה-Chiyozakura אוננאגומו-Onnagumo טוקימורי-Tokimori אמאנוגאווה-Amanogawa אוסאגי-Usagi קינטאמאיאמה-Kintamayama ג'ומוג'ו-Jomojo פלאפי-יאמה-Fluffyyama אקסיל-Exil פגינו-וואקה-Feginowaka קופוג'י-Kofuji טאצ'י-יאמה-Tachiyama ראגרקאווה-Ragerkawa ג'סינופוג'י-Jesinofuji מאגורויאמה-Maguroyama מגומישיקי-Megumishiki מוראקאמי-Murakami אושירוקיטה- Oshirokita
  25. Kintamayama

    Foreigner round-up

    Hi interested! This is the foreign rikishi round-up for Hatsu- Basho. In Makuuchi, there are 5. One, (Asashouryuu, who was also at his highest rank ever) got the Yusho, Musashimaru was Kyujo, Kyokushuuzan was 7-8 and Kyokutenhou was KK. Kasugaou, in his Makuuchi debut, went 10-5. In Juryo, there is 1 foreigner at the moment, Asasekiryuu (Mongolia) who ended up 11-4 and got the Yusho. He was at his highest rank as well. He will be pretty high up in Makuuchi next Basho. In Makushita, of the 11 (!!) foreigners ,six got KK while the other five got MK. One of them, Musashiryuu, was injured and left in the middle. Kokkai won the Yusho after a seven-man playoff. Of the 4 who held their highest-ever ranks in this division, 3 got their KKs. Three will be demoted- Brazilian Wakaazuma, after a very long stint (including Juuryou) in Makushita,Kyokutenzan after a very long stint as well, and injured Musashiryuu. In Sandanme, of the 22 there, only 8 got their KK. 14 evidently did not. Tokitenkuu continues his unbelievable streak (21 wins + 2 in playoffs)and of course won the Yusho, his third already in as much tournaments. Hakuhou will probably be promoted to Makushita. Of the 9 who held their highest-ever ranks in this division, 4 got their KKs. In Jonidan, there are 7 foreign rikishi. 6 went KK, only 1 went MK. Of the 2 who were at their highest-ever ranks,one was MK, the other - KK. In Jonokuchi, there are 5 rikishi- 4 got KKs , one, Kagamifuji the Texan, left after getting injured on day 1. The Bulgarian Giant Kotooushuu got the Yusho. They were all at their highest ever ranks.. We still have one guy, Bontenshou, off the Banzuke. The foreigners were 221-156-8 overall, which is good. Of the 23 foreign rikishi in all divisions who were at their highest-ever rank this Basho, 14 managed to get their KK. To make a very long story short, of the 52 foreigners in all of Sumo, 28 were KK and 22 MK (including two who got injured and left in the middle), Musashimaru was kyujo, and one is off the Banzuke. FIVE(!!!) (Asashouryuu, Asasekiryuu, Kokkai,Tokitenkuu and Kotooushuu) won their divisional Yusho, and the rest are very envious indeed. For more (career records, number of Bashos, age, shoe size, etc..updated to include Aki): Thank you for walking my way.