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Everything posted by Tamanaogijima

  1. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Aki Basho 2017

    Hopefully not too many have done so. Or change it until tomorrow. A kyujo rikishi that cannot be substituted by one of the alternative choices (simply because you have run out of them) counts as 15-0 zensho.
  2. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Aki Basho 2017

    Selection Stats Day 1 Standings Day 2 Standings Day 3 Standings Day 4 Standings Day 5 Standings Day 6 Standings Day 7 Standings Day 8 Standings Day 9 Standings Day 10 Standings Day 11 Standings Day 12 Standings Day 13 Standings Day 14 Standings Final Standings
  3. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Hello gamers, the UDH entry form is ready now and waiting for your selections. Rules in a (very small) nutshell: Guess the thirteen makuuchi rikishi you expect to have the fewest wins this basho. You may submit your entry at http://udh.seisa.de/udh_index.html. Once you have selected your team, please root for them as much as you can. The game was not intended to honor any failure, but to stimulate interest in the less successful rikishi. The deadline for your entries will be the first day of the basho (Sunday, July 9th) at 12pm Japanese Time. Good luck! Link to the latest available standings >>> http://udh.seisa.de/udh_stand.html
  4. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Day 14 Standings Final Standings
  5. Tamanaogijima

    Sumo Reference Updates

    Switching to the Japanese version you will see what Asashosakari meant: There they are listed more correctly as "木瀬[11] (木村 瀬平)" and "式秀[9] (式守 秀五郎)". On the banzuke they are listed as "Kimura Sehei" and "Shikimori Hidegoro" as well, and not among the gyoji but among the oyakata.
  6. Tamanaogijima

    Sumo Reference Updates

    This is just a reflection of Kyokutenho working so hard as oyakata that he needs two myoseki-kabu Aren't they all still Dewanoumi in their hearts over there...? Thanks for spotting the mistakes. Fixed now.
  7. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Day 13 Standings
  8. Tamanaogijima

    Sumo Reference Updates

    Should be updated now. If anyone spots errors, please let me know.
  9. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Day 10 Standings Day 11 Standings Day 12 Standings
  10. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Day 9 Standings
  11. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Day 7 Standings Day 8 Standings
  12. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Day 6 Standings
  13. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Day 5 Standings
  14. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Day 4 Standings
  15. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Day 3 Standings
  16. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Day 2 Standings
  17. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Aaaaaand here we go... Selection Stats Day 1 Standings
  18. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    There's no intai button on the site. The only interactive parts are the entry form (for the non-intaiers) and an e-mail link (for everything else). Announcing it here in the forum is a fine way of contact, too, although I naturally cannot favour your request. Thanks for playing, and hopefully you will return at a later point!
  19. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    That's indeed just a snafu. But be aware: IF YOU DON'T SEE THE BANZUKE IT CAN'T EAT YOU. DON'T SEE THE BANZUKE, DON'T SEE THE BANZUKE... Will be added either tonight or on Sunday night. On a positive note: For the first time in ages I'll probably be able to do my UDH stuff on shonichi.
  20. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Nagoya Basho 2017

    Selection Stats Day 1 Standings Day 2 Standings Day 3 Standings Day 4 Standings Day 5 Standings Day 6 Standings Day 7 Standings Day 8 Standings Day 9 Standings Day 10 Standings Day 11 Standings Day 12 Standings Day 13 Standings Day 14 Standings Final Standings
  21. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Natsu Basho 2017

    Day 13 Standings Day 14 Standings Final Standings It took you exactly two years to get a 400-point yusho again. Last instance was Natsu 2015. Third last instance (Nagoya 2014) bears a lot of similarity with today's (jun-)yusho winners -- two persons are the same, the third has the same rank.
  22. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Natsu Basho 2017

    Hello gamers, the UDH entry form is ready now and waiting for your selections. Rules in a (very small) nutshell: Guess the thirteen makuuchi rikishi you expect to have the fewest wins this basho. You may submit your entry at http://udh.seisa.de/udh_index.html. Once you have selected your team, please root for them as much as you can. The game was not intended to honor any failure, but to stimulate interest in the less successful rikishi. The deadline for your entries will be the first day of the basho (Sunday, May 14th) at 12pm Japanese Time. Good luck! Link to the latest available standings >>> http://udh.seisa.de/udh_stand.html
  23. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Natsu Basho 2017

    Day 10 Standings Day 11 Standings Day 12 Standings
  24. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Natsu Basho 2017

    Day 9 Standings
  25. Tamanaogijima

    UDH Natsu Basho 2017

    Day 8 Standings