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About kawika

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  • Birthday 24/11/1963

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  1. kawika

    Sumo obituaries

    Chiyonofuji death anniversary https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2016/07/31/sumo/sumo-icon-chiyonofuji-dies-61/
  2. kawika

    Travel to Japan Today

    I was all excited when my country was graded as a blue country by the Japanese government. No vaccinations, no testing, no quarantine. But it ain't so simple. You need a visa and can only travel in groups. This article helped. Can I Travel To Japan Now? June 2022 - Inside Kyoto I want to hear from others here that might be planning a trip to Japan or just their thoughts in general.
  3. I am visiting Tokyo later this year. I won't have time to travel outside of Tokyo to take in any famous onsen. I wanted to know if anyone in the forum could recommend an onsen or sento in Tokyo that is worth the trouble. Google did kick back this useful list, 12 Best Natural Onsen in Tokyo | Spend a Day at a Super Sento (sakuramobile.jp). Still, I would like to get first-hand accounts from folks here.
  4. kawika

    Sumo program announcements (pics and vids)

    This Giants on Rakuten TV now on YouTube https://youtu.be/KQ3MTESzTPc "The Giants" tells the larger-than-life story of America's Sumo trailblazers (rakuten.today)
  5. kawika

    Araiso-heya branch out

    Wasn't his kyokai mad at him for not introducing and/or asking permission for their ok to marry Christine? I suppose he could never afford the heya unless his kyokai threw in some money too. I vaguely remember his restaurant, what it a joint venture in a steak house?
  6. kawika

    Araiso-heya branch out

    I wonder if happened with Akebono and his wife? I don't think pro wrestling was his first choice after sumo but I cannot recall.
  7. kawika

    Corona and sumo

    I don't see why they don't get the entire sumo association vaccinated, it is not a huge hurdle. They have like 6 weeks or something, right? Don't they all line up once a year for a flu shot? They pull that off in a day or so. Just need the inventory of vaccines and a little organization. But with the overall situation of how it has been managed in Japan, I suppose I shouldn't hope.
  8. kawika

    Ryuden Scandal

    did the mistress step follow and stated that she had an abortion at his insistence? all this 2nd half information is hard to keep straight.
  9. kawika

    Ryuden Scandal

    I prefer they crash down to makushita, even if they pull 7-0 the next 2 basho. they still give up the silk mawashi and their attendants, so there is sting to the demotion, plus it covers the basics, you don't fight, you go down the elevator until you can fight again, neh.
  10. kawika

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    probably the later, it is the July heat.
  11. kawika

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    it is definitely the hottest arena in all of the basho, for sure.
  12. kawika

    Promotions to Juryo Nagoya 2021

    who has the story about Koutokuzan?
  13. kawika

    Tamanoi Beya & COVID-19

    Tamanoi Stable has 28 rikishi, including 2 sekitori: Azumaryu and Fujiazuma both in the Juryo division.
  14. kawika

    Tamanoi Beya & COVID-19

    The entire Tamanoi stable has withdrawn from the September basho due to COVID-19. It was just on the news in Japan, should be on the news feeds shortly.
  15. kawika

    Back Covers of Sumo World on Instagram

    latest Behind the Curtain article is posted here. https://sumo-news.blogspot.com/