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About Ryukyushi

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  1. Ryukyushi

    Leaderboard Day 15 Haru Basho 2014 - Lower divisions

    Did I get this right? Is Chiyonokatsu from Okinawa? YEY :-)​ :-)​
  2. Ryukyushi

    Haru 2014 discussion thread **probable spoilers**

    Okinoumi... How can he start a basho with winning against Kakuryu (in his arguably best basho ever) and then finish 5-10??? When will he show a more stable ability?
  3. Ryukyushi

    Ozeki retirement age

    Heed to your doctor's advice! :) Thanks a bunch.
  4. Ryukyushi

    Ozeki retirement age

    Any idea what is the standard deviation?
  5. Ryukyushi

    Ozeki retirement age

    Thanks! So he did retire a bit young... but just a bit.
  6. Ryukyushi

    Ozeki retirement age

    Following Kotooshu's retirement (it was really sad to see his announcement...) - what is the average retirement age for Ozekis? I have the feeling he retired a bit young... (thought he was older than 31).
  7. Ryukyushi

    Israel jungyo

    Too bad. I wasn't all that into Sumo back than, so I didn't go... Did know about it, though. You did a good PR!
  8. Ryukyushi

    Israel jungyo

    Is there any chance for such a thing in the foreseeable future?
  9. Ryukyushi

    Nagoya Basho 2013 discussion thread

    Okinoumi showed some decent, solid sumo, don't you think? Took the lead for once...
  10. Ryukyushi

    Nagoya 2013 new recruits

    Thank you all for the replies. Chiyoo is Okinawan enough for me :) I do hope he will get back to being a sekitori.
  11. Ryukyushi

    Nagoya 2013 new recruits

    Any new ones from Okinawa prefecture? Probably not... Does anyone know of any Okinawan Rikishi?
  12. Ryukyushi

    Preparations of the masses-Nagoya 2013

    Hi all, first time to write here :) Any thoughts on Homashou? DO you think he will be able to get back to Makuuchi?