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About au4040

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  1. au4040

    Natsu Basho Attendance Advice

    On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate Arena A seats?
  2. au4040

    Natsu Basho Attendance Advice

    Many thanks. I will be arriving in Tokyo on May 16 and now that we look at our itinerary, only a handful of days are we able to attend an event. Ideally we would like to go on that final Saturday but I see, like you say, that tickets are completely sold out. Do people re-sell tickets or is there any way to attain tickets after sold out? Thanks so much.
  3. au4040

    Natsu Basho 2014 PR (pics)

    Thank you very much for the information. Unfortunately I see that the Special Box seats for two are completely sold out for every day of the tournament. That is the preferred seat for me because it is just my wife and I and we wanted to sit close. Is there any chance that more seats will become available like that? We will not be arriving in Tokyo until Day 6 or I would definitely like to meet someone very knowledgeable of the sport. I think we may get Arena A chair seats for the 9th day. My ideal day was the final Saturday (14th) but every single seat is sold out then!
  4. au4040

    Natsu Basho 2014 PR (pics)

    Greetings Akinomaki! I am traveling to Japan next week and very much interested in attending the Natsu Basho. Which days would you recommend for first- timer? I am very honored to be there during this time. Thank you.
  5. Greetings Sumo Forum. I am making my first trip to live sumo, for the Natsu Basho in a few weeks. I am unfamiliar with the schedule but I would like to seek out your advice for the best day to attend - and any other advice you might have. I am very much looking forward to it. Thank you.