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Everything posted by Odoriou

  1. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    I only didn't show you the animated Takamisakari emoticon up to now. Just be patient... I think it will be 'officially' uploaded in a few days. (Bleh!)
  2. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- --- --- Sumo emoticon project is finished. --- --- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to thank everybody for your many ideas and for your praises. (Applauding...) Without you maybe I would have stopped after the first three emoticons. Now there are 24 regular sumo emoticons plus 10 rikishi smileys. I sent improved versions of them all to Exil, who will now have the difficult job to sort out some of the old Sumoforum emoticons to replace them with these sumo emoticons - thank you for taking the effort. (Showing respect...) For about a week I've spend most of my free time with changing pixel by pixel on very small pictures... I really need a break now, as my eyes have this color at the moment:
  3. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Well... there are more than 700 rikishi, but there seem to be only about 10 'characters' among them. An update: Osh, Kokkai, Mickey, Iwakiyama, Buyuzan, Bart and Toki look good already, but I'm not satisfied with Kaio and Roho. I guess I will have to leave them out. (Showing respect...)
  4. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Where? I never saw it - what does the old Iwakiyama look like? By the way... This thread has more than 1000 clicks already. (Blushing...) Edit: Your Takamisakari version looks good. (Showing respect...) I think I will include that idea. (Applauding...)
  5. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    For those who don't want to guess who that is... Spoiler: . . . . . . . . . . Asashoryu, Kotooshu, Takamisakari, Kokkai, Kotomitsuki, Iwakiyama, Kaio, Toki, Baruto.
  6. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    I really like the idea, but it's already hard to recognize these few rikishi: Those rikishi were for sure the most recognizable ones. I can hardly paint more of them... Do you still think those rikishi emoticons would be useful?
  7. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Zabuton emoticon was more difficult than it looks like... I had to set seven different zabutons in motion: Gumbai east: Gumbai west: Until yesterday I always made a mistake when transforming emoticon pictures from BMP to GIF. The result was that all my GIFs looked a little bit "dirty" (some pixels have a slightly wrong color). So I think I will have to transform all my smileys once more... (Nodding yes...)
  8. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Thank you. (Nodding yes...) Meanwhile I shaved Kokkai: And added a matta emoticon:
  9. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    No, not every henka is done against Kokkai... but most of them. ;-) To be honest: I changed it to Kokkai, because now it's easier to see what happens in the picture. You can easily confuse two yellow smileys when they are so close together. That's why I changed the color of one smiley. Another reason for changing this emoticon was a little mistake i made in the first version (Applauding...): when the left smiley jumps up, it's head leaves the picture a little bit. ==> But okay, I think I will remove Kokkai's beard, leaving the main color as pink as it is. Then we'll have one asian looking smiley henka-ing one european looking smiley. Again: I think it's quite important to use two smileys of a different color here. And I'll think about a matta emoticon now. (Nodding yes...)
  10. Odoriou

    testing sumo emoticons

    In blue it looks like water. (Applauding...) Now I made it darker, and that's quite good: (Nodding yes...) ==> ==>
  11. Odoriou

    testing sumo emoticons

    Yorikiri: oops... another try: (I'm also working on henka and uwatenage emoticons. (You are going off-topic...) )
  12. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Just made a kensho banner parade:
  13. Odoriou

    Sumo Fan Mag Issue 2

    I was looking for a link, but couldn't find one...
  14. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    blind gyoji smiley is ready: And of course - how could I forget a yusho smiley? Now I even made two of them: yusho cup: yusho fish: "I think your fish is not fresh." - "Did you say may fish was not fresh???" - "I said your fish is NOT fresh." - "DON'T YOU DARE TO SAY THIS AGAIN!!!" - "YOOOOUUUUR FISH IS NOOOOOOOOOT FREEEEEEEEESH!!!!!" ... ==>
  15. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Okay, that's a good one! Blind gyoji will be my next job. (Hugging...) Sumo smiley project is nearing completion. I think the most important smileys are done. Of course I could make some more of the funny ones, but these would normally never be used in postings. So if anybody has still an idea what kind of smiley could be useful, I would be glad to create it. (Shaking head...) If there are no more suggestions I think I will finish my sumo smiley project in a few days. I changed the henka-ed smiley into Kokkai (to make it more clear): then I made the Yokozuna do break-dance: and did a Banzuke smiley:
  16. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Hello, I am a . I want to become a , maybe even a . My last bout I should have won, but the was against me. I don't really care, as there was no on this bout.
  17. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Thanks... so my efforts were not in vain. (Hugging...) I guess I will do about 5 to 10 more emoticons, then you can upload them all. I like the next one a lot:
  18. Odoriou

    testing sumo emoticons

    testing very bright salt on a very bright background:
  19. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Thanks for the praise! I already tried some different versions of a salt throwing smiley... am not satisfied with the results yet. But I'll keep trying! (Hugging...) My last finished job: a kensho smiley -
  20. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Okay, I just made that one. A complete gallery for better overview: Mono-ii - Fusensho - Uwatenage - Harite - Oshidashi - Henka - brave rikishi - fearful rikishi -
  21. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Here you are:
  22. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Lol... don't you have some ideas that are easier to paint? Next two - inspired by Oimeru. <== brave little man <== fearful little man
  23. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Great idea! This looks sooo funny: And thank you Oimeru. Many interesting ideas. Maybe very hard to do, but I'm on the job... (You are going off-topic...)
  24. Odoriou

    testing sumo emoticons

    Uwatenage: Integrating the effect seems to be difficult:
  25. Odoriou

    testing sumo emoticons

    Really? (Pulling hair...) Of course it was rather a mistake than an 'effect' - but maybe I can really try something with that. Uwatenage (WIP):