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Everything posted by Odoriou

  1. Odoriou

    Banzuke Haru Basho 2005

    My statement made many members try to prove me wrong. But nobody could actually name a Rikishi, who really rose from Juryo 10 to Maegashira 15 (or J9 to M14 or similar). (Showing respect...) It's much more easy to fall this far than to rise the same way (in the upper part of the Banzuke, at least) - that's what I meant with "unfair". Anyway, thanks to the posters above, I learned that there is more 'vitality' in the Banzuke than I thought. Especially Fukurou's posting (rises from Jonidan 110 to Sandanme 95 are possible) was surprising me. Thank you all. (Sigh...)
  2. Odoriou

    Baruto in Japan Times

    Another article on the often discussed topic "foreign wrestlers". Why is everybody only talking about that at the moment? (Sigh...) I liked that part: They mixed up something: Roho is the man from Georgia and Kotooshu is the Russian. (Showing respect...) (Just joking!)
  3. Odoriou

    Banzuke Haru Basho 2005

    Takekaze (M 8 w, 0-15) dropped to Juryo 3 e Tokitenku (M 17 w, 6-9) now is Juryo 2 w Kotoshogiku (5-10) made it from M 16 e to Juryo 4 e Tochisakae and Harunoyama (0-15) both fell from M 15 to Juryo 10 I'm really surprised, how deep they all fell. (Just do not get it...) It's a long way from Maegashira 15 to Juryo 10... (In a state of confusion...)
  4. Odoriou

    Haru GTB Results

    I was third best rookie - and I'm pretty proud of it. :-| My congratulations to rookies Fujimaeiko and Pikenoyama, who were better than me. (Whistling...) I'm the last person (or 'rikishi' B-) ) on the list, who got KK. (In a state of confusion...) And I hit bulls-eye 20 times (with only 23 correct guesses)!!! (Sign of approval) There is someone on position 15, who has hit bull's eye only 19 times - so I'm really satisfied. :-D
  5. Odoriou

    Format changes on Eurosport broadcasting

    Eight shows, each 1 hour long... that makes 8 hours. (Sign of approval) If you leave out the commercial breaks, it may be 7.5 hours. If you don't need the part of the last show, where the highlights are repeated, you will get along with a 7 hour tape, I think.
  6. Odoriou

    500 members!

    Some older members must have been banned or deleted. B-) Okay, that could be a reason. As well as the possibility to write personal messages. (Reading love letter...)
  7. Odoriou

    500 members!

    I'm member #532... out of 501. B-) :-P On some other boards people have to be registered if they want to see the posted pictures or if they want to download things. But on this board this is not necessary. So I also don't understand why people register but don't post a word. Some may not know much about sumo and just read the threads to increase their knowledge. Writing in english can also be a problem. But why do they register? Anyway - 500 members is a reason to paaaarty! :-/ B-)
  8. Odoriou

    Format changes on Eurosport broadcasting

    Another try: http://www.jp-ohv.de/wbb/wbboard/thread.ph...did=21&page=1#4
  9. Odoriou

    Format changes on Eurosport broadcasting

    I will force my friends to watch the highlights show. B-) They are no sumo fans up to now, but this could change their minds. (Sign of approval)
  10. Odoriou

    Osh pays taxes

    Don't forget: Last year Kotooshu started in Makushita and was in 'lower' Makuuchi only for the last two Bashos. But this year he will be hanging around in Sanyaku most of the time - so he can possibly make 10 times the money. (Showing respect...)
  11. Odoriou

    Hakuhou wins one day tournament

    (Kewl pics! ) I'm still waiting for Asa's golden mawashi, but he still wears the black one.
  12. Odoriou

    Shimotori gets married

    Why didn't I remember that? ;-) Somehow "Shimotori" and "Sanyaku" still sounds odd to me... (Shaking head...)
  13. Odoriou

    Shimotori gets married

    Shimotori's highest rank was Maegashira 1 East in last year... or am I wrong? (Shaking head...) I wouldn't call that "Sanyaku" - so how could he "return" there...? I'm still confused. ;-)
  14. Odoriou

    Featured edible item - Potato

    Why? It's an interesting subject. (You are going off-topic...) ( http://www.indepthinfo.com/potato/history.shtml ) (You are going off-topic...)
  15. Odoriou

    New recruit for Ooshima beya

    He's not very tall. Or does one still grow at the age of fifteen... (Whistling...) Is it confirmed that he's a boy? (Oops! )
  16. Odoriou

    Levitating Tosanoumi wins Ig(R) Nobel!

    I wonder if they would have managed to lift Konishiki... (Clapping wildly...) My favourite Ig Nobel Prize Winners are these: ;-) Unfortunately no connection to sumo, so... (Whistling...) (Hugging...)Edit: Wait... that report "An Analysis of the Forces Required to Drag Sheep over Various Surfaces" can be connected to sumo! What forces are needed to drag a rikishi through a dohyo? So... not off-topic. (Clapping wildly...)
  17. Odoriou

    playground for a noob ;-)

    F1SigPic: Badly dressed boy: Other F1SigPic: Russian: Тусовки каждый день, новые друзья, знакомые
  18. Odoriou

    Whats the record for....

    May I correct you? The playoff itself took only thirteen days. Last two days were a bonus for the crowd. (You are going off-topic...)
  19. Odoriou

    Whats the record for....

    We have to blame Asashoryu for that. In pre-Asa time it happened more often. (You are going off-topic...)
  20. Odoriou

    Kanji Shikona

    :-D Thanks a lot. Wow - my shikona really means something. (Sign of approval)
  21. Odoriou

    Kanji Shikona

    Today I registered in this forum as 'Odoriou'. I chose this name only because in other (non-sumo) forums I'm known as 'Odor' (= "smell" in american-english). I didn't think 'Odoriou' could mean something. But now I found this: :-D Does this mean that 'Odori' means 'Dance Maniac' and 'Byou' means 'Sickness'? In that case 'Odori-ou' could possibly be translated as 'wild dancing emperor'? (Sigh...) Would be amazing if it was true. But I'm sure that it is not that easy...? :-|