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Everything posted by Odoriou

  1. Odoriou

    Download and save..

    But what's wrong with the NHK co-commentator? (Eh?) His voice is really scary (in the Takamisakari bout). (Applauding...) BTW: The Tosanoumi-Kitazakura match, mentioned by Kintamayama-san, sadly is not available on Dale's page.
  2. Odoriou

    Sumoforum icon contest opened!

    Firstly I'd like to express my gratitude for being declared the winner. I am unworthy. (Bow...) Now about the belated critics: In this thread's first post our honorable Rijicho is inviting everybody to give positive or negative feedback and he announces to take all that into consideration. I personally had wished to get some constructive critic or hints by interested forum members, too. That worked perfectly in the sumo smilies thread, where many ideas were given, but in sumo icons thread you were surprisingly silent. Now, after everything is over and done, you suddenly start giving your opinion. Thanks for that, but why so late? It would have been the easiest thing in the world to include an "SF" in those icons somehow or to create different versions of an SF signature... Anyway... I'm looking forward to my trip to Kabul. (Holiday feeling...) Oh BTW, what's the weather like in Afghanistan at the moment? (Cold...)
  3. Odoriou

    Banzuke Surfing 2nd Wave Hatsu 2006

    Jk34w Gagamaru :-) (surfing on the main stream)
  4. Odoriou

    Kaio intai?

    He's from Fukuoka, and that's probably where he wants to end his career. So I voted for "Nov/Dec 2006". (In jonokuchi...)
  5. I made up a points system which takes only this year's achievements of makuuchi rikishi into consideration. I awarded 10 championship points for a makuuchi yusho, 6 for a jun-yusho, 4 points for a 3rd best basho result etc. (10-6-4-3-2-1). One bonus point was awarded for a sansho. So this is my attempt to make an objective list of this year's most successful rikishi: 01. Asashoryu 60 02. Kotooshu 23+4 03. Tochiazuma 17 04. Kotomitsuki 12+1 05. Hakuho 12+1 06. Chiyotaikai 12 07. Tamanoshima 11+1 08. Kaio 10 09. Kyokutenho 9 10. Roho 9 11. Kyokushuzan 8+1 12. Kokkai 8+1 13. Futeno 7+2 14. Miyabiyama 7+1 15. Ama 6+1 16. Tokitenku 6+1 17. Tochinohana 6+1 18. Jumonji 6 19. Asasekiryu 6 20. Aminishiki 6 21. Takamisakari 6 22. Kaiho 5+1 23. Kisenosato 5+1 24. Iwakiyama 5 25. Wakanosato 5 26. Kasugao 5 27. Hakurozan 5 28. Takekaze 5 29. Dejima 4 30. Tosanoumi 4 31. Buyuzan 3 32. Kakizoe 3 33. Toyonoshima 3 34. Kasuganishiki 3 35. Toyozakura 3 36. Hokutoriki 2 37. Kotoshogiku 2 38. Shunketsu 2 39. Tochinonada 2 40. Takanowaka 2 41. Shimotori 2 42. Tamaasuka 2 43. Hayateumi 2 44. Kotonowaka 1 45. Katayama 1 46. Tokitsuumi 1 47. Tamakasuga 1 It's certainly no surprise that Asashoryu could secure the title "Ozumo World Champion 2005" while Kotooshu was runner-up. But maybe there are some surprises elsewhere on this table. For instance, I didn't expect Kotonowaka as low as on position 44 - he scored only one championship point in haru basho. This way to measure the success of rikishi probably doesn't make much sense, but it's non-basho time again and I was bored. (In jonokuchi...)
  6. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Oh, they are cute. (Sign of approval) I was curious what it might look like behind this quite large kesho mawashi, so I put Futeno into an X-ray machine. Futeno didn't like this procedure, but now I know why he needs such a large kesho mawashi: (Whistling...)
  7. Odoriou

    Happy birthday Asojima!

    As Fujisan seems to be busy, I'll have to do his job... (Laughing...) Happy birthday Asojima! (Scratching chin...) It's even a round number - I hope you have a great day. (Sign of approval)
  8. Odoriou

    Sumoforum icon contest opened!

    (Laughing...) Shonichi of which honbasho...? (Scratching chin...)
  9. Odoriou

    Ozumo World Champion 2005 is...

    That's quite nice, as long as you only look at a few rikishi at once: If you want to see some more of them, you really get a plate full of spaghetti: Hmmm... that 2nd chart looks appetizing. (Eating...)
  10. Odoriou

    Hatsu Banzuke: First Thoughts

    You obviously made the right decision - 4th place in GTB! (Showing respect...) (I am not worthy...)
  11. Odoriou

    Ozumo World Champion 2005 is...

    Doitsuyama's Ozumo Ratings transferred into a nice colourful chart: (In jonokuchi...) (For those who can't handle too many numbers... :-P )
  12. Odoriou

    Kotomitsuki's non-promotion

    Under the assumption that Mickey had had just a little more motivation in 2003 july basho (one more henka to get back his fictional Ozeki rank), things would look very different: 2003.01 O 9-6 2003.03 O 6-9 2003.05 Ok 0-5-10 2003.07 S 10-5 2003.09 O 11-4J 2003.11 O 6-9 2004.01 Ok 13-2J 2004.03 O 7-8 2004.05 Ok 9-6 2004.07 O 7-8 2004.09 Ok 8-7 2004.11 O 10-5 2005.01 O 7-8 2005.03 Ok 9-6 2005.05 O 13-2 2005.07 O 7-8 2005.09 Ok 9-6 2005.11 O 8-7 2006.01 O So Mickey wouldn't have been an impressive Ozeki, but at least he would have kept this rank for some years. (On the banzuke...)
  13. Odoriou

    Kotooshu Resumes Training

    Especially on this photo... (On the banzuke...)
  14. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Be careful with your praises, I could start to believe all the kind things you say. (Sleeping...) It's only painting small yellow dumplings - you dont have to be a genius to manage that. (Dohyo-iri...)
  15. Odoriou

    World's Greatest Athlete 2005

    I nominate Valentino Rossi for that title. It might be a close contest between Roger Federer, Valentino Rossi, Lance Armstrong and Asashoryu... (Dohyo-iri...)
  16. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    How can a small yellow ball shake its hips, if it is completely round? (Whistling...) So for a while I was thinking of a way to make a smiley look like Kisenosato without making it dance. But after bennyloh, Gacktoh, ilovesumo and madorosumaru all made the same suggestion, I obviously couldn't avoid that any longer. Well, here you have an ass-shaking little smiley: Kisenosato's spitting image, isn't it. (Eating...)
  17. Odoriou

    Fireman in Laos

    Well... Louangphrabang's central fire station has two very short firemen, both are exactly 159 cm tall. Just to make it more clear - which man do you mean? Khamphong Mounphosay is 38 years old, has 6 children and lives together with his family in this road (under the 2nd red roof): The name of short guy number two is Somphong Bouphavanh. He is 17 years old, not married yet and lives with his parents, 3 sisters and 2 grandparents in the house on the very right: Unfortunately both Mr. Mounphosay and Mr. Bouphavanh are very shy, so there are no photos of these gentlemen available. Oh, don't be too sure about that. Khamphong Mounphosay's house has an internet connection. Globalization is everywhere. (Whistling...)
  18. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    I may be wrong, but I think Hakuho's mawashi is always blue. On the left picture it only appears to be green because the light is yellow. (Whistling...)
  19. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    Very often I see SF moderators and admins use this emoticon (A sekitori...) when they moderate. (Order, order! ) Okay, for the beginning I made a flag holding Kyokutenho: And as Hakuho looks a bit like a cute little baby, I gave him a pacifier: I'm still thinking about Kisenosato...
  20. Odoriou

    Sumo related emoticons

    I already tried to make a Hakuho emoticon some months ago... it's the 3rd from right, number 12 from left: As you can see, this one is hardly recognizeable as Hakuho. And I have the same problem with Kisenosato and Kyokutenho. These guys are simply not characteristic enough to make a good Odoriou-style emoticon. If Hakuho had green hair, a giant scar on his cheek and a third eye on his forehead, things would be a lot easier: ;-) Hakuho: Kisenosato: :-P Kyokutenho: (In love...)
  21. Odoriou

    Heya Watch Kyushu 2005

    Just have a look at the number of clicks. 850 members read this thread up to now. (Showing respect...) So, many people are interested. (Nodding yes...) I, personally, don't study your heya statistics daily, but only when a basho is nearing the end. Then it's indeed very informative. Thank you for it. (In jonokuchi...)
  22. Odoriou

    Guess the Kotomitsuki winner!

    Firstly my congratulations to the winner (Neener, neener...) and to those who were otherwise successful in this round of GTK. (Applauding...) I thought I had made my GTK entry, but now I noticed that I didn't. (Nodding yes...) Thanks to a very generous kosho rule I was allowed to keep my rank... (Blushing...) I want to apologize to everybody who made an entry and scored a mk (what probably would have happened to me, too). (On the banzuke...) And I promise that next time I'll make my entry as soon as possible to get a well deserved mk - fair and square. (Hugging...)
  23. Odoriou

    wins in kettei-sen

    May I add another question: (Applauding...) Are Kettei-sen wins considered when a banzuke is created? I mean, does a 7-0 yusho winner normally rise higher than his Kettei-sen opponent (in relation to his old rank)?
  24. Odoriou

    Hatsu Banzuke: First Thoughts

    I just had a look at the situation... and yes, you're probably right. And there are many rikishi with results like 5-10 and worse, who will have to be treated very generous this time. Once more Futenou-san will profit by that. Last time he scored a 5-10 as Komusubi west, but was only demoted to Maegashira 2 east. Now his 3-12 might give him a soft landing at roundabout M 8 - near Kakizoe (4-11 at M2w) and Kisenosato (5-10 at M5e). Another point: 2006 Hatsu Basho Banzuke will most likely be lacking symmetry. Maegashira 17 EAST should be the lowest Makuuchi rank. To avoid an asymmetric banzuke, they could , for instance, make Sanyaku look like that: Asashoryu Y --- Chiyotaikai O1 Kaio Tochiazuma O2 Kotooshu Kotomitsuki S1 Hakuho --- S2 Kyokutenho Miyabiyama K Tamanoshima (Applauding...)
  25. Odoriou

    Ozeki ranking!

    Look at this example and you'll see: http://hakkeyoi.net/promo.html?bid=688 (Weeping...)