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About HYI

  • Rank
  • Birthday September 12

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    Not Telling


  • Heya Affiliation
    Sakaigawa, Tatsunami, Oitekaze
  • Favourite Rikishi
    Endo, Meisei, Goeido, Myogiryu, Nishikigi

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  1. HYI

    Bearded gyoji/wrestlers

    I saw Chiyonofuji with a bear
  2. HYI

    Rikishin intai

  3. HYI

    Preparations of the masses -Aki 2017

    Aoiyama injuried his knee during keiko. I have no information about Sadanoumi.
  4. HYI

    Songs and sumo

    25:11 26:11
  5. HYI

    Songs and sumo

    Thanks. Yes, Gottsuan desu means "Thank you" in sumo slang
  6. HYI

    Songs and sumo

    What is the song at 25:11 and 26:11?
  7. HYI

    Long Kachikoshi Streaks - Nagoya 2017

    1. KK 2. KK 3. MK 4. 9 5. KK 6. KK 7. MK 8. KK 9. KK 10. KK 11. MK 12. MK TB: 13
  8. HYI

    Banzuke Surfing Nagoya 2017 (11th Wave)

    Jd73e Abezakura
  9. HYI

    Where can I buy these t-shirts?

  10. Where can I buy these t-shirts?
  11. Daieisho Chiyoshoma Mitakeumi
  12. HYI

    Banzuke Surfing Natsu 2017 (11th Wave)

    Jk9w Mitsuuchi
  13. HYI

    When will Hakuho intai?

    In 2018 I think...
  14. HYI

    Takayasu in May

    2nd question is simple