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    Ura, Midorifuji, not Abi, not Takakeisho

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  1. just_some_guy

    Hatsu Basho 2025

    I don't have a real solid reason for it but I'm predicting no new Yokozuna after this basho. I guess I don't trust the consistency of either applicant to put it together for a second basho. Besides, Onosato is in a pattern of Yusho/9-6/Yusho/9-6, so he's due for the yusho to keep that rolling.
  2. just_some_guy

    Kyushu 2024 discussion (results)

    IMO he's getting smarter. He seems to be doing a better job in recent times of knowing what strategy he needs to use for any given opponent. He doesn't always execute it well enough to win but he's still improving. I would agree with those who say his current form doesn't scream Yokozuna right now, but his potential is of that level and I'll be zero percent surprised if he eventually gets the rope.
  3. just_some_guy

    Yokozunas and Ozekis for January 2026

    Onosato Y Kotozakura Takerufuji O Hoshoryu
  4. just_some_guy

    Yokozuna Promotion Speculation

    I don't pretend to read the minds of the YDC and such, but I'd be very shocked if anyone without a yusho got the rope. That's seemed to be a very hard line since Futahaguro, to the point I'm surprised anyone's considering it right now. I'll also agree with the comments that they shouldn't be in a rush for a new Yokozuna. Between Hoshoryu, Kotozakura, Onosato, and Takerufuji (though he's obviously not in position yet) they've got plenty of hopefuls. I'd say it's a very reasonable expectation that at least one gets promoted within a year, and at least two total within two years. The future is bright and the fans know it so there's no need for a premature promotion.
  5. just_some_guy

    Atamifuji - maybe this year?

    Would love to be proven wrong but I predict another year of single digit wins and single digit losses within (or just outside of) the joi. Put him at M4W for Jan 2026.
  6. just_some_guy

    Who will be the higher ranked Ukrainian for January 2026?

    Right now Aonishiki looks like he has a higher ceiling, but Shishi has been improving (contrary to what his last basho's performance might indicate) and has a size advantage. Tough call but I'll say Aonishiki.
  7. just_some_guy

    Makunouchi Yushos in 2025

    Kotozakura gets two, one for Hoshoryu, two for Onosato, and Takerufuji takes one from around M4.
  8. just_some_guy

    Kyushu 2024 discussion (results)

    The future is bright for sumo, I think. We've got 3 strong Ozeki and I expect Takerufuji to be a 4th at some point. If Hakuoho could get back to his pre-injury form that'd be even better. Terunofuji might show up once or twice more to make a basho interesting while he's at it. Wakatakakage will likely spice things up in the Sanyaku/joi area for a while but I don't see him taking the step to Ozeki. By no means a 1-to-1 comparison (yet, at least) but Kotozakura reminds me somewhat of Kisenosato in that he's not flashy, just a big strong stable dude with calm fundamentally strong sumo who's hard to move or get off balance.
  9. just_some_guy

    Yokozuna Terunofuji in 2025 (really? He's still going on?)

    Participates in January, Jun-yusho there. Kinboshi to Daieisho and Takanosho. Does not return thereafter.
  10. just_some_guy

    Yokozuna Terunofuji in 2024

    My mother will be so proud
  11. just_some_guy

    Kyushu Basho 2024

    Of the two options that just say "Onosato" I assume we shall treat the top one as "Onosato KK" and the bottom as "Onosato MK."
  12. just_some_guy

    Kyushu 2024 ridiculous predictions

    Terunofuji competes the entire 15 days of the basho. now for a less ridiculous prediction... Chiyoshoma goes 14-1, winning every match with a henka except for one where his opponent henkas in the same direction and accidentally bumps him out of the ring.