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Everything posted by just_some_guy

  1. just_some_guy

    Haru 2025 discussion (results)

    Perhaps I didn't do this query correctly, but it looks like the last time someone had back to back yusho at Ozeki without getting a rope was 1950. I'd be interested to see any examples that I missed, and I'd bet you at least three hot dogs that any Onosato yusho next basho--even an 11-4--gets him a Yokozuna promotion. Edit to add: Yes, there were no 11-4s in my query example but I don't think it'll matter.
  2. just_some_guy

    Haru 2025 discussion (results)

    Do you mean jun-yusho? Because I think two yusho in a row will do it, regardless of what the yusho record is next basho.
  3. just_some_guy

    Preparations of the Y/O- Haru 2025

    Voodoo snacks.
  4. just_some_guy

    Futagoyama Beya YouTube channel is great

    I meant this one they mentioned: "There’s another channel that shows every bout the rikishi have from this stable. " I took that to mean basho matches; the sumofood channel only shows training.
  5. just_some_guy

    Futagoyama Beya YouTube channel is great

    Could you link this for us? I had found one before but it's disappeared.
  6. just_some_guy

    Moves to make LIVE sumo available abroad underway

    I agree with most of this but will pass on the English commentary. Apart from Murray Johnson I find them all unbearable and would prefer the Japanese commentary. I can pick out "mawashi" and "yorikiri" and whatnot well enough without actually knowing Japanese.
  7. just_some_guy

    Moves to make LIVE sumo available abroad underway

    Whatever it is, I hope (and would assume) it comes with a way to watch after the fact. I'm usually asleep by the time Makushita matches are finished.
  8. just_some_guy

    Sumo feats of strength

    Baruto, you say?
  9. just_some_guy

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    That's definitely part of the contrast. When I started watching (2015ish maybe?) we had three Yokozunae and (I think) four Ozeki. Anyone who reached K/S promptly got smacked back down to the M ranks. Different times indeed.
  10. just_some_guy

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    It's wild looking back on a time when an Ozeki taking a yusho was uncommon and the thought of someone below Ozeki winning was absurd.
  11. just_some_guy

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    He's slowed down a tad the past 2 basho (I'll chalk it up to an Ozeki promotion hangover) but he's my first pick to be the next dominator. Takerufuji is a possibility as well, though he also isn't in the form he was when he won his yusho. A mix of recovering from injury and a hesitance to risk re-injury would be my guess.
  12. just_some_guy

    Yokozuna Hoshoryu

    I can't claim to see inside their minds, but if ever a Yokozuna promotion happens without a yusho involved I will be very surprised.
  13. just_some_guy

    Yokozuna Hoshoryu

    To bring it back to the "number of yusho" concerns... I think it's premature to cite his current pace of yusho when A) the first and last are the bookends of the time we're looking at and B) I think it's safe to say his sumo has improved since yusho #1 and still is improving. Whether he's going to be a "good" yokozuna or a "bad" one is very much still up in the air and any speculation is almost entirely guesswork. Reflecting some more on his "soft" promotion (which I still agree it is), they sort of set it up to happen by declaring him to be on a tsuna run ahead of time. Once that declaration landed it's pretty much a given that a yusho of any sort (can you imagine the shouting if he'd won it at 11-4?) would get the promotion and it'd be a weird look if it didn't. Unless, of course there was some "he's on a tsuna run but needs a very strong yusho" wording that I missed.
  14. just_some_guy

    Yokozuna Hoshoryu

    How about "tie-dye-yokozuna?" The rope will be... well, you know.
  15. just_some_guy

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Hate to say I told you so (especially since I didn't tell you so) but I'm not surprised Kinbozan and Oho couldn't see it through. I just don't think they're "there" yet. I'm interested to see how they fare going forward; Kinbozan in particular looked like an absolute crusher for much of this basho. I'm torn on how I feel about whether Hoshoryu should get the rope. On one hand it feels like a soft promotion, on the other he did what they asked of him and we're Yokozunaless otherwise. Not that we must have one, but they're good for business so I have a feeling that will affect the decision even if the powers that be don't come out and say it. He also still seems to be improving, so retroactively the decision might end up looking like a no-brainer if he gets promoted and performs well.
  16. just_some_guy

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    I'm shocked at how well Nabatame is doing this basho. After MK-ing his first two Juryo attempts and starting this one off 1-3 I was beginning to think he had hit his peak in the Juryo/Makushita border zone. Granted, this one could be a fluke but he's looking more aggressive, which has benefited him.
  17. just_some_guy

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    So I'm not the only one who sees facial resemblance between Aonishiki and Gagamaru.
  18. just_some_guy

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    I have never seen someone care so little whether he wins or not as Mitoryu did in his match vs Shishi. What a monster that dude would be if he tried.
  19. just_some_guy

    Hatsu Basho 2025

    I don't have a real solid reason for it but I'm predicting no new Yokozuna after this basho. I guess I don't trust the consistency of either applicant to put it together for a second basho. Besides, Onosato is in a pattern of Yusho/9-6/Yusho/9-6, so he's due for the yusho to keep that rolling.
  20. just_some_guy

    Kyushu 2024 discussion (results)

    IMO he's getting smarter. He seems to be doing a better job in recent times of knowing what strategy he needs to use for any given opponent. He doesn't always execute it well enough to win but he's still improving. I would agree with those who say his current form doesn't scream Yokozuna right now, but his potential is of that level and I'll be zero percent surprised if he eventually gets the rope.
  21. just_some_guy

    Yokozunas and Ozekis for January 2026

    Onosato Y Kotozakura Takerufuji O Hoshoryu
  22. just_some_guy

    Yokozuna Promotion Speculation

    I don't pretend to read the minds of the YDC and such, but I'd be very shocked if anyone without a yusho got the rope. That's seemed to be a very hard line since Futahaguro, to the point I'm surprised anyone's considering it right now. I'll also agree with the comments that they shouldn't be in a rush for a new Yokozuna. Between Hoshoryu, Kotozakura, Onosato, and Takerufuji (though he's obviously not in position yet) they've got plenty of hopefuls. I'd say it's a very reasonable expectation that at least one gets promoted within a year, and at least two total within two years. The future is bright and the fans know it so there's no need for a premature promotion.
  23. just_some_guy

    Atamifuji - maybe this year?

    Would love to be proven wrong but I predict another year of single digit wins and single digit losses within (or just outside of) the joi. Put him at M4W for Jan 2026.