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Everything posted by Yamanashi

  1. Yamanashi

    Aoiyama intai

    Aoiyama didn't start out that way; it's because he had busted wheels. Before his knee injuries ruined his mobility he was more of a belt guy; career-wise he only won by yorikiri at 1/3 the typical rate, but more than half of those wins were in the first third of his career. Meanwhile: Hatakikomi, by five-year periods 2009-2014 39 2015-2019 57 2020-2024 67 and similarly for the other pulling techniques. Over the last several years an Aoiyama match had a binary outcome: 1) Big shove and neck pull-down successful -- hatakikomi win 2) Big shove and neck pull-down unsuccessful -- loss by yorikiri or oshidashi.
  2. Yamanashi

    Going to Tokyo

    The ex-Yokozuna looks so much different from his days as a sekitori. In a business suit, he could pass for the head of the koenkai
  3. Yamanashi

    Aoiyama intai

    They only met once, and Aoiyama won by ... Oshidashi? Imagine a world where ex-Aoiyama goes to coach at fellow-Bulgarian Naruto's stable and turns Oshoma into the Unstoppable Hatakikomi Machine! [No, let's not]
  4. Yamanashi

    Aoiyama intai

    Thus ends the Bulgarian Wave, a force so powerful that 67% of them reached San'yaku.
  5. Yamanashi

    Narutobeya happenings

    No; the last, I think, was Karino, who joined in 2023 and started back in Jonokuchi this May.
  6. Yamanashi

    Aki 2024 day 15 pics overview

    It was very nice of Onosato to invite his HS kohai on the car parade (especially as Oshoumi may be heading down to Ms after this basho). It's the most I've seen Oshoumi smile in ... ever.
  7. Yamanashi

    Takakeisho is Minatogawa-oyakata now

    You are right. I think his face is so puffed out because of his large weight on a small body that his facial cues can be misread [btw, I'm not sure Atamifuji is always grinning; it might just be his face.] I watched the whole video of Takakeisho's last bout, and it was almost comical (in the good sense). His right eyebrow is like a symphony conductor, arching up and down to some internal music. How long might his career have lasted if he could skip one or even two tournaments to heal up his neck or pec problems? I doubt he would have been criticized more than Terunofuji has. Finally, it is notable that the retirement of the latest Great Japanese Hope arrives as the next (a very strong contender) comes knocking at the door.
  8. Yamanashi

    Narutobeya happenings

    After-party for Aki, with: Oyakata, heya managers Emoto Daigo (ex-Kotodaishin) and Okuyama Shota (ex-Kotofukujuno), Yobidashi Kenta, Gyoji (Shikimori) Koumei, Tokoyama Toko, Sekitori Oshoma and Oshoumi, and 13 other rikishi. https://x.com/narutobeya/status/1837874953875870023
  9. Yamanashi

    Narutobeya happenings

    Aki 2024 performances - With expected Kyushu rankings 9/15 KK’s: Oshoma, Kanazawa, Oshozan, Oshoryu, Murayama, Mukaida, Mishima, Karino, Honma. By division -- Shikona, incoming rank, Aki result, expected Kyushu rank, comment (* = career high) Makuuchi Oshoma, M9W, 10-5, M4. More hatakikomi’s, but he looked in control, except when blown over by fast pushers. With great success comes great responsibility; he’ll be getting some of the top-class opponents next basho. Juryo Oshoumi, J14W, 6-9, Ms1. He may stick in Juryo with banzuke luck. Makushita Kanazawa, Ms46E, 4-3, Ms37*. Now KK in 11 of 14 career basho. Hoshuzan, Ms53W, 1-6, Sd23. A total disaster; manhandled. Marusho, Ms54E, 3-4, Sd2. Makushita isn’t big enough, so back to Sandanme he goes. Sandanme Oyamada, Sd1E, 3-4, Sd15. Continued troubles. It looks like he had another awesome technique, but isamiashi means his opponent stepped out first while hauling him out. Kawamura, Sd21W, 3-4, Sd36. Oshozan, Sd32E, 4-3, Sd17*. 3rd straight KK and 3rd career high for the 51-basho veteran. All 7 of his opponents had losing records, but hey! he was due. Oshoryu, Sd34W, 5-2, Sd9. As expected after kyujo (again), he rebounds nicely. Murayama, Sd44E, 5-2, Sd16. Back to his ranking in January. Mukaida, Sd50E, 5-2, Sd22. Extends his Sandanme streak to 27 consecutive tournaments. Mishima, 74W, 5-2, Sd42. Continuing his return from a 4-basho kyujo. Jonidan Yamane, Jd9W, 3-4, Jd35. Continues his “5-2, 3-4” streak. One more 5-2 puts him in Sd. Karino, Jd17W, 4-3, Sd88*. 3 straight KK’s. Honma, Jd26W, 4-3, Jd6. Turning it around. Next basho: 1 Makuuchi, 0 Juryo, 2 Makushita, 10 Sandanme, 2 Jonidan, 0 Jonokuchi.
  10. Ah, the inscrutable character of Ozumo ...
  11. Nishikifuji << Isegahama Oshoumi << Naruto Nah.
  12. Yamanashi

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    Memento intai.
  13. Yamanashi

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    He should have studied the technique of the guy who beat Wakatakakage yesterday ... uh (checks notes) ... Nishikigi.
  14. Yamanashi

    Videos Aki Basho 2024 - Days 1-15

    ... including slapping while pulling, and blood. Thanks for tagging that match.
  15. Yamanashi

    question about football

    Wow, that was weird. The Bulls looked like a high school team (I notice they never had a winning season). I think I saw one pass, though it was a swing pass and might have been counted as a lateral.
  16. Yamanashi

    question about football

    Yes, Ineligible Receiver Downfield. Generally speaking, lineman can't go downfield and catch a pass (otherwise it would be impossible to defend 10 potential receivers). They also can't just go downfield to start blocking so a guy coming behind them can catch a pass. There are lots of technicalities involved, but that's it in summary. The Center, Cooper Beebe, got himself more than a yard downfield (the allowed "fudge-factor" zone) when the pass was thrown. I think the defense can decline that penalty.
  17. Yamanashi

    New kesho mawashi

    Sorry to be part of the "booboisie" (that sounds kinda French, huh?). In my poor defense: 1) They released this in 1966; I was a very young Californian, and wasn't the suave citizen-of-the-world I am now. 2) Actually the song as sung sounded American, much more so than, say, "Donna" by Richard Stephen Valenzuela (Ritchie Valens) from Pacoima, California. 3) In fact, the only thing that suggest they were maybe Mexican-American to me was the name "Los Bravos", which is certainly a Mexican title. 4) I didn't know many words in Spanish from Spain, since all my six years of Spanish turned out to be based on Mexico and Central America. 5) Some of our Forum denizens will be intrigued to know that (according to Wikipedia) the lead singer in Los Bravos has the un-Castillian name Mike Kogel and was born in Berlin.
  18. Yamanashi

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    ... and yet at one point in the future it will become true, and we will see the middle and finally the end of the end. Nevertheless, after it happens I will miss him.
  19. Yamanashi

    Kyujo for Aki

    He certainly had an impressive mouse under his right eye immediately after the bout.
  20. Yamanashi

    NASA Describes Two Black Holes As Sumo Wrestlers...

    It is believed that almost all young galaxies develop super-massive black holes (SMBH). Like the process where collapsing nebula become denser in the center until forming a star, galaxies become so dense in their centers that the whole central region collapses into a superheavy "star" with masses several million times that of the Sun. This creates a quasar, which is the galactic version of a supernova. After all the fireworks, the remaining SMBH simply sits at the center of the galaxy, occasionally munching on errant gas or a wandering star. When two galaxies are close enough to gravitationally attract one another, the SMBH of each galaxy will orbit each other. The possibility that they would collide and form an even bigger SMBH is not impossible.
  21. Yamanashi

    New kesho mawashi

    I remember them (because I'm old ... ) I thought they were a Mexican-American band; there were a few with hit songs around that time, like Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, ? and the Mysterians, and The Champs. "Black is Black" was quite a vibe.
  22. Yamanashi

    New kesho mawashi

    And the winner is ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSkGtW-fQ3s
  23. Yamanashi

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    I used to get all mad about the "dead body" rule when I thought it was a rule which could be adjudicated based upon clear, unambiguous principles. When I realized that it was a "thing" that they "say" when "stuff happens" and they want to "make a call", I stopped getting all mad.
  24. Yamanashi

    New kesho mawashi

    Also shown: Mt. Fuji, Pope Paul VI, a hippogriff, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Betty Boop, a four-leaf-clover, and the front four of the 1982 NFL Pittsburgh Steelers. [Of course, they're a little hard to see since they're stitched in black thread]
  25. Yamanashi

    New recruits Aki 2024

    I'm sympathetic to your position, but when I look at the actual Maezumo bouts, some of the kids look awfully clueless. It reminds me of the road test for a driver's license exam. I'd rather have them go through that in Maezumo than Jonokuchi.