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Everything posted by Shinrei

  1. Shinrei

    Have a go at a Haiku!

    Two tweaks offered: School starts up today / School begins today
  2. Shinrei

    First shot at a banzuke algorithm

    Is there a summary online, in English, of what's known about the process?
  3. Shinrei

    Font change?

    OS also, perhaps. I see the font changes in Vivaldi on Windows and only some attempts at the ones in the post from Naganoyama in Firefox on Android.
  4. Shinrei

    Haru 2019 training pics overview

    ^ Kid-handled, mayor-approved? *snerk*
  5. Shinrei

    Progress of the Princes, 2019

    At Kyushu 2018, Hoshoryu, age 19, had a 6-1 record from Ms 49 and Naya, age 18, had a 4-3 record from Sd 11. How will they fare during 2019?
  6. Shinrei

    Progress of the Princes, 2019

    (to be updated after each honbasho in 2019) HATSU (Jan): Hoshoryu, 5-2 from Ms 21; Naya, 4-3 from Ms 60. Both now have 1 KK. HARU (Mar): Hoshoryu, 4-3 from Ms 7; Naya, 6-1 from Ms 51. Both now have 2 KK. NATSU (Mar): Hoshoryu, 4-3 from Ms 4; Naya, 6-1 from Ms 22. Both now have 3 KK. NAGOYA (July): Hoshoryu, 3-4 from Ms 2; Naya, 3-4 from Ms 6. Both still have 3 KK. AKI (Sep): Hoshoryu, 4-3 from Ms 5; Naya, 4-3 from Ms 10. Both now have 4 KK.
  7. Shinrei

    Hatsu 2019 Sansho

    Though he won vs Hakuho and Tamawashi, he lost vs both remaining Ozeki - and gave little resistance to Goeido in that bout. I also wonder if, and how much, their perception of Takakeisho's maturity and hinkaku factor in.
  8. Shinrei

    Hatsu 2019 Sansho

    With 10-5, I think the door will stay closed because it won't matter who those losses are against. 11-4, with no more than two of those losses against opponents of higher rank and I think then the door will open.
  9. Shinrei

    Accumulated wins as an in-basho performance metric

    If you're open to input on this... I have a few ideas that may be worthy of your consideration. Include current record difference as well. Rikishi A (with a record of 1-7) could/should get more credit for defeating Rikishi B (7-1) than Rik-C (3-4) defeating Rik-D (4-3). Scale and limit the accumulated wins/losses to a range of about ± floor(current day/2). Limit the historic record to 3 matches within the past year with decreasing importance (such as 3 bits for the previous, 2 bits for the one before that, 1 bits for the last). Math aside, if a rikishi is hurt/injured/shaken/etc from a bout and doesn't withdraw, that could decrease their chance of victory in their next bout Comments?
  10. Shinrei

    Hatsu Basho 2019 Discussion [SPOILERS]

    Mental and emotional, too. Performance jitters/anxiety, not wanting to disappoint, self-doubt - especially from almost-wins and "missed" calls, and in this particular honbasho, fellow wrestlers leaving in a wheelchair or retiring . . . every day for 15 days for the pros. For the rest, an uneven 7* matches over the same period with 0-3 days before their next match.
  11. Saw this in the Knappily app... The dying art of Sumo wrestling
  12. Shinrei

    Hatsu Basho 2019 Discussion [SPOILERS]

    I could be mistaken. What's your take on it?
  13. Shinrei

    Hatsu Basho 2019 Discussion [SPOILERS]

    Maths. (0-5-10+N) > (0-0-15-N), where N is native/nihonjin.
  14. Shinrei

    More music........

    Found this recently. Some psych-up music for the Mongolian rikishi perhaps? Only two videos for now; each worth at least one view/listen.
  15. Shinrei

    Progress of the Princes, 2019

    Fewer than 48 hours remain until this poll is closed...
  16. Shinrei

    GTB January 2019 Hanukka edition and results!

    Two things that help me cope with my dismal GTB result this time are, first: Second, sixteen of my guesses were off by only one rank -- and half of those were off by just one slot (such as 2w instead of 3e). Since the stat matrix isn't up yet, was anyone else "optimistic" about Mitakeumi by placing him at S1w?
  17. Shinrei

    GTB January 2019 Hanukka edition and results!

    At this writing, it appears the page loads OK.
  18. Shinrei

    GTB January 2019 Hanukka edition and results!

    @Asashosakari :: If you're interested, here's another idea for the running total of slots filled for the predicted banzuke. =COUNTUNIQUE(I4:I29)+COUNTUNIQUE(K4:K29) & "/42"
  19. Shinrei

    Have a go at a Haiku!

    Error 4 0 4 Your haiku could not be found Try again later (inspired by a similar post from Tumblr user iventuredfromminecraftia)
  20. Shinrei

    Question Concerning Rank Healthy Goeido is about as good quality-wise to injured Tochinoshin.  Ozeki-level, deserving, comparison with Goeido, and progression. Details later today. ~~~ What is "Ozeki-level"? Let's say an average of 9 wins per honbasho. Given that, no, Tochinoshin after his three honbasho as an ozeki, isn't there. How about for Goeido? Over his first three honbasho as an ozeki, his win totals were 8, 5, 8. After ten honbasho, never winning more than 9, he got a 12-3 result. Excluding two early withdrawals, over 24 honbasho, his average is 8.3 wins per honbasho. Enough to maintain the rank. Not "ozeki-level" as defined here. So, Goeido detractors have a point in that. So, @RPedro44: what does it take to be deserving of the East side? How about head-to-head? So far, G 16-10 T. Over the past twelve, they're level at 6-6, though favoring G more recently. With good fortune, and continued gambarizing, T may be able to do better than G has done. We'll see.
  21. Shinrei

    Takakeisho in 2019 - the Young 'un

    Well enough to stay in sanyaku the whole year and be an ozeki starting in 2020. Yes, for this, 22 is considered young.
  22. Shinrei

    Hakuho in 2019 - Hak Attack Part 15

    Zero, zip, zilch, nada
  23. 1) This distant observer says Nope (a honbasho does not require a yokozuna to feel complete to me). I might have a different opinion if I was there in person frequently. 2) I don't know how the latter (yokozuna candidate's performance begin quantitatively compared to those of past yokozuna) could be done. At any given rank below ozeki, those rikishi are, ostensibly, the best at-that-time based on the records from previous honbasho. However, consider future yokozuna. Many years could pass for before one is as superlative as Hakuho. Yet, those future rikishi will still be yokozuna and, one can hope, fill that role well. 3) Neither. I think the path to yokozuna is designed to be just difficult enough with elements of both prowess (wins) and carriage (hinkaku). 4) Tradition. 5) I would first consult with those who are much deeper into sumo!