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About Zannah

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  • Favourite Rikishi
    Ura, Takayasu, Mitakeumi, Ichinojo

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  1. Zannah

    Games Bugs

    Same issue, hopefully gets fixed soon enough....
  2. Zannah

    Natsu Basho 2022

    Aww damn. SO close to make it double... Congratz @Seiyashi !
  3. Zannah

    Corona and sumo

    Any info about his absence, if it will be a whole basho or just for some days...?
  4. Zannah

    Haru Basho 2022

    Only now I noticed this... Arigatoo gozaimasu. I shall cherish the memory of this success for the years to come...
  5. Zannah

    Kyushu Basho 2021

    It looks like gold + brown combo to me.... Again.
  6. Zannah

    Games Bugs

    3 years?? ...oh wow, this detail never came up anywhere to me. But many thanks for letting me know.
  7. Zannah

    Games Bugs

    Hiya, is Maegashira game open for submissions yet? I dont get any options to make an entry. It just shows a message that torikumi isnt there yet... My first time trying this game, so maybe I have just misunderstood something..?
  8. Zannah

    Natsu Basho 2021

    I dunno, looks quite gold AND BROWN to me.... (not that I expect it affect on results really. ) (Source: SumoKyokai's twitter) Congratz to winner, thanks to poll host and already looking forward to next one.
  9. Zannah


    Sharing the common feelings of sadness & frustration about the situation. Eventho this forum doesn't reach the family, my condolences are with them... But I have to say that this has collected surprisingly much of international attention. I have NEVER seen ANY sumo related news in Finnish newspapers/ -sites. Unfortunately Hibikiryu's destiny was finally the one topic, which made it thru...
  10. Zannah

    Kotoyuuki intai

    A bit unexpected news to me, tho not totally surprising. I will always have a little soft spot for him in my memories; he was the first rikishi, who I started to remember and recognize when I started to follow sumo... (word 'koto' is one way of saying 'home' in Finnish ) I wish him long & successful career as oyakata.
  11. Zannah

    2021 "Kozumo" Hatsu Basho discussion thread

    Noooo, don't jinx him like that!! Interesting opning day, surely even more interesting to see how it develops from here (all circumstances considering)....
  12. I loved it today... Ofc Takakeisho & Terunofuji was THE highlight, and Teruno managed to surprise me a bit there, but yay for Takakeisho to collecting his calm and showing why he is an ozeki. I have to give my -mentions to: Ichinojo, he found that extra-gear at 7-7 and managed to win. I almost expected him to freeze at the halfway, but he made it. Other one to Hokutofuji, he was in 'unstoppable train' -mode today. And one more to Shimanoumi, I had no info about this newbie, but really liked his style in this basho.
  13. Zannah

    Kotoshogiku retires

    Had to digest the news for couple days. He was one of the first guys I started to remember & recognize, when I started following sumo. I will greatly miss his "humpty-dumpty- pushing-you-out-of-the-ring" -style of sumo. Wishing all the best success to his new career as oyakata.
  14. Quite a start. Somehow it feels nicer to see more audience there, but hopefully precautions are enough to keep everyone safe. Agreeing on Mita's wake up call, redo was much more impressive to see. Disappointed that Tobizaru couldn't win his starter (out from chaingang game in 1st day...) But looking forward to upcoming days.
  15. My guess will be 11/2023. Just because my goal is to travel to Japan then...