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Everything posted by Ginkitsune

  1. Ginkitsune

    September (Aki) Basho- offical thread (yay..)

    Terutsuyoshi was born in Hyougo prefecture (where Kobe is located) on the same day as the Great Hanshin earthquake in 1995. This prefecture was not affected by the 2011 tsunami although he might do his salt throwing routine to honor that tragedy. I have no idea why he does his routine.
  2. Ginkitsune

    Basho cancellation?

    Well anything can be disputed. Please forgive me however if I don't recognize you as an expert because you read Yahoo Japan. I think I'm done here.
  3. Ginkitsune

    Basho cancellation?

    OK, thanks for the clarification. I'm a retired epidemiologist (although not in population health) but I do understand the principle's behind each countries response. Since I live in Japan and have a great interest in this, my wife translates anything I cannot read. So first, the reason why there are criteria here (and in every other country) on who gets tested is because of the finite number of tests and personnel available. That doesn't mean a person doesn't get any test at all as they will receive a test for influenza since the symptoms are so similar. If they are negative for influenza and have persistent symptoms they are highly likely to be tested for coronavirus. Has this worked perfectly everywhere? No but these are exceptions and not the rule. I'm not sure that speculation that these will somehow increase is warranted without some indication that this is a widespread issue. Rocks mentions wide spread testing of asymptomatic patients in order to quarantine and stop the transmission. This is highly effective when the disease is still isolated to a geographic area and can be contained. What has happened in most countries is the virus has not been contained so now testing is most effective to first positively identify symptomatic patients, quarantine and treat. Once the initial backlog of symptomatic patients is managed then further testing of asymptomatic patients can take place to isolate and iradicate. The reason I am sensitive about what is written about coronavirus on this board is because many people rely on it for information, mostly about sumo but also other side issues. This is a side issue that the entire world is grappling with right now and anecdotes and hyperbole can sometimes unintentionally misinform. I would hope we can all keep our speculation to the sumo and only try to share reliable information on coronavirus.
  4. Ginkitsune

    Basho cancellation?

    Chiyomaru tested negative for the coronavirus. Cause of fever was reported as bacterial skin infection. Do you have any reliable information on patients with symptoms for days not being tested and subsequently testing positive? I would think that would be big news here but I haven't heard of this at all. Is the Japanese press covering something up?
  5. Ginkitsune

    Coronavirus in China

    China definitely withheld access and information initially however quickly changed course. On January 10th they shared the DNA sequence with the world and have recently sent equipment and doctors to Italy to combat coronavirus. I don't remember the US sending help to Japan, Korea, Iran, or Italy during the initial outbreak. In fact the US is maintaining sanctions on Iran which is exacerbating the human suffering. Yes China is using misinformation pointing towards US responsibility for the virus as is the US in blaming the virus on China. In other words, both countries are politicizing this to no good end in my opinion. I don't know or care who started this misinformation but at least admit that the United States, especially Trump and the Republican party, has politicized this for weeks going back to the end of January. At a time when the world needs to pull together and cooperate, what China and the US are currently doing is helping no one. Perhaps we can set a better example than that of our governments.
  6. Ginkitsune

    Makunouchi yushos in 2020

    1x Tokushouryu 1x Hakuho 1x Takakeishou 2x Asanoyama 1x Shoudai
  7. Ginkitsune

    Ozekis and Yokozunas for January 2021 - let them rise up!

    Hakuho Y Takakeishou O Asanoyama Hakuho will remain somewhat competitive / oft injured but decide to hang on to pursue some obscure record like most career wins by a yokozuna returning from kyujo.
  8. Ginkitsune

    Hakuho - 16th time of asking

    No zensho
  9. Ginkitsune

    GTB Natsu May 2019-invitation and final results

    Correct. I type as well as I make selections.