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About sahaven111

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    Shodai, Takakeisho, The Onami Brothers, Aoiyama

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  1. sahaven111

    Trivia bits

    I know we're getting a bit off topic now, but why wouldn't Harumafuji have branched out if either of those things happened?
  2. sahaven111

    Trivia bits

    That's exactly what I was thinking in my head, but I couldn't figure out the right words, thank you! :)
  3. sahaven111

    Trivia bits

    Unless i'm mistaken, Hoshoryu is the first Yokozuna since Maedayama to be promoted from lower than O1e, without any Ozeki above him being promoted as well. Although, the Banzuke weren't made back then with the strict rule of the Ozeki being sorted in order of their record the previous basho. Maedayama still had the best performance in both of his promotion tournaments. The most recent yokozuna before Hoshoryu to be promoted without having the best score out of all Ozeki in both tournaments leading up to their promotion (again, discounting double-promotions) was Nishinoumi III, promoted over a century ago in 1923.
  4. sahaven111

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    I know you asked Asashosakari and not myself, but I was under the impression that it had to be unanimous no matter what.
  5. sahaven111

    Terunofuji intends to retire

    Damn, you're right! I had only remembered that both were in 1992..
  6. sahaven111

    Terunofuji intends to retire

    Interestingly enough, today marks exactly six years since Kisenosato retired, iirc. And additionally, the last Yokozuna who's retirement left the banzuke completely devoid of Yokozuna, was none other than Asahifuji.
  7. sahaven111

    Kyushu 2024 ridiculous predictions

    Shodai gets an 8-7 yusho where all his matches end in an ipponzeoi.
  8. sahaven111

    Trivia bits

    I'm not sure this is worthy of being posted here. But so far, both times a nephew of Asashoryu has joined, a relative of a different Yokozuna has as well. Hoshoryu/Oho (Taiho's Grandson), and now the new nephew with Musashimaru's nephew.
  9. sahaven111

    New recruits Kyushu 2024

    So, is he Hoshoryu's brother, or Hoshoryu's cousin?
  10. sahaven111

    Onosato ozeki promotion

    Those are called Haori. I don't know that much about Japanese culture outside of sumo wrestling, but those are usually what the Oyakata and high ranking rikishi use as more traditional formal wear, to my knowledge.
  11. sahaven111

    Aoiyama intai

    He went in, and now goes out, with Myogiryu...
  12. sahaven111

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    To make matters worse, I've just learned he was a Maegashira himself...
  13. sahaven111

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    Dear god, i completely misunderstood the post... I've never seen either of their fathers and i thought he was celebrating Abi's henka!
  14. sahaven111

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    This man exudes "Abi's dad".
  15. sahaven111

    Ex-Masunoyama Incredible Body Transformation

    And by the looks of it, he's only lost the fat... Very impressive!