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Everything posted by Octofuji

  1. Octofuji

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Thanks, I worded that badly. What I was trying to say is for 33+ Ozeki runs starting from outside san'yaku, I had thought most of them would be denied. But Spiffy's explanation makes sense, the ones who did get promoted made themselves hard to ignore. Looking at all M1-M4s who got 33+ wins, 7 out of 12 became Ozeki. Starting from san'yaku, it's almost guaranteed (42 out of 46, the exceptions being Miyabiyama (X2), Baruto and Takakeisho.
  2. Yes saying "he also loves children" does seem a bit desperate.
  3. No I think it was to the body. I was quite shocked at the time being new to sumo, because it seemed so humiliating.
  4. Octofuji

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    6 of the 40 got 33 wins or more in those three bashos. The exceptions who didn't get promoted were Takanosato (13 11 9) and Kotomitsuki (13 9 12). That's a higher hit rate than I was expecting, I had thought that Ozeki runs starting from outside san'yaku were the exception.
  5. I remember watching Hakuho giving kawaigari to Takakeisho and kicking him (fairly gently) when he was down. More in the order of humiliating him rather than anything that would by itself injure him. So IF it was e.g. a prod to the cheek then it doesn't seem qualitatively different to what's been videoed and shared publicly fairly recently. The thing that is most depressing to me (and where the similarity with Hokuseiho lies) is the long-term pattern of misbehaviour and the five unhappy tsukebito.
  6. Octofuji

    Kimarite trends website

    Some of you might be interested in this interactive graph showing Kimarite trends over the years. https://sumo.stuartmcgill.org/ The data is from @thatsumoguy's https://www.sumo-api.com/ and I'll refresh after each basho. It just about works on a mobile but really the graphs are best viewed on a bigger screen. If you find any bugs please let me know - I'm sure there will be some :)
  7. Octofuji

    Kimarite trends website

    Thank you very much for the feedback! Grouping by year should be fairly easy to do. Maybe that should be the default option if the period selected is more than e.g. 10 years. With the curve it's a little tricky. The idea for this tool was to provide something impressionistic, to give an idea of trends over time. It doesn't allow you to drill down into the data like e.g. Yubinhaad's posts. So definitely, reducing variability feels like the right thing to do. But at the same time, it feels odd for the curve not to pass through the actual data points... I think though that the "grouping by year" idea will help with this. The other thing it really needs is URL query params, to allow external links to a selection of criteria (similar to Sumo DB queries). Again that shouldn't be too hard. I'll post back in here when these are done.
  8. Octofuji

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    The committee did take those bouts into consideration, as the link from the Hoshoryu promotion thread says: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20250127/k10014705161000.html
  9. Octofuji

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Until today I'd have agreed with the others who said it's better not to promote Hoshoryu even with a 12-3 yusho. But I've been swayed by the fantastic quality of today's bouts. That's got to be Yokozuna-level sumo. I've sometimes thought of him unfavourably compared with Kirishima and even Wakatakakage, but it's easy to forget that he's still just 25 (and the youngest Yokozuna since Hakuho) and hopefully not even reached his peak yet.
  10. Octofuji

    selected lower-division matches from Hatsu 2025

    They're rare but not ultra rare (about 5 a year across all divisions). Only one in Makuuchi in the last five years though (Tobizaru in Aki 2024). The first bout between them was great fun to watch. It looked to me like Tsushimanada won by pushing on the kneecap of his opponent whilst almost horizontal himself, causing Asakoki's legs to twist round and collapse. No wonder they called a redo!
  11. Octofuji

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Yeah that's how I read it - I don't think it was premeditated. Endo did the same move a few days ago in a bout that should have been called a matta. Speaking of Endo, Atamifuji is surely injured to go out so easily.
  12. Octofuji

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Kinbozan doesn't seem that unlikely to me on current form, depending on how he copes mentally with the new situation. I'd love to see a ridiculous Kirishima 12-3 yusho, but I think it could be 13-2 to Kinbozan. Yusho talk aside, there were so many fantastic bouts today!
  13. Octofuji

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Like Nishikigi, Chiyoshoma's run of consecutive wins stopped one short of 15. I wonder if it that number entered his mind and affected his concentration, or whether it was just overconfidence.
  14. Octofuji

    The Final Countdown

    "I apologise to Takarafuji for saying he looks like a..." I wonder what came next?
  15. Octofuji

    Lower division celebs results

    Wow just checking out Urutora, he's got a spectacular kimarite record! Nice to see him feature a few times on Asashosakari's lower division compilation too. Thanks for adding him to the list.
  16. Octofuji

    100 years of NSK

    Cricket works well on the radio, it's a similar sort of cadence - most of the time not much is happening and it leads to a lot more interesting commentary than e.g. football
  17. Octofuji

    Makuuchi Consecutive Match Tracker

    After Kyushu 2024 Name Matches Since Current rank Tamawashi 1017 2013-07 Maegashira 10 East Daieisho 687 2017-03 Sekiwake 1 West Mitakeumi 506 2019-01 Maegashira 7 West Meisei 390 2020-09 Maegashira 10 West Shodai 360 2021-01 Maegashira 4 East Sadanoumi 285 2021-11 Juryo 1 East Kotozakura 280 2021-11 Ozeki 1 East Nishikigi 252 2022-03 Maegashira 12 East Midorifuji 240 2022-05 Maegashira 11 East Ura 225 2022-07 Maegashira 4 West Ryuden 210 2022-09 Juryo 3 East Abi 195 2022-11 Komusubi 1 East Gonoyama 135 2023-07 Maegashira 3 East Shonannoumi 135 2023-07 Maegashira 13 East Atamifuji 120 2023-09 Maegashira 2 West Hiradoumi 120 2023-09 Maegashira 5 East Churanoumi 105 2023-11 Maegashira 9 East Ichiyamamoto 105 2023-11 Maegashira 6 West Onosato 90 2024-01 Ozeki 2 West Takanosho 90 2024-01 Maegashira 1 East Nishikifuji 75 2024-03 Maegashira 17 East Roga 75 2024-03 Maegashira 8 East Tobizaru 65 2024-03 Maegashira 2 East Oshoma 60 2024-05 Maegashira 9 West Takarafuji 60 2024-05 Maegashira 8 West Endo 45 2024-07 Maegashira 7 East Kirishima 45 2024-07 Maegashira 1 West Wakatakakage 45 2024-07 Komusubi 1 West Hoshoryu 30 2024-09 Ozeki 1 West Oho 30 2024-09 Maegashira 3 West Onokatsu 30 2024-09 Maegashira 12 West Takayasu 30 2024-09 Maegashira 6 East Wakamotoharu 30 2024-09 Sekiwake 1 East Hokutofuji 17 2024-09 Maegashira 14 East Asakoryu 15 2024-11 Juryo 2 West Chiyoshoma 15 2024-11 Maegashira 5 West Shishi 15 2024-11 Juryo 4 West Takerufuji 15 2024-11 Maegashira 11 West Tokihayate 15 2024-11 Maegashira 17 West Bushozan 4 2024-11 Juryo 7 West Kotoshoho 0 Maegashira 13 West Terunofuji 0 Yokozuna 1 East
  18. Octofuji

    Uniqlo- official sponsor of the Kyokai

    A tradition which doesn't allow sumo wrestlers to wear jackets/t-shirts in public. Maybe these are for informal use then, at least for the wrestlers. Although with all the YouTube channels, inside the heya has arguably become just as public as outside.
  19. A rare kachikoshi for me! Thank you for the Christmas present :)
  20. Octofuji

    London koen- October 2025

    That looks like a malapropism triggered by our ex-Prime Minister!
  21. Octofuji

    London koen- October 2025

    Yes I thought that too, Isegahama oyakata is 65 next July, which (as I understand it) is the obvious time for Terunofuji to take over.
  22. Octofuji

    London koen- October 2025

    "Over 40 of Japan’s elite maku-uchi rikishi (wrestlers) will compete" One kyujo at most then!
  23. Octofuji

    Sumo DB and computing

    It was interesting to see the recent discussion on the forum about various programming languages. I've been wondering for a while how the regular stats contributors query the database. Is it by writing a script to parse the HTML that comes back from the relevant Sumo DB web pages? (I'm assuming there's not an API anywhere that people are using, as I think I would have picked this up in passing, but I thought it was worth asking on the off chance).
  24. Octofuji

    Sumo DB and computing

    Out of interest @thatsumoguy, is the source code for your API available anywhere (I couldn't find it on GitHub). I don't know anything about Go, but if I was ever going to learn that should definitely be the place I'd start!
  25. Octofuji

    London koen- October 2025

    Wonderful, I'll definitely be there :)