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About ViscountessNivlac

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  1. ViscountessNivlac

    London koen- October 2025

    Back when John Gunning started teasing it in 2021 I had delusions of sitting ringside every day because nobody would want to go...
  2. ViscountessNivlac

    London koen- October 2025

    I got reasonably okay seats for the weekend - but it cost more than my sister seeing Taylor Swift twice.
  3. ViscountessNivlac

    Paris Sumo Exhibition Info and Dates

    I'm still waiting to see if London goes ahead before allowing my dreams to be crushed...
  4. ViscountessNivlac

    Takakeisho Determined to Return to Ozeki

    I guess part of me would like to think he could do it, but watching Takakeisho lose in the last days of the last basho felt like watching somebody die. It might be for the best if he were to hang up the mawashi.
  5. ViscountessNivlac

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    After the first 11 days I can't see Wakamotoharu being much of a struggle for Takerufuji. Is he just going to run away with it?
  6. ViscountessNivlac

    Hakuho retires

    I’m no fan of Hakuho’s, and I can’t see how his last yushō is very legitimate, coming off of a years-long run of showing up half of the time at best, but he’s certainly done a lot for the sport.
  7. ViscountessNivlac

    Aki Basho 2021 - Discussion Thread (Spoilers!)

    At that segment of edge of the dohyo there's not really any way to avoid sending your opponent down unless you're walking them out and they stop trying (assuming Takayasu was balanced enough to have regained his footing if the drop wasn't there). I can't fault Terunofuji for not being ginger about it.
  8. ViscountessNivlac

    Hakuhou caught watching Judo

    Unless their break was until the ninth so they’ll be back on the tenth? It wasn’t entirely clear to me.
  9. ViscountessNivlac

    Bright colored mawashi, Ura among them...

    I’ve often wondered if that’s ever written anywhere. If it isn’t, then it’s an unenforced and unwritten rule - so it isn’t actually the rule.
  10. ViscountessNivlac

    Hakuhou caught watching Judo

    If we haven’t heard anything else by now I imagine Hakuho is in the clear?
  11. ViscountessNivlac

    Hakuhou caught watching Judo

    I think Shibatayama knows the NSK’s rules better than us.
  12. Maybe at that point they waive the normal rules and allow them to accept the win from the wheelchair on the way out.
  13. I imagine somebody would drag him up to the dohyo at that point. He’s already ahead of the other contender by being in the venue.
  14. ViscountessNivlac

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    If Hakuho can complete Aki that makes the first time since 2017 he finished two consecutive basho. Maybe I’ll lighten up on him if he pulls it off.
  15. ViscountessNivlac

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    Terunofuji is better than sumo than I’ll ever be at anything and I love him, so that can’t be it.