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Everything posted by nagora

  1. nagora

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    The whole Tokyo Olympics is a fiasco, in terms of organisation. Maybe the actual games will be okay, but the ceremonial stuff might as well be skipped at this point.
  2. nagora

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    If it came down to it, it's clearly Hakuho who was waiting for the other to engage while Tobi was trying to edge in and find some chink in the armour to leverage. It was Tobiazru's decision to start the bout from the front row of seats and to avoid an initial grapple but he was certainly showing (misguided) initiative.
  3. nagora

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    Meanwhile, Shodai looks dead on his feet to me. No spirit at all. At least Tobi was trying to find a solution to the question "What the hell can I do to get past this guy?".
  4. nagora

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    Well, that was different.
  5. nagora

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    Ah. I missed the actual bout due to work (bloody nuisance).
  6. nagora

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    Glad to see Tochinoshin break his duck.
  7. nagora

    Ikioi retires

    Well, I'm glad that's cleared up.
  8. nagora

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    Always loved watching Hokutoumi back in the day. He had a great attitude. Only fought Chiyonofuji once, because they were heya-mates, and it was a good tie-break bout.
  9. nagora

    Nagoya Basho 2021

  10. nagora

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    Takakeisho seems to have suffered from some sort of freak accident/incident that doesn't seem to be his opponent's fault. There's nothing much to say about it unless there's an announcement about his condition.
  11. nagora

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    It looked borderline to me. I wouldn't hang a man on the evidence presented, but I might keep an eye on him.
  12. nagora

    Golf Holes-in-one by a sumo wrestler?

    I can fairly safely assume that sumodb errors that get fixed stay fixed. That's not the case for WP, which is why it's a useless source of "information" on any topic. WP is a waste of time - Google/DDG would be much more useful if it returned all those cited sources directly instead of wasting our time by proxying through a fake encyclopedia which simply rips its content from other places. I also assume that the DB gets a lot more eyeballs on it than the Sumo entries on WP because people are using it as a DB to make claims or simply settle questions. Spotting errors is more likely under those circumstances.
  13. nagora

    Golf Holes-in-one by a sumo wrestler?

    I think I would trust sumodb more. Much more.
  14. nagora

    Hiro Morita Basho Review and opinions

    The classic is of course "fanny" which for some bizarre reason means "arse" in US slang but in the UK is simply a shortened form of "vagina". I think most people in the UK are familiar with this difference now and it only raises a wry smile but I do remember it causing some shock back in the day when people first started getting cheap flights to the US and found themselves being asked to move their fanny, or asked if they had a fanny-bag etc.
  15. nagora

    Hiro Morita Basho Review and opinions

    Those reports were almost certainly written by foreigners (i.e., local reporters) and, sadly, the age of the sub-editor is a long way in the past now. Even spelling mistakes are not that rare on the BBC website nowadays. I would be surprised to hear the word "graft" used this way on the BBC television or radio news, and moreso in any non-news programme. But I've only lived here for 56 years, so I may have missed something :)
  16. Hey! Some other people might be using the Internet, you know!
  17. nagora

    Hiro Morita Basho Review and opinions

    I don't think I've ever seen/heard it used in this way in the UK. If anyone was to say that an MP was being investigated for graft I think almost everyone in the UK would find that a very strange thing to be investigated for or, if they knew the US sense, assume the speaker was foreign and therefore to be pitied rather than scorned :)
  18. nagora

    Preparations of the Y/Os - Nagoya 2021

    All depends on Hakuho.
  19. Is there any good online resource giving a timeline of the technical changes to Sumo rules and organisation in one place? When 15 bouts came in, when Yokozuna became an awarded title, changes to qualifications for ranks, creation and changes to divisions etc.
  20. nagora

    Technical History of Sumo?

    That sounds familiar... Anything you have is appreciated.
  21. nagora

    Technical History of Sumo?

    Thanks, and to everyone else. I will keep looking.
  22. nagora

    Not that really matters

    No, it's Samuel Johnson looking at his dictionary and thinking "I recognise all these words, yet somehow the meaning remains obscure". I think the OP is expressing the opinion that training to do sumo should make you immune to diseases and that acting as if it didn't is a sign of weakness. The English term for this is "folly".
  23. nagora

    Hakuho Made His Withdrawal Official Today

    So a rikishi with a broken leg, say, still automatically appears on the banzuke released at the start of the tournament? I hadn't realised that.
  24. nagora

    Hakuho Made His Withdrawal Official Today

    Would that have meant he wasn't on the hand-written Banzuke?
  25. nagora

    Sumo and the Olympics

    It was a response to your comment that "the IOC will now only admit new sports whose governing bodies are actually in a position to ensure that the best in the world will be competing". I'm not convinced that the IOC are in a position to throw stones on the issue of having quality management for the benefit of sports.