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Everything posted by XiaoTan

  1. XiaoTan

    Withdrawn/Returned - Nagoya '07

    4-11 from M7 should still get him comfortably into Makuuchi.
  2. XiaoTan

    FAWL - Natsu 2007

    It doesn't surprise me - the obvious and easy picks are certainly gone by day 10. I am quite convinced that we will see 0 points before the tournament is over. Cheers, Neko certainly gone ? i hope that there are still some..... bescause i have put my best losers at the end.... i hope they will bring me many points... the muppet-sho needs a 0/6 but if there are none, maybe the "sages" will have to reconsider ir with the best in 1/6..... Same here - I hope - but I just think it is less predictable, especially with a lot of the "bad performers" matched together - and the same for the "good performers". LEt's see tomorrow - I'd like to be proved wrong with lots of 5s and 6s tomorrow. Neko
  3. XiaoTan

    FAWL - Natsu 2007

    It doesn't surprise me - the obvious and easy picks are certainly gone by day 10. I am quite convinced that we will see 0 points before the tournament is over. Cheers, Neko
  4. XiaoTan

    FAWL - Natsu 2007

    Well, much as I am flattered, I think this is much too early - one bad day (like today) and everyone is back together. (In a state of confusion...) Neko
  5. XiaoTan

    If Kaio gets DD ...

    Well, I was surprised how genki he looked so far this basho and how well he moves. While his opponents didn't have stellar performances - double digit is certainly achieveable. I am looking forward to tomorrow's bout.
  6. XiaoTan

    salary cap

    Getting 80+ points is not that difficult. If you have a squad of 6 sekitori that all win, this leaves you with 90 points. (Laughing...) since you are so clever, you can surely tell me how to score 85 or 65 on day 3 without any kinboshi available (Laughing...) just a hint: on a day with no extra-points there only can be even numbers I knew I was missing something. (In jonokuchi...)
  7. XiaoTan

    Seki-Toto Down

    You can't see the day 4 results, but at least the entry form still works.
  8. XiaoTan

    salary cap

    can you check the results of day 2? i think i got much more than the 34 points with my squad of Selection 1(10x pts) = Hakuho Selection 2(9x pts) = Miyabiyama Selection 3(8x pts) = Roho Selection 4(7x pts) = Chiyotaikai Selection 5(6x pts) = Satoyama Selection 6(5x pts) = Ryuo Selection 7(4x pts) = Hokutoriki Selection 8(3x pts) = Ushiomaru with hakuho, chiyotaikai, ryuo and hokutoriki winning that day and how come players get scores like 85 or 65 with no ginboshi or alike on day 2? usually i like this game, but it is rather frustrating to have to check the results every day..... (Sigh...) Getting 80+ points is not that difficult. If you have a squad of 6 sekitori that all win, this leaves you with 90 points. (Shaking head...)
  9. XiaoTan

    FAWL - Natsu 2007

    Hi Abudisake, My French is not good enough to post anything in French writing - just enough to read and guess the meaning of the French posts. Wanted to say thanks for this game - I think this is quite interesting as you not only have to judge realtive strength of the rikishis but also their form curve. ;-) Neko
  10. XiaoTan

    Sekitori-Oracle and Sekitori-Quadrumvirate invitation

    I was also regularly checking on anasuya and only stumbled across the invitation by accident. These are great games and I was lucky enough to accidentally spot their ressurection.
  11. XiaoTan

    How many Ozeki in Hatsu 2008?

    I'd also say 4 - everyone less Tochiazuma. I am quite convinced that Kaio wants to stay at least until Fukuoka and that much depends on his showing there, If he gets a good basho in Fukuoka, he might stay on.
  12. XiaoTan

    Seki-Toto is down

    I had no problem entering - just have to refresh regularly to get a good spot and then it says online long enough.
  13. XiaoTan

    Extra! Extra! Ozumo Is Going to London!

    Now that is the birthday persent. ;-)
  14. XiaoTan

    Sandanme Game

    I am glad I improved from the last place - I still have to work on my stamina cause I really performed poorly on days 10-15. Thank you Itachi for running this game. (First prize...) Neko
  15. XiaoTan

    Sandanme Game

    Many thanks for the explanations.
  16. XiaoTan

    Sandanme Game

    Aah, I lost a kk-rikishi between days 11 and 12. How did I do that? (In a state of confusion...) . Is this the number of rikishi that can still reach kk? My projected Yusho-Points increased from 0 to 5 - I also thought that this is not possible. (Whistling...) Thank you for this game - I don't won't to be a bother. Neko
  17. XiaoTan

    Sandanme Game

    1-6 - What a miserable Day (Shaking head...) Neko
  18. XiaoTan

    New Game

    That's certainly worth a try. I'll definitely enter. Neko
  19. XiaoTan

    Hatsu Banzuke 2007

    It also turned my GTB enrty into a one-off disaster. ;-) Join the parade...I had three Komusubi, too. Geez, it was hard enough to convince myself not to go with four... My worst-ever GTB record was 6-9, and IIRC I've even had a 7-8 with the wrong sanyaku count once (which tells you how bad the rest of that guess must have been). Doubt I'll be so lucky with this basho's 28 points... I guess a lot of people must have had three Komosubi, because I still got KK despite having promoted Kotoshogiku. (Laughing...)
  20. XiaoTan

    How did you do in the games?

    Hi, as a relative newcomer only playing since the start of 2006, I still get more Make-Koshis than Kachi-Koshis :-S GTB: 9-6 (Annoyed...) Seki-Toto: 3-10-2 (Shouldn't have been travelling for 10 days (Punk rocker...) Juryo-Game: 3-4 (still in Jonokuchi) SalaryCap Sumo: 13-2 (Clapping wildly...) Makushita Game: 6-9 (first time) Sandanme Game: don't know yet - but finished last, so it's probably something like 3-12 :-S I shall gambarize next time. Neko
  21. XiaoTan

    Day 11 results and day 12 pairings

    In addition Tochiazuma and Chiyotaikai were also 8-2 before today's bouts, so KAio was not the sole Ozeki leader.
  22. XiaoTan

    Sandanme Game

    I love this analysis. I am definitely going to consider entering in November. Respect to the organisers of these games. They definitely draw my attention towards the lower divisions. Neko
  23. XiaoTan


    Hakurozan was 3-0 and has lost 6 in a row. Is he injured? At M10w his rank is not very high and KK should have been easy. (Clapping wildly...)
  24. XiaoTan

    21 Aki Basho 2006

    Here we go: 1. Asashoryu 2. Roho 3. Kaio 4. Aminishiki 5. Baruto 6. Miyabiyama 7. fns 8. Kyokutenho 9. Tamanoshima 10. Toyonoshima 11. Kakizoe 12. Hakurozan 13. fns 14. fns 15. Kyokushuzan 16. Takamisakari 17. Asasekiryu 18. Hochiyama 19. Tosanoumi 20. Wakanosato 21. Kasugao
  25. XiaoTan

    Quotes from Day 11 - Nagoya 2006

    As you can see from the number of my posts, I am a fairly silent member of the forum, mostly because I do not have much first hand info on sumo and I normally can't see any of the bouts live so I depend on the forum for almost all my info. I completely support what you just said, the tone of some of the conversations during thsi basho was (Censored) annoying and uncivilized. This takes away most of the joy of reading the forum. (Applauding...)