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Everything posted by XiaoTan

  1. XiaoTan

    Day 12, top 5 predictions

    My gut feel tells me that Kotooshu being cornered and Asashoryu relaxed with a two-win lead may lead to the first defeat of Asa in this basho. It's probably as much wishful thinking, but then.
  2. XiaoTan

    One-day tournament results

    Well, actually the Juryo Tournament was "East against West" according to the hometown of the rikishi. The "East" side wone by 10-4 or 9-5, I don't remeber correctly.
  3. XiaoTan

    June 11th event

    Actually, I will be on my first trip to Japan, and I got tickets ;-) . Can somebody recommend where to be to see the rikishi arriving etc? Anybody else going?
  4. XiaoTan

    How high will Bart rise?

    Hakuho going to Ozeki opens no spot in Juryo; it just makes the M17e rank disappear next basho. As for the promotions, it's pretty safe to say the third promotion will be Ms4e Oga with 5-2. I do think you're overlooking both Oga and Ryuo (Ms3w 4-3) as far as high-ranking kachi-koshi go... At any rate, the promotions to Juryo will be announced within the next 24 hours, so we'll know soon enough. Aaaah, I know I was overlooking something. (Nodding yes...) Many thanks, I'm still too new to the "game"
  5. XiaoTan

    How high will Bart rise?

    Slightly different question, but with so few high makushita rikishis getting high results, what happens to the bottom of Juryo. There are three to four sure demotees (Toki, Daishodai, Takanotsuru, may be Harunoyama) and an additional space left by Hakuho. I can see only Dewaotori and Masatsukasa with KK in Ms1 to Ms4. (I am not worthy...)
  6. XiaoTan

    Kaio crucial week-end : "more message please"

    Kaio, There is nothing that I enjoy more than watching you on the dohjo. Keep up the spirit and get kachi koshi. XiaoTan Franfkurt, Germany
  7. XiaoTan

    Tochiazuma kyujo

    So next basho at least on Ozeki will be kadoban, right? (Neener, neener...)
  8. XiaoTan

    21 Aki Basho 2005

    1. Tochiazuma 2. Kaio 3.Iwakiyama 4. Wakanosato 5. Kotomitsuki 6. fns 7. Hakuho 8. Kokkai 9. Dejima 10. Asasekiryu 11. Kyokushuzan 12.fns 13.Tomsanoumi 14.Takekaze 15.Jumonji 16. Roho 17.fns 18. Kasugao 19. fns 20. Kotonowaka 21. Kisenosato