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Everything posted by Barutokai

  1. Barutokai

    Yokozuna Hoshoryu

    I wonder if Takakeisho's health was also in the picture of a promotion discussion. The answer is probably yes: he had to withdraw already from some tournaments up until his DY streak two years ago. And they probably remembered the scene were Takakeisho hat his awful neck injury against Ichinojo in July '21. Hoshoryu on the other side seems to be in a much healthier position.
  2. Barutokai

    Kyushu 2024 discussion (results)

    Well this 1 gaijin/heya rule HAD to finally pay off. And many successful foreign rikishi did retire in the last 3-4 years.
  3. Barutokai

    Kyushu 2024 ridiculous predictions

    Takayasu's old childhood rival, 'Gary', shows up each day with signs like: "You will never yusho!" Takayasu is enraged and wins 15-0. Later Gary writes a book how he helped Takayasu yusho, will become a media celeb and appears on every food related show in Japanese television.
  4. Barutokai

    Natsu 2024 discussion (results)

    I wonder if he is a happy hubby... That dynasty stuff can be quite hard. I wonder if Kakuryu kinda declined to marry the shishos daughter...
  5. Barutokai

    Natsu 2024 discussion (results)

    While it's sad that he'd be demoted I really hope he doesn't become a mongolian Shodai.
  6. Barutokai

    Ridiculous Predictions Natsu 2024

    The reason why Asanowaka is the bow twirler: Asashoryu himself enters on day 5, wins the yusho and says in his victory speech: Really. Everyone is weak! / 本当に皆弱い!
  7. Barutokai

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    This will also be the worst Kotonowaka-Ozeki-Yusho for the next years
  8. Barutokai

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    On comparing the pics I think it's the same (new) car as in January. When the two yokozuna are sitting in the back it looks like there is no more space too. The side mirrors also have that silver part (maybe a blinker). I mean Hakuho still presented the sansho... he is still in the NSK...
  9. Barutokai

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    WOW. Still two wins ahead!
  10. Barutokai

    Terutsuyoshi Intai

    He was born in the day of the Great Hanshin earthquake.ōki#Early_life_and_sumo_experience
  11. Barutokai

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    In tomorrow's final bout they are fighting for the fourth win. On day nine. Cumulated. Either one will have three or both will have two. A real komusubi no ichiban. Except komusubi Abi has six wins today. So double of both.
  12. Barutokai

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    Wakatakakage 4-0 in Juryo. Good start, he seems to be healthy.
  13. Gives Ranma ½ vibes. Competing in and mastering even the most ridiculous challenges. Wouldn't be too bad for Hakuho to read that Manga
  14. Interesting thought! I mean he was scouted at the age of 5-6. He kinda was supposed to be the next big sekitori if not yokozuna.
  15. Well... Hakuho is probably still expensive for the jsa...
  16. Barutokai

    Hatsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Second ozeki kk, in a row, while only at 3 ozeki Basho. That is very good; nothing to be ashamed of.
  17. Barutokai

    Kyujo for Hatsu 2024

    One hopes that his early return doesn't backfire. Still glad he's back.
  18. Barutokai

    Kanji of the year

    Cool. With the calligraphy presentation it has more style than those Words/Unwords/Words of the Youth we have in Germany every year. Full list.
  19. Barutokai

    Kyushu 2023 discussion (results)

    Soga in your second query got fusenpai 2 days in a row... oh yeah second time was when covid hit the stable.
  20. Barutokai

    Kyushu 2023 discussion (results)

    So 1-0-6 guy Sadanojo got a fusensho. Should be a very rare case that one "just has to show up" to stay on the banzuke. Edit: yeah 2nd time
  21. Barutokai

    Kyushu 2023 discussion (results)

    So Futahaguro, or rather his case, is kind of a great barrier of Ozeki. As in preventing Konishiki, Kaio, Takakeisho... probably more from becoming a Yokozuna. People with more hinkaku than F. himself.
  22. Barutokai

    Kyushu 2023 discussion (results)

    OK at the same age Takakeisho only had 4jy... and 2 yusho (2020.11). While only 6 years pro. Takakeisho is a working-horse. Not that perfect but he gets that job done.
  23. Barutokai

    Kyushu 2023 discussion (results)

    Never. While F. had 7 JY, Takakeisho would have 5 Y, 8 JY.
  24. Barutokai

    Kyushu 2023 discussion (results)

    Kirishima: "Alright I'll try to get you to land on your ass next time!"
  25. Barutokai

    Aki jungyo 2023