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  1. Chartorenji

    Banzuke for Haru 2025

    getting an 11-4 at M1 and still being leapfrogged by someone else is crazy.
  2. Chartorenji

    Nishonoseki Beya Drinking Party Scandal

    Onosato going from being in trouble to reading this must be a whirlwind of emotions.
  3. Chartorenji

    49th Fuji TV (?) Grand Sumo Tournament (2025)

    Takayasu, probably should have specified it with "Makuuchi" Yusho haha
  4. Chartorenji

    49th Fuji TV (?) Grand Sumo Tournament (2025)

    He can do anything BUT win a Yusho.
  5. Chartorenji

    Flying Monkey Trouble - Tobizaru Accused of Bullying

    I remember that he wasn't considered a super prospect, but someone who could make Sandanme and potentially Makushita fairly easy. A lesser version of Toseiryu essentially. So he's def below expectations.
  6. Chartorenji

    Flying Monkey Trouble - Tobizaru Accused of Bullying

    --"Is Satsumashou also planning to quit being a tsukebito? " -"Ah, I don't know about that." words of an innocent man right here. At least say something like "I enjoy my relationship with Satsumashou and wish he doesn't leave the role." or something
  7. Chartorenji

    Hidetora Hanada signs NIL contract with WWE

    I mean he's got a year left before he passes the age limit to join Ozumo? Still has time to figure out his path. I'm also pretty sure Hanada red shirted his first year at CSU, so he's got another year left I think.
  8. Chartorenji

    Promotion/Demotion and Yūshō Discussion Aki 2024

    haven't watched in the past year regularly, but it's crazy how quickly Aonishiki has moved up. Dudes still 20 as well.
  9. Chartorenji

    Kyujo Updates - 2024 Haru

    I meant no disrespect to the injury, that was what I was referencing in the "GTFO" part. Like I said, I respect it as it's been clear he's hurting.
  10. Chartorenji

    Kyujo Updates - 2024 Haru

    I appreciate the "Do the bare minimum and gtfo" mentality. Pretty sure he's done this before too.
  11. There is a market here in America for Sumo wrestling, it's just relatively untapped. The way the "Freak Shows" still get thousands of viewers not only in attendance but also online proves it I think. The only way you can do it I think while retaining some sense of honor/prestige is doing everything you can to hold the events like Ozumo. I'm talking dirt dohyos, bringing in former Rikishi as judges/coaches, having a banzuke. And while doing all that you also connect with the younger audience that views sports mostly through social media. Jomboy Media (youtube channel with a million plus subscribers) has done several videos on the sport for example. Bring in him and others and show them the stuff more hardcore sumo fans would know.
  12. Chartorenji

    Michinoku beya likely to close

    It took less then one basho for Kakaryu to get an Ozeki! Is he the GOAT Oyakata?
  13. I mean, Hakuoho has been the one dude coming out of this looking better due to the whole wallet stuff. Would be shocked if he's messing up too.
  14. Chartorenji

    New recruits March 2024

    Probably good for Asakayama to start recruiting heavily again. Kaisho looks unlikely to make it back to Juryo for a while. Having a younger Kaisei to recruit has to help too
  15. Chartorenji

    Ishiura Intai

    Ishiura just waiting for the aftermath of this drama so he can reopen the college link to the stable again