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Everything posted by Chartorenji

  1. The fact none of the articles are saying they are thinking of dumping Miyagino (and rather, demoting) tells me either his involvement was limited, or his efforts to stop Hokuseiho were in vein somehow. Feels like if he was really involved he'd already been thrown out.
  2. Chartorenji

    2024 NHK charity ozumo

    Feels like there's lots of hype in Japan for Atamifuji. Tons of attention being put on him in events like this.
  3. Chartorenji

    2024 Fuji TV 48th Grand sumo tournament

    I'm guessing the top guys are going to the Hakuho Cup since both are on the same day no?
  4. Chartorenji

    2024 Fuji TV 48th Grand sumo tournament

    Teri making it to the top 8 just because he hates Tobizaru would be hilarious.
  5. Chartorenji

    Next Ozeki?

    I'll say it, I think Atamifuji is next up. 21 years old and already at the top of the Maegashira ranks, give him a basho or two and he could easily make his Sanyaku debut real soon and from there the flood gates are open.
  6. Chartorenji

    Promotion/Demotion and Yūshō Discussion Hatsu 2024

    That is 3 Jonokuchi Yusho in 4 basho for Ajigawa Heya. Creating a good core group of Rikishi.
  7. Looks like it's an extension of Roku from just a a quick glance on the website. Seems rather small but they are advertising Sumo heavily, so guessing this is their biggest get.
  8. Chartorenji

    Hatsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Kirishima is 10-0 versus Kotonowaka, good chance he remains level with Terunofuji. (If Teruno beats Kotonowaka here ofc.)
  9. Chartorenji

    Hatsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Most hyped I've seen this crowd since....I don't even know. Maybe the Fuji/Motoharu craziness?
  10. Chartorenji

    World Championship Sumo

    Best way for this to work is building up some actual home grown dudes. Bring in local clubs, make it more of a team sport (Dallas fans supporting those from their city, etc) and start building that groundswell of support.
  11. Chartorenji

    Hatsu 2024 discussion (results)

    My mom keeps calling Aoiyama "No Nip" so maybe having 4 is better
  12. Chartorenji

    New recruits Hatsu 2024

    Out of curiosity (and this might be a better question for those more knowledgeable on amateur sumo) how much pull does Kakaryu/Otowayama have with potential recruits? It just feels like he has less hype or fans compared to say Hakuho or Kisenosato.
  13. Chartorenji

    New recruits Hatsu 2024

    Can't tell if that's a Warhammer 40K reference on the right Mawashi or if Magneto got an upgrade.
  14. You could always just minimalize the fall? Say 2 basho and you fall, but after that you remain in purgatory. So a high ranking Makuuchi/Sanyaku can fall to late Juryo/high Makushita and make it back up quickly when they recover without ruining a year or two of their careers.
  15. Chartorenji

    Hatsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Just saw that. Hopefully it's nothing super bad.
  16. Chartorenji

    Kyujo for Hatsu 2024

    Is this all freak stuff or something with the training? Kiho falling that far is sad to watch.
  17. Chartorenji

    Hatsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Big big fall from Hokutofuji. Could legit be multiple things (I thought concussion, but could also be some hip and leg stuff added on.) luckily they didn't have him walk back up to the dohyo. Glad their response is at leas somewhat improving
  18. Chartorenji

    Oshoma Accused of Harassment

    Obviously stuff has got to change. But I wouldn't put all my eggs in Takanohana's basket either.
  19. Chartorenji

    Aki 2023 discussion (results)

    Glad to see Onosato come into his own. I know a couple of us gave each other crap about his success potential but he is clearly a great talent and the faster he can get to Makuuchi the better.
  20. Chartorenji

    The end?

    I watched Natto just due to the little personality things he'd do. Really sucks to see him go, but I'll try to follow him through to Rumble (If I cannot get sucked into slapping or politics lmao) or wherever they go
  21. Chartorenji

    Amateur yokozuna gives up sumo to pursue NFL dream

    My old high school just had their generational football player/student join CSU with big hurrah from the city (not unlike rikishi reporting to their mayors haha.) Weird convergence of Sumo fan and personal life for me.
  22. Chartorenji

    Aki 2023 Retirements

    Only 3? Not bad.
  23. Chartorenji

    Newer Ozeki Kotonowaka?

    that's 32 wins with a year of Kachi-Koshi's to his name. Might not be as dominant as Hoshoryu's run, but I can see how it'll happen. Plus Shodai was 100% deserving. 2 Jun-Yusho's right before the run began.
  24. Chartorenji

    Newer Ozeki Kotonowaka?

    Uncle has no sway in Ozumo and was in the disgrace camp when they left.
  25. Chartorenji

    What makes a great ozeki?

    I'll throw in my two cents. A great Ozeki is someone who is consistently great but not excellent. Someone who is always a contender but not commonly the champion. Takakeisho is a great ozeki. Shodai was consistently not a good Ozeki. Mitakeumi was a terrible Ozeki. Asanoyama was a good Ozeki. Etc, etc.