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Everything posted by Chartorenji

  1. Chartorenji

    Natsu 2023 discussion (results)

    And, suddenly, a new Ozeki has been crowned.
  2. Chartorenji

    ex-Kotoshougiku - new heya

    Do we know who the key deshi are? Or is it a wait and see type of thing.
  3. Chartorenji

    Natsu 2023 discussion (results)

    A great strategy from Meisei get's him the Kinboshi! First career Kinboshi
  4. Chartorenji

    Rikishi Status - 2023 Natsu

    Was doing some research on the new recruits at Jonokuchi. Shiroma is the one name that doesn't make too much sense, due to his college background and competing since High School. Any reason known or hinted at for his absence?
  5. Chartorenji

    Natsu 2023 discussion (results)

    You'd think having a two time Yusho winner would entice some more recruits to join.
  6. Chartorenji

    Lower division celebs results

    Shishi looks incredible so far. Hope he can make it.
  7. Chartorenji

    New recruits Natsu 2023

    Only 5 new recruits seems especially lower then the norm. We get around 8-9 usually right?
  8. Chartorenji

    Next salt-thrower

    plus Shohoryu didn't want it after a while.
  9. Chartorenji

    Next salt-thrower

    Akua is perfect for this role. Dude is one of the most entertaining Rikishi on the Dohyo.
  10. Chartorenji

    Violence in Michinoku

    WTF? That seems a lot more then past incidents in Ozumo.
  11. Chartorenji

    GTB invite- Natsu (May) 2023 - 159 entries. RESULTS!!!

    Well, that's a new low for me...
  12. Chartorenji

    Rikishi weight check for Natsu 2023

    Did Hokuseiho grow a couple Cm? Remember him being squarely at 200.
  13. Chartorenji

    Terunofuji has a new website

    I would think the recruiting failures weren't helped by the bullying stuff and forced retirement of Hikarifuji. Who knows though,
  14. Chartorenji

    Futagoyama-oyakata health news

    willing to risk his own life just so Shiden doesn't make it back to Juryo
  15. Chartorenji

    Yes Theory go to Onomatsu Beya (Video)

    Accidentally revealed they still use social media to DM the guy who stayed overnight lmao. Wonder if that's gonna get anyone in trouble.
  16. Chartorenji

    The end?

    The End? The Beginning also holy cow NHK giving a crap about western viewers beyond Sumo Prime Time? Things are looking up.
  17. Chartorenji

    Kiribayama injured-out of jungyo

    JSA has to be frustrated. Dude is the best chance to make it and gets injured. Terrible luck, as it could def impact his run.
  18. Chartorenji

    New recruits Natsu 2023

    which was my point. the Miyagino versus Nishonoseki rivalry is already being flared up by fans
  19. Chartorenji

    New recruits Natsu 2023

    Would be funny if Nakamura can't 7-0 his way to Juryo in his first tournament, would really get this forum fired up lmao.
  20. Chartorenji

    New Juryo for Natsu

    Right? 5-10 at J11 is insane. Even if Kawazoe looked poor, he or Shiden deserve that spot over him.
  21. Chartorenji

    Sumo-themed TV series Coming to Netflix

    looks fun.
  22. Chartorenji

    Future prospects to keep an eye on

    Onosho ain't making it, injuries have been getting worse. I guess Kotoshoho is a big maybe, and Hoshoryu probably makes it soonish.
  23. Chartorenji

    Haru 2023 discussion (results)

  24. Chartorenji

    Rikishi Status - 2023 Haru Basho

    Positions him better if he comes back July or September.
  25. Chartorenji

    Haru 2023 discussion (results)

    Kiribayama is at 21 wins now for an Ozeki run ending next tournament right?