Inside Sport Japan

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  1. Inside Sport Japan

    New recruits Hatsu 2023

  2. Inside Sport Japan

    New recruits Hatsu 2023

    He didn’t change his name. His parents are divorced and he has been using his mothers name. That’s not what’s on his family register though so he has to use Saito. He’s going to get it officially changed.
  3. Inside Sport Japan

    New recruits Hatsu 2023

    This weekend, the son of Kabutoyama oyakata (former maegashira Oikari) will be announced as joining his father at Isenoumi beya.
  4. Inside Sport Japan

    Hiro Morita’s “Sumo Prime Time”

    Few rikishi are confident in their English abilities and when Japanese is an option they'll always use that. Apart from the Americans, Canadians, English, and Osunaarashi, there aren't many (any?) rikishi whose English would have been better than their Japanese, and they can convey what they want to say much better in the latter. For something like Idiot Abroad the presenter didn't speak Japanese and it was like a Joey and Ichiban lipstick thing.
  5. Inside Sport Japan

    2023 World Sumo Championships

    Ozumo rikishi are a common sight at the SWC even when it’s in Osaka. From late October through December they will be in Kyushu (and then Kansai) though so that will impact how many attend the tournament this time.
  6. Inside Sport Japan

    2023 World Sumo Championships

    The 2023 Sumo World Championships, which were originally scheduled to take place in Russia, will now be in Tachikawa, Tokyo at a date to be decided between October and December. The venue is probably going to be the same one used by ozumo for the jungyo.
  7. Inside Sport Japan

    Serendipity in Kanazawa

    From the left: Konishiki, Hokutoumi, Asahifuji, Kirishima.
  8. Inside Sport Japan

    Need help contacting Sumomuseum

    1971 Not that we are aware of. At least not like those thereafter. The poster for 2011 March was printed but they don't seem to have printed the pamphlet. If they did it was scrapped immediately and none have ever surfaced. May was made a 'technical examination tournament' before the printing normally happens and no goods of any kind were made or sold at it - only food and drink. Haru yes, Natsu no.
  9. Inside Sport Japan

    New recruits Kyushu 2022

  10. Inside Sport Japan

    Rikishi extra activities

  11. Inside Sport Japan

    Is Sumo On the Ropes?

    Fred Varcoe is probably best known for being fired from the Japan Times twenty years ago over an article about the World Cup which opened with him being solicited by a sex worker in Seoul. Some in Korea didn't like that and apparently pressure was brought to bear which resulted in his sacking. He's a long time member of the foreign media set in Japan and has worked for various publications and sites over the years. He has a 'unique' style.
  12. Inside Sport Japan

    Sumo Fan Festival 2022

  13. Inside Sport Japan

    Sumo Fan Festival 2022

  14. Inside Sport Japan

    Hiro Morita’s “Sumo Prime Time”

    This is the main point. It's just Hiro and Yusuke doing everything themselves. They both looked shattered at one stage - especially Hiro who was new to the world of freelance content creation and making the mistake many do of not pacing yourself at the beginning.
  15. Inside Sport Japan

    Sumo Fan Festival 2022

  16. Inside Sport Japan

    Hiro Morita’s “Sumo Prime Time”

  17. Inside Sport Japan

    Behind the Scenes at Basho

    You jest but fax is still how media applications for many JSA events must be sent. Not limited to sumo. Email or online applications are becoming more common each year but fax was still the preferred option for many sports up to a year or two ago.
  18. Inside Sport Japan

    Hiro Morita’s “Sumo Prime Time”

    From what we've heard in the past from the people involved NHK scheduling is mostly a matter of who is available on what day. Because of other commitments with horse racing it's rare to hear Murray Johnson on certain days for example. No one that we've spoken to has mentioned any extra prestige associated with particular days, although it's surely more exciting or stimulating to be doing the final weekend.
  19. Inside Sport Japan

    Amateur yokozuna gives up sumo to pursue NFL dream

    Of making the IPP? Yes. He's athletic and young enough to be of interest. Of making an NFL roster for the regular season? Very slim chance of that. Teams cut hundreds of players that were stars at big US college programs every August.
  20. Inside Sport Japan

    New recruits Aki 2022

    It was the same with Scandinavia correct? PeterSON EricSON etc. Ireland as well. O'Brien O'Reilly (O meaning of) and McDonagh MacMahon (Mac meaning 'son of')
  21. Inside Sport Japan

    Amateur yokozuna gives up sumo to pursue NFL dream

    Straight up against US college football players there would be little to no chance for sure but his path is through the NFL IPP. Hanada wouldn't be the first athlete without football experience to get a shot that way.