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Wakawakawaka last won the day on February 14 2024

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154 Excellent

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  1. Wakawakawaka

    Yokozuna Hoshoryu

    Rooting for Hoshoryu that was a frustrating match to watch even without him getting hurt in it. Why is he still trying to throw Atamifuji?! It doesn't work, the kid is too big and too inert.
  2. Finals go down to my 2 favorites, can't lose there!
  3. Ura seems like the kind of guy that can have an intellectually stimulating dialogue with his pet rock. So many hate pet rocks... it's regretful.
  4. Is it normal for these to get MORE one sided as we get deeper into the polling?
  5. I saw Musashimaru more as a kid back in 1999 when Akebono was out a bit , plus Musashimaru is an oyakata now, and his appearences on the NHK programs I've seen are always entertaining.
  6. Shishi hasn't made much of an impression on me yet, Takanosho's sumo doesn't make much of an impression either, but he seems like quite the amicable fella, always busts out a big smile in interviews.
  7. Gonoyama way ahead of Mitakeumi? Poor Mitakeumi, nice guy finish last, it's ok to be a villain (Gonoyama) as long as you are good at it?
  8. I consider Shimazuumi to be similar in style to Kotoeko/Hiradoumi so I'm all aboard on him and hope to see him back in Makuuchi soon!
  9. I voted for Daieisho too, and am surprised but not Tsurugisho is (currently) in the lead, the guy's fighing spirit is admirable.
  10. Wakawakawaka

    Flying Monkey Trouble - Tobizaru Accused of Bullying

    Exactly. Until an investigation that is in proportion to the accusations is conducted, it would be equally wrong to either condemn Tobizaru or to call the accusers liars. The only way to which presumptive innocence can be applied to both parties in this court of public opinion so to say is to 'accept' the facts of the accusations, but posit missing context or misattributing of motive that would reveal Tobizaru's actions as perhaps reckless or thoughtless, but not malicious.
  11. Ichiyamamoto vs Takanosho is tough, they both seem like such jovial chaps.
  12. ^ Tamashoho has more guinea pigs
  13. O you said Daishoho .vs. Takerufuji? I thought you said Daeisho .vs. Takarafuji. That's my leading theory.
  14. Wakawakawaka

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    WMH had some ill intent on that kachiage, Ura's response: "O you want a fight do ya!?"
  15. O well, nobody else was doing it so I figured I'd give it a shot. If the result is wrong, I hope it has inspired someone to take up the task of doing it right. Edit: How about this as an alternate scoring for 'Makuuchi' (taking the top 42 players of the current meta-banzuke). In this way the average number of wins is ~7.5