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About Heitaikai

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  • Favourite Rikishi
  1. Heitaikai

    Kakuryu Interview

    Excellent!! ;-) Thanks, Fay :-D
  2. Heitaikai

    Pics Natsu Basho Day 07

    Great pics as always, Fay. Thank you so much for sharing them!! (Sign of approval...) (Sign of approval...)
  3. Great pics als always... thanks a lot ;-)
  4. Heitaikai

    Tomozuna Beya

    I don't find it too much. I like reading the messages from Tomozuna Beya and I like to be informed when there are new ones. Please, don't stop it B-)
  5. Heitaikai

    Guess his rank ...

    Ooops, I didn't know I am that good at guessing... (Clapping wildly...) Thank you very much, Fay!
  6. Heitaikai

    Guess his rank ...

    makushita 49 w
  7. Heitaikai

    Russian Kesho Mawashi

    A very good idea (Applauding...) Thank you very much, Verena!
  8. Heitaikai

    Who am I ? <3>

  9. Heitaikai

    Who am I ? <3>

  10. Heitaikai

    Who am I ? <2>

  11. Heitaikai

    Who am I ? <1>

  12. Heitaikai

    Who am I ? <1>

    oh no... ;-) , of course it's my alltime-favourite Musoyama (Fujishima oyakata)
  13. Heitaikai

    Guess the rikishis

    1. Hakuho 2. Ama 3. Kotoshogiku Viele Gr
  14. Heitaikai

    Adopted Rikishi

    In another thread I read about "adopted rikishi". I read about it in the mailing list for a couple of times, but never found out how it works. Is it a matter of the mailing list only? How can I find out which rikishi isn't already adopted? Are there regulations which rikishi may be taken? Where can I submit my adoption application? Thanks for any help. Heitaikai
  15. Heitaikai

    updated sekitori avatars?

    First of all... thank you very much for your positive comments! I will upload new avatars regularly. A few minutes ago I added some new ones on both avatar-sites (Ama, Kotooshu, Kaiho, Kotonishiki, Terao... more will follow soon). It's a bit empty in the "newcomers' corner" - only Masuto and Sawai at the moment. As Odoriou mentioned before, it is very difficult to find pictures of lower ranked rikishi. I like the idea very much! Does anyone know where I can find pictures of those mountains that I may use for this purpose? Heitaikai