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Everything posted by Naifuzan

  1. Naifuzan

    Results of top-rankers 2003

    Interesting. Especially interesting to see how Kaio dominates Chiyo who dominates Tochi who dominates Kaio... and so on.
  2. Naifuzan

    Happy Birthday Doitsu!

    Happy birthday! I won't look up a funny emoticon, I hope it's alright anyway
  3. Naifuzan

    ISP day 3

    Maybe I should have participated. That way you'd have one more MK to make thing a little bit easier :-)
  4. Naifuzan


    Yes, that's right. I got it a bit mixed up. It was Kasugao who got it at 10-5.
  5. Naifuzan


    Takanotsuru got one not that long ago tho :-)
  6. Naifuzan

    Who's going to win it all tomorrow?

    I vote for Asashoryu! But whoever wins, it will be well deserved.
  7. Naifuzan

    Rikishi feelings after day 13

    What a terrible picture. Asashoryu should have won. Asashoryu is the best!!!
  8. Naifuzan


    No scandals at all this basho. Biggest thing happening seems to be Musashimaru's retirement, wich wasnt very unexpected, although sad. Genki Tochiazuma, Asashoryu seems fine as well. Imagine what a great basho this would be if Chiyotaikai and Kaio had been in good form as well, and if wakanosato hadn't gotten a lot of losses early on. >:-( Oh well... It's still not that bad, and it's gonna be very exiting to see how it ends!
  9. Naifuzan

    More on Maru's retirement...

    Azumazeki Oyakata himself, then known as Takamiyama. Since he said "that day has come to pass" I guess... none I'm not 100% sure so please correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. Naifuzan

    Games server

  11. Naifuzan

    Day 9 comments

    :-( ;-) (Applauding...) Excellent comments. I've missed these.
  12. Naifuzan

    Asashoryu vs Kyokutenho

    How come there were more zabutons flying around after Asashoryus win over 10ho than there was when maru lost to Tosanoumi? :-D
  13. Naifuzan


    Kaio is injured pretty much everywhere. He has been that way since last basho and it just seems to get worse. Iwakiyama will probably pick up a fusensho tomorrow.
  14. Naifuzan


    That basho was the basho that got me interested enough in sumo to go out on the web and search for sumo sites and learn more about the sport. When Kyushu then came and I followed it live I was wondering who ever could stop the giant Musashimaru. But that apparantly was no big problem :-D I'm sad to see Maru go, but on the other hand he's been gone for over a year so it wasn't a very big surprise.
  15. Naifuzan

    Asashoryu vs Kyokutenho

    It might answer why there were no zabutons when maru lost. But why zabutons flying when Shoryu won? That can hardly have been an upset, now can it?
  16. Naifuzan

    What a great day 5!

    Talking about sumo games... What a Bench Sumo bout I had. I had 5 winner in my team and managed to put them all in the right spots giving me a perfect score. My opponent had 6 winners in his teams and also got a perfect score but won on the 2nd bench rikishi :-D
  17. Naifuzan

    Sumoforum Ichimon has been Created!

    No, you'd only need 6 to start a new ichimon. The preferable number is 10, but I understand it's only 6 when you launch one! :-S Great idea, Kintamayama-zeki! This must be developed as a happy, fun, friendly ichimon sure to thrive! (Grouphug) Unless ofcourse... HENKA!!! :-S
  18. Naifuzan

    Sumoforum Ichimon has been Created!

    I'd gladly join. I'm currently playing BS as Oshidashi, but I will probably change after the basho. Feels a bit wrong to change shikona in the middle of a basho.
  19. Naifuzan


    He and Tochiazuma has simply switched places it seems.
  20. Naifuzan


    I dont know about that... From the face it kinda looks like a man, so I'm happy the way things are (Laughing...)
  21. Naifuzan

    Whatever happened to...

    Yes I agree with all of y'all. It feels a little empty.
  22. Naifuzan

    How will Iwakiyama do?

    I have faith in the big guy, so I voted 8-9.
  23. Naifuzan

    Server session limit exceeded x 500

    If you wanna be sure to get in on the stream, join during juryo. Preferably in the beginning of juryo. Also join me and Kotoseiya in chat so we wont have to be so lonely for the first hour (Holiday feeling...)
  24. Naifuzan

    Bench Sumo Ichimon

    I've never understood all of that (Holiday feeling...)
  25. Naifuzan

    Day 1 results and day 2 pairings

    Wasn't there reports recently of some "strong man in sumo" competition in some tv-show, wich taikai won?