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Everything posted by Naifuzan

  1. Naifuzan

    hwo will be the next youkazuna

    haha, I like your new signature Jesinofuji (Laughing...) And fujisan, I hope you haven't missed this forums glossary. It's extremely helpful!
  2. Naifuzan

    All-time RotoSumo stats

    Wow, I actually found my shikona once in there :-P
  3. Naifuzan


    Welcome to the forum! :-)
  4. Naifuzan

    hebrew lesson

    Kalmar is also a city in Sweden! :-/
  5. Naifuzan

    Kosho in sumo games

    I missed the option "sumo games are just for fun. So it doesn't matter to me" (Feeling guilty...)
  6. Naifuzan

    21 today,21 today-

    In sweden its 18 to buy alcohol in a pub or night club or such and 20 to buy in store. So 21 isn't really a big deal here.
  7. Naifuzan

    Sumo quiz 1

    Same here, except for number 5 B-)
  8. Naifuzan

    Another birthday boy-Kashunowaka

    Congratulations! (In a state of confusion...)
  9. Naifuzan

    21 today,21 today-

    Thanks! (Exercising...) I will be celebrating tonight and saturday night instead. (In a state of confusion...)
  10. Naifuzan

    Wakanosato news

    We can always hope for 11 wins in Kyushu and then another 11 in Hatsu (In a state of confusion...)
  11. Naifuzan

    Basho-round up ramblings

    Oh my GoD! Not Bad????? (In a state of confusion...) Not bad? Is that all you have to say about our new Sumo Deity from Mongolia? Some decent moves? DECENT? You call this decent: (Exercising...) This basho, he has taken Sumo to a new level of excitement. Until he got injured doing this he had a perfect record, and the Sumo he performed up until then was outright astonishing! He won the Yusho 13-2, his only losses comming against a strong Tochiazuma and a strong Waknosato. This basho he cemented his Yokozuna status into all the Sumo world, and the Japanese public. No one can contest this now. He showed the world that for him, just being a Yokozuna isn't enough, he shall become a Dai-Yokozuna, and is one less basho away from that title. His domination of the dohyou simply would not cease! He manhandled his opponents. He would get the mawashi and just take control, total control! Chances are, he will take his 5th yusho before the end of the year. We can expect to see even more of this come November. And for the record I think Kaio will remain Oozeki. Seeing as how it was Kakitsune that wrote it "decent" is actually really good, its a step in the right direction and we should all be happy! (Whistling...)
  12. Naifuzan

    YDC tackles Takamisakari "ceremony" issue

    I will go read your daily joke again now. Maybe I will be wiser! (Sigh...)
  13. Naifuzan

    Sekitori-Toto & Oracle Winners

    Thanks alot Zentoryu! I hadnt noticed. I always use the "add reply" button.
  14. Naifuzan

    YDC tackles Takamisakari "ceremony" issue

    Now that seems "discourteous" if anything, doesnt it? (Sigh...)
  15. Naifuzan

    Sekitori-Toto & Oracle Winners

    Ok, It's a deal! ;-) By the way... How do you quote someones entire post, like you two just did?
  16. Naifuzan

    Pictures from the Basho

    It can only be Heineken! ;-)
  17. Naifuzan

    Sekitori-Toto & Oracle Winners

    Sekitoto is hard! (Lifting weight...)
  18. Naifuzan

    Pictures from the Basho

    I think I saw a picture in a swedish newspaper about asashoryu doing just that a while ago. Might have been another similar cup...
  19. Naifuzan

    YDC and the Yokozunas-news ..

    I'd love to see musashimaru return and get back into shape. I havent seen that much of him since I started following sumo Kyushu last year, wich was when he got that wrist injury.
  20. Naifuzan

    Hoshitori scores?

    Could anyone who has the results either post them here or tell me how I did? Thanks a lot.
  21. Naifuzan

    is kaio be yokozona in hatsu

    Going MK (getting less than 8 wins) as an ozeki means you'll be kadoban the following basho. Being kadoban means that if you go MK you'll lose your rank. If you get 8 or more wins you'll get rid of the kadoban status. Wich Tochiazuma did this basho. So, if an ozeki gets make-koshi twice in a row he'll lose his rank.
  22. Naifuzan

    Today's Victory!

    Are you sure that the history of ozumo knows David Beckham? :-P EDIT: I type like a monkey :-P
  23. Naifuzan

    Today's Victory!

    This is the first time I've seen shoryu do something like that. I had to watch the bout several times to believe it! Not that bad anyway, imho, since we got a good bout to watch anyway. That being said, let me join in the celebrations! (Laughing...) (Laughing...) (Applauding...) (Sign of approval) (Blushing...) (Punk rocker...) (Laughing...)
  24. Naifuzan


    I usually read their columns during bashos. Even if they're not right all the time or I dont agree with them all the time I find it a good read. I like to get several different viewpoints and all of the doesnt have to be the same as my own.